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Last active January 10, 2021 20:27
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Calculator for complex numbers python 3.6
import math
import signal
import sys
class color:
PURPLE = '\033[1;35;48m'
CYAN = '\033[1;36;48m'
BOLD = '\033[1;37;48m'
BLUE = '\033[1;34;48m'
GREEN = '\033[1;32;48m'
YELLOW = '\033[1;33;48m'
RED = '\033[1;31;48m'
BLACK = '\033[1;30;48m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4;37;48m'
END = '\033[1;37;0m'
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
print('Bye bye', color.END)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
def minimalNumber(x):
x = round(x, 3)
if type(x) is str:
if x == '':
x = 0
f = float(x)
if f.is_integer():
return int(f)
return f
def hasNumbers(inputString):
return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)
class ComplexNumber:
def __init__(self, a, b=0, is_complex=True):
# either a+jb or a + arg(b)
if is_complex:
self.r = a
self.j = b
degrees = (b/360)*2*math.pi
self.r = math.cos(degrees) * a
self.j = math.sin(degrees) * a
def __add__(self, num):
return ComplexNumber(self.r + num.r, self.j + num.j)
def __sub__(self, num):
return ComplexNumber(self.r - num.r, self.j - num.j)
def toArg(self):
if self.r == 0:
if self.j > 0:
div = math.pi / 2
div = - math.pi / 2
if self.j == 0:
div = 0
div = math.atan(self.j / self.r)
return [
math.sqrt(self.r**2 + self.j**2),
360 * div/(2*math.pi)
def __mul__(self, num):
this = self.toArg()
other = num.toArg()
return ComplexNumber(this[0] * other[0], this[1] + other[1], False)
def __pow__(self, num):
if not (self.j == 0) or not num.j == 0:
print(color.RED, "only real numbers can be powered", color.END)
return ComplexNumber(self.r ** num.r)
def __eq__(self, num):
if not num:
return False
if not self.r == num.r:
return False
if not self.j == num.j:
return False
return True
def __truediv__(self, num):
this = self.toArg()
other = num.toArg()
#print(this, other)
return ComplexNumber(this[0] / other[0], this[1] - other[1], False)
def getFormattedComplex(self):
r = round(self.r, 3)
j = round(self.j, 3)
s = ""
if not r == 0 or j == 0:
s += str(minimalNumber(r))
if not j == 0:
if j > 0 and len(s) > 0:
s += "+"
elif j < 0:
s += "-"
s += "j"
if not abs(j) == 1:
s += str(minimalNumber(abs(j)))
return s
def __repr__(self):
arg1, arg2 = self.toArg()
s = self.getFormattedComplex()
if not arg2 == 0:
s += " [%s<%s°]" % (minimalNumber(arg1), minimalNumber(arg2))
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Methods: / * + - ")
print("Electrical methods: // (parallel)")
print("enter space between each thingy")
print("E.g: 5 + 5, 5<90 - 5j, 500 // 500")
print("Set variables: x= 500, 'ans' or 'A[N]' for a previous answer")
print("Also remembers last number during next calculation")
action = None
num = ComplexNumber(0)
variables = {}
this = None
last_ans = None
x = 0
while True:
data = input(color.GREEN + " <<< " + color.END)
if len(data) == 0:
data = " "
split = data.split(" ")
for item in split:
done = False
if item.endswith("="):
STORE_IN = item.replace("=", "").lower()
if item.lower() in variables:
this = variables[item.lower()]
done = True
if '<' in item:
a, b = item.split("<")
A = float(a)
B = float(b)
this = ComplexNumber(A, B, False)
done = True
#print(item, "parsed to", this)
# handle methods
if done == False and len(item) < 3 and not hasNumbers(item):
done = True
if '**' in item:
action = 6
elif '*' in item:
action = 1
elif '//' in item:
action = 5
elif '/' in item:
action = 2
elif '+' in item:
action = 3
elif '-' in item:
action = 4
done = False
#print(done, action)
# handle x+jY
if not done and len(item) > 0:
method = None
if "+" in item:
method = "+"
elif "-" in item:
method = "-"
elif "j" in item:
if len(item) == 1:
item = "j1"
this = ComplexNumber(0, float(item.replace("j","")))
this = ComplexNumber(float(item), 0)
if method:
#print("m", method, item)
if "j" in item:
a,B = item.split(method)
if "j" in a:
a, B = B, a
if len(B) == 1:
B = "j1"
a = item
B = "0"
if len(a) == 0:
a = "0"
a = float(a)
b = float(B.replace("j", ""))
if method == "-":
b = -b
#print(a, b)
this = ComplexNumber(a, b)
# print(item, "parsed to", this)
if not this == None:
if action:
#print(num, "&&", this)
if action == 1:
# print("*")
res = num * this
elif action == 2:
# print("/")
res = num / this
elif action == 3:
# print("+")
res = num + this
elif action == 4:
# print("-")
res = num - this
elif action == 5:
upper = num * this
lower = num + this
res = upper / lower
elif action == 6:
res = num ** this
res = num
action = None
num = res
this = None
num = this
this = None
if not STORE_IN == None:
variables[STORE_IN] = num
if not num == last_ans:
x += 1
if x > 9:
x = 0
variables["a"+ str(x)] = num
last_ans = num
variables["ans"] = num
#this = num
print(color.BLUE, "A" + str(x) + ">", color.CYAN, num, color.END)
except Exception as e:
print(color.RED, "Error:", str(e), color.END)
import math
from complex import ComplexNumber
# you can include the complex class, to use it in other files
def parallel(a, b):
return (a*b) / (a+b)
L = 9 * 10**-6
C = 127 * 10**-12
print(L, C)
mp = L*C
w = math.sqrt( 1/mp )
_C = ComplexNumber(0, -1/(w*C))
_L = ComplexNumber(0, w*L)
print(_C, _L)
R1 = ComplexNumber(1800)
R2 = ComplexNumber(22000)
Z1 = _C
Z2 = R1 + _L
Z3 = R2
#print(parallel(_C, _L))
combinedZ12 = parallel(Z1, Z2)
#print("C", combinedZ12)
combined = parallel(combinedZ12, Z3)
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