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Created June 8, 2018 21:45
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#define N 10
struct Node
int Data;
struct Node *Next;
void Add(struct Node **PointerToFirst, int Data, int index);
void DeleteOne(struct Node **PointerToFirst, int index);
void PrintArray(struct Node *Head);
int GetOne(struct Node *Head, int index);
void PrintArray(struct Node *Head)
struct Node *tmp = Head;
while (tmp)
printf("%d ", tmp->Data);
tmp = tmp->Next;
void Add(struct Node **list, int Data, int index)
struct Node *nowy = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
nowy->Data = Data;
if (*list)
if (index == 0)
{ //Dodaje na sam poczatek, przesuwam cala jebana list o jeden
nowy->Next = *list;
*list = nowy;
struct Node *tmp = *list;
//deklarujemy poczatek po to zeby 'przeskoczyc' do niego az trafimy w podany index
int i;
for (i = 0; i < index - 1; i++)
tmp = tmp->Next;
nowy->Next = tmp->Next;
tmp->Next = nowy;
//List jest pusta
nowy->Next = 0;
*list = nowy;
void DeleteOne(struct Node **PointerToFirst, int index)
//Potrzebujemy dwa Node, jeden zeby przy usunieciu "scalic" dwa obok siebie
struct Node *temp = *PointerToFirst, *PointerToPrevious;
if (index == 0)
// Jezeli usuwamy elemnt z poczatku, to po prostu "przesuwamy" jeden element
*PointerToFirst = temp->Next;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
//Caly czas musimy pamietac poprzedni element
PointerToPrevious = temp;
temp = temp->Next;
//Just in case bo jezeli w nastepnym kroku wezmiemy poprzedni element i bedziemy chcieli jakby go scalic to sie wyjebie
if (temp == NULL)
PointerToPrevious->Next = temp->Next;
free(temp); // Free memory
int GetOne(struct Node *Head, int index)
struct Node *tmp = Head;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
tmp = tmp->Next;
return tmp->Data;
void swap(struct Node *a, struct Node *b)
int temp = a->Data;
a->Data = b->Data;
b->Data = temp;
void BubbleSort(struct Node *Head)
int swapped, i;
struct Node *FirstTemp;
struct Node *SecondTemp = NULL;
if (Head == NULL)
swapped = 0;
FirstTemp = Head;
while (FirstTemp->Next != SecondTemp)
if (FirstTemp->Data > FirstTemp->Next->Data)
swap(FirstTemp, FirstTemp->Next);
swapped = 1;
FirstTemp = FirstTemp->Next;
SecondTemp = FirstTemp;
} while (swapped);
int BinarySearch(struct Node *Head, int From, int To, int searched)
int middleIndex = (From + To) / 2;
int compared = GetOne(Head, middleIndex);
if (searched == compared)
return middleIndex;
if ((To - From) > 1)
if (compared < searched)
return BinarySearch(Head, middleIndex, To, searched);
return BinarySearch(Head, From, middleIndex, searched);
return -1;
int StartBinarySearch(struct Node *Head, int length, int searched)
//list, from, to, searched
return BinarySearch(Head, 0, length, searched);
int main()
struct Node *FirstNode = 0;
int binarySearchedElement = 80;
int indexOnList = 7;
Add(&FirstNode, 10, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 20, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 30, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 40, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 50, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 60, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 70, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 80, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 90, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 100, 0);
Add(&FirstNode, 110, 0);
printf("Nieposortowana lista \n");
printf("Posortowana lista \n");
printf("Binarne wyszukiwanie elementu %d ma index %d\n", binarySearchedElement, StartBinarySearch(FirstNode, N, binarySearchedElement));
printf("Pobranie elementu o indexie %d, listy ma wartość %d", indexOnList, GetOne(FirstNode, indexOnList));
return 0;
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