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Last active October 17, 2018 13:56
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Grey-Level Cooccurrence Matrix ( GLCM )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jul 04 11:07:04 2018
@author: Baikal
If you have any question or some advice about the program,please don't hesitate to contact me.
Due to GLCM calculation procedure is going on every pixels of the whole image and Python processing efficiency is
not very well, so the program is a little time-consuming.
# Reference:
# (Texture Metrics Background---Harris Forum)
#Purpose:To calculate GLCM ignore background.
import os
import gdal
import numpy as np
import time
from collections import Counter
def Grey_Scale_Convert( S1_DIR, Grey_Scale ):
HH_file = 'Aim_Beta0_HH_Correction_RB.tif'
S1_HH = os.path.join( S1_DIR, HH_file )
S1_HH_Image = gdal.Open( S1_HH )
S1_HH_Data = S1_HH_Image.ReadAsArray( )
## Remove data value of 255 pixels.
S1_HH_Data_Remove0 = S1_HH_Data[ S1_HH_Data != 255 ]
max = S1_HH_Data_Remove0.max( )
min = S1_HH_Data_Remove0.min( )
Xsize = S1_HH_Image.RasterXSize # Columns
Ysize = S1_HH_Image.RasterYSize # Rows
Geotransform = S1_HH_Image.GetGeoTransform( )
Projection = S1_HH_Image.GetProjection( )
##Create Output file.
Driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
S1_Scale_Data = np.zeros( ( Ysize , Xsize ), dtype = np.int8 )
out_file = 'grey_level_convention.tif'
Out_S1_HH = os.path.join( S1_DIR, out_file )
if os.path.exists( Out_S1_HH ):
os.remove( Out_S1_HH )
Output_S1_HH_Tiff = Driver.Create( Out_S1_HH ,Xsize ,Ysize ,1 ,gdal.GDT_Int16 )
Output_S1_HH_Tiff.SetGeoTransform( Geotransform )
Output_S1_HH_Tiff.SetProjection( Projection )
for row in range( Ysize ):
for col in range( Xsize ):
if S1_HH_Data[ row, col ] != 255:
S1_Scale_Data[ row, col ] = ( S1_HH_Data[ row, col ] * 1.0 - min ) / ( max - min ) * int( Grey_Scale )
Output_S1_HH_Tiff.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( S1_Scale_Data )
Output_S1_HH_Tiff.FlushCache() #Save to disk
S1_HH_Image = None #Close it.
Output_S1_HH_Tiff = None #Close the file.
return Out_S1_HH
def GLCM( Out_S1_HH, Grey_Scale, Window_Size, Step, S1_DIR ):
Start_time = time.time()
S1_HH_glc_Image = gdal.Open( Out_S1_HH )
S1_HH_glc_Data = S1_HH_glc_Image.ReadAsArray( )
Xsize = S1_HH_glc_Image.RasterXSize # Columns
Ysize = S1_HH_glc_Image.RasterYSize # Rows
Geotransform = S1_HH_glc_Image.GetGeoTransform( )
Projection = S1_HH_glc_Image.GetProjection( )
# To create Textural Features TIFF files.
Driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
Output_Classification_Dir = S1_DIR + r'/' + Grey_Scale + '_' + Window_Size + '_' + Step + '/'
if not os.path.exists( Output_Classification_Dir ):
os.mkdir( Output_Classification_Dir )
Output_Classification_Dir_Name = Output_Classification_Dir + r'Aim_Beta0_HH_Correction_Statistics_' + Grey_Scale + '_' + Window_Size + '_' + Step + '.tif'
Grey_Scale = int( Grey_Scale )
Window_Size = int( Window_Size )
Step = int( Step )
if os.path.exists( Output_Classification_Dir_Name ):
os.remove( Output_Classification_Dir_Name )
Output_Tiff = Driver.Create( Output_Classification_Dir_Name ,Xsize ,Ysize ,10 ,gdal.GDT_Float32 )
Output_Tiff.SetGeoTransform( Geotransform )
Output_Tiff.SetProjection( Projection )
# Define Reference Matrix.
# Define Target Matrix.
## Initializing.
Mean = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Variance = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Energy = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Homogeneity = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Contrast = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Entropy = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Skewness = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Kurtosis = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Correlation = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
Cluster_Prominence = np.zeros( [ Ysize, Xsize ] )
## Few parameters
Half = ( Window_Size - 1 ) / 2
Prob = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] ) ## Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix
Dif_row_col = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
Mul_row_col = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
Add_row_col = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
# Compute Intermediate Variable.
for row in range( Grey_Scale ):
for col in range( Grey_Scale ):
Dif_row_col[ row, col ] = row - col
Mul_row_col[ row, col ] = ( row + 1 ) * ( col + 1 )
Add_row_col[ row, col ] = ( row + 1 ) + ( col + 1 )
# Calculate GLCM.
for row in range( Ysize ):
for col in range( Xsize ):
# Control Overflow. 0 degree
if S1_HH_glc_Data[ row, col ] != 0 \
and ( row - Step - Half ) > 0 and ( col - Step - Half ) > 0 \
and ( row + Step + Half ) < ( Ysize ) and ( col + Step + Half ) < ( Xsize ):
M_0 = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
# M_45 = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
# M_90 = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
# M_135 = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
# Define Source Window.
Ref_Value_Matrix = S1_HH_glc_Data[ row - Half : row + Half + 1, col - Half : col + Half + 1 ]
Ref_Str_Matrix = Ref_Value_Matrix.astype( str )
# Define Target Window.
Tar_0_Value_Matrix = S1_HH_glc_Data[ row + Step - Half : row + Step + Half + 1, col + Step - Half : col + Step + Half + 1 ]
Tar_0_Str_Matrix = Tar_0_Value_Matrix.astype( str )
# Connect Source and Target Window.
Ref_Tar_Matrix = np.core.defchararray.add( np.core.defchararray.add( Ref_Str_Matrix ,'_' ), Tar_0_Str_Matrix )
# To one-dimensional.
Ref_Tar_int_Array = Ref_Tar_Matrix.reshape( Window_Size * Window_Size )
Ref_Tar_list_Matrix = Ref_Tar_int_Array.tolist()
result = Counter( Ref_Tar_list_Matrix )
for pixel_value, num in result.items():
ref = int( pixel_value[ : pixel_value.find( '_' ) ] )
tar = int( pixel_value[ pixel_value.find( '_' ) + 1 : ] )
M_0[ ref - 1, tar - 1 ] = num
if M_0.sum() == 0:
Prob_0 = np.zeros( [ Grey_Scale, Grey_Scale ] )
Prob_0 = M_0 / ( M_0.sum() * 1.0 )
# Prob_45 = M_0 / ( M_45.sum() * 1.0 )
# Prob_90 = M_0 / ( M_90.sum() * 1.0 )
# Prob_135 = M_0 / ( M_135.sum() * 1.0 )
# Prob = ( Prob_0 + Prob_45 + Prob_90 + Prob_135 ) / 4
Prob = Prob_0
# Calculate textural features.
Energy[ row, col ] = np.square( Prob ).sum( )
Arbitrarily_Number = 2.2e-16
Entropy[ row, col ] = - ( Prob * np.log( Prob + Arbitrarily_Number ) ).sum()
Range = np.arange( Grey_Scale )
Mean_X = ( ( Range + 1 ) * Prob.sum( axis = 1 ) ).sum( )# axis = 1 means rows
Mean_Y = ( ( Range + 1 ) * Prob.sum( axis = 0 ) ).sum( )# axis = 0 means columns
Stan_X = np.sqrt( ( np.square( Range + 1 - Mean_X ) * Prob.sum( axis = 1 ) ).sum( ) )
Stan_Y = np.sqrt( ( np.square( Range + 1 - Mean_Y ) * Prob.sum( axis = 0 ) ).sum( ) )
Mean[ row, col ] = ( ( Range + 1 ) * Prob.sum( axis = 1 ) ).sum()
Variance[ row, col ] = ( np.square( Range + 1 - Mean[ row, col ] ) * Prob.sum( axis = 1 ) ).sum()
if ( Variance[ row, col ] ).sum() == 0:
Skewness[ row, col ] = 0
Kurtosis[ row, col ] = 0
Skewness[ row, col ] = ( ( Prob - Mean[ row, col ] ) ** 3 / ( Variance[ row, col ] * np.sqrt( Variance[ row, col ] ) ) ).sum()
Kurtosis[ row, col ] = ( ( Prob - Mean[ row, col ] ) ** 4 / ( Variance[ row, col ] ** 2 ) ).sum()
Homogeneity[ row, col ] = ( Prob / ( 1 + np.square( Dif_row_col ) ) ).sum()
Contrast[ row, col ] = ( np.square( Dif_row_col ) * Prob ).sum()
Correlation[ row, col ] = ( ( Mul_row_col * Prob ).sum() - Mean_X * Mean_Y ) / ( Stan_X * Stan_Y )
Cluster_Prominence[ row, col ] = ( ( Add_row_col - Mean_X - Mean_Y ) ** 4 * Prob ).sum()
print 'Have finished ' + str( row * 1.0 / Ysize * 100 ) + ' %'
# Write Classification Files.
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 1 ).WriteArray( Mean )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 2 ).WriteArray( Variance )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 3 ).WriteArray( Homogeneity )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 4 ).WriteArray( Contrast )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 5 ).WriteArray( Entropy )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 6 ).WriteArray( Energy )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 7 ).WriteArray( Correlation )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 8 ).WriteArray( Skewness )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 9 ).WriteArray( Kurtosis )
Output_Tiff.GetRasterBand( 10 ).WriteArray( Cluster_Prominence )
Output_Tiff.FlushCache() #Save to disk
S1_HH_glc_Image = None #Close it.
Output_Tiff = None #Close the file.
End_time = time.time()
Using_time = End_time - Start_time
print 'Time:' + str( "%.*f" % (3, Using_time / 60 ) ) + 'min' + str( "%.*f" % (3, Using_time % 60 ) ) + 's'
print 'Classification TIFF has written down\r\n'
### Main
IN_ROOT_DIR = r'G:\201606Sen\\201619/'
Direction = 0
GLCM_Paramaters_Folder = \
[ \
# '16_07_03','16_07_05', \
# '16_15_03','16_15_05','16_15_07', \
# '32_07_03','32_07_05', \
# '32_15_03','32_15_05','32_15_07', \
# '64_07_03','64_07_05', \
# '64_15_03','64_15_05','64_15_07' \
#GLCM_Paramaters_Folder = \
# [ \
# '64_07_05',
# ]
files = os.listdir( IN_ROOT_DIR )
for file in files:
if os.path.isdir( os.path.join( IN_ROOT_DIR, file ) ):
for GLCM_ID in range( len( GLCM_Paramaters_Folder ) ):
GLCM_Pars = GLCM_Paramaters_Folder[ GLCM_ID ]
Grey_Scale = GLCM_Pars[ :2 ]
Window_Size = GLCM_Pars[ 3:5 ]
Step = GLCM_Pars[ 6:8 ]
FOLDER = file
S1_DIR = os.path.join( IN_ROOT_DIR, FOLDER, 'Composition' )
Out_S1_HH = Grey_Scale_Convert( S1_DIR, Grey_Scale )
print 'Grey Scale Convention has down'
GLCM( Out_S1_HH, Grey_Scale, Window_Size, Step, S1_DIR )
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