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Last active January 10, 2019 08:07
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Save Falkor/9187517 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Personal custom key bindings for [MailMate](
// File: ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/KeyBindings/Falkor.plist
// Copyright (c) 2014 Sebastien Varrette <>
// adapted from:
"/" = "mailboxSearch:";
"j" = "nextThread:";
"k" = "previousThread:";
"o" = "openMessages:"; // Gmail: Also expands or collapses a message if you are in 'Conversation View.'
"s" = "toggleFlag:";
"!" = "moveToJunk:";
"r" = "reply:";
"a" = "replyAll:";
"f" = "forwardMessage:";
"^s" = "saveDocument:";
// l Label
"v" = "moveToMailbox:";
"z" = "undo:";
// Special Seb's shortcuts
"c" = "showCorrespondence:";
"n" = "newMessage:";
"u" = "toggleReadState:"; // FIXME: Should be "markAsUnRead:"
"^s" = "send:"; // CTRL-S
"e" = ( "expandThread:", "lastOfThread:" );
"E" = "collapseThread:";
"^a" = "toggleActivityViewer:";
// Mark deleted messages as read (Postbox does this automatically)
"\U007F" = ( "setTag:", "\\Seen", "deleteMessage:" ); // ⌫ (or use \UF728 for ⌦)
// My Special moving - combo keys
"m" = {
"a" = "archive:";
"A" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#thread-id = ${#thread-id}", "archive:" ); // archive all messages of a thread
"c" = ( "setTag:", "publis", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Publis" );
"l" = "moveToMailbox:"; // 'ml': open the filing dialog
"p" = ( "setTag:", "perso", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Perso" );
"t" = ( "setTag:", "teaching", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Teaching" );
"u" = ( "setTag:", "hpc", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Sysadmin/ULHPC" );
"h" = ( "setTag:", "hpc", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Sysadmin/ULHPC" );
"s" = ( "setTag:", "sysadmin", "moveToMailbox:", "/INBOX/Sysadmin" );
// Combo keys for going to a given mailbox
"g" = {
"a" = ( "goToMailbox:", "ALL_MESSAGES" );
"s" = ( "goToMailbox:", "FLAGGED" );
"!" = ( "goToMailbox:", "JUNK" );
// g then c Go to 'Contacts' Takes you to your Contacts list.
"d" = ( "goToMailbox:", "DRAFTS" );
"l" = "goToMailbox:";
"i" = ( "goToMailbox:", "INBOX" );
"t" = ( "goToMailbox:", "SENT" );
"*" = {
"a" = "selectAll:";
"n" = "deselectAll:";
"r" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#flags.flag = '\\Seen'"); // Selects all mail you've read.
"u" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#flags.flag !=[x] '\\Seen'"); // Selects all unread mail.
"s" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#flags.flag = '\\Flagged'"); // Selects all starred mail.
"t" = ( "selectWithFilter:", "#flags.flag !=[x] '\\Flagged'"); // Selects all unstarred mail.
// Only in MailMate
// "N" = "moveDownAndModifySelection:";
// "P" = "moveUpAndModifySelection:";
// "J" = "moveDownAndModifySelection:";
// "K" = "moveUpAndModifySelection:";
// "Z" = "redo:";
Not included above:
u Return to conversation list Refreshes your page and returns you to the inbox, or list of conversations.
x Select conversation Automatically checks and selects a conversation so that you can archive, apply a label, or choose an action from the drop-down menu to apply to that conversation.
+ Mark as important Helps Gmail learn what's important to you by marking misclassified messages. (Specific to Priority Inbox)
- Mark as unimportant Helps Gmail learn what's not important to you by marking misclassified messages. (Specific to Priority Inbox)
[ Archive and previous Removes the current view's label from your conversation and moves to the previous one.
] Archive and next Removes the current view's label from your conversation and moves to the next one.
y Remove from Current View* Automatically removes the message or conversation from your current view.
From 'Inbox,' 'y' means Archive
From 'Starred,' 'y' means Unstar
From 'Trash,' 'y' means Move to inbox
From any label, 'y' means Remove the label
* 'y' has no effect if you're in 'Spam,' 'Sent,' or 'All Mail.'
. Show more actions Displays the 'More Actions' drop-down menu.
y then o Archive and next Archives your conversation and moves to the next one.
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