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Created December 17, 2021 17:38
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Simple benchmark for multiprocessing in Python2
#! /usr/bin/python
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
A simple benchmark testing while learning about multiprocessing in python (2.7.10)
It is apparent from this test, conducted in MacBook Air OS 10.13.6, that using Pool
class of multiprocessing yields the best runtime performance. My guess is that in
the parallel() function, each new process is spawn up manually via a for loop, whereas
in pool() function, the processes are generated internally via the library function
call to map_async(). The latter must have better optimization.
Note that "sysctl -a | grep maxproc" returns
kern.maxproc: 1064
kern.maxprocperuid: 709
These numbers are the absolutely maximum processes allowed for the system without it breaks down.
Normally, getting the process count close to maxprocperuid could already lead to system shut down.
The question is, if multiprocessing.cpu_count is only 4 on this machine, how could I be allowed to
have 709 user processes? The answer is swapping. The machine can run at most 4 processes truly in
parallel. Anything more than that, the OS uses fancy scheduling and swapping to maintain an illusion
of concurrency. But once the number of processes becomes too big, the system can enter thrashing and
that's the reason why an upper limit is set.
In Pool class, one can designate the number of processes to use. One can make as many processes as he
likes, but the principle is the same: on this machine, only 4 processes can be run at the same time,
regardless of how many processes created for the Pool.
From benchmark testing, declaring more than four processes in Pool class did not yield better runtime.
Further reading about cpu_count and number of processes to declare in Pool class:
Output (measuring unit in seconds):
iteration #1
serial: 0.238783836365
parall: 0.244979858398
pool: 0.0794720649719
iteration #2
serial: 0.5089199543
parall: 0.268113136292
pool: 0.0120952129364
iteration #4
serial: 1.13017201424
parall: 0.504716873169
pool: 0.0117599964142
iteration #8
serial: 2.34234189987
parall: 0.991414070129
pool: 0.0127170085907
iteration #16
serial: 4.68354511261
parall: 1.9866399765
pool: 0.0138230323792
iteration #32
serial: 9.44051289558
parall: 3.97846603394
pool: 0.0130209922791
iteration #64
serial: 19.0180068016
parall: 7.95093202591
pool: 0.0137310028076
iteration #128
serial: 38.1457829475
parall: 15.9482960701
pool: 0.0195331573486
NUM_RANGE = 10000000
# the busy function
def busy(*args):
for i in xrange(NUM_RANGE):
a = 2 * 2;
def parallel(times):
''' set up processes to run the task in parallel'''
processes = [mp.Process(target=busy, args=()) for x in xrange(times)]
# Run processes
for p in processes:
# Exit the completed processes
for p in processes:
def serial(times):
''' set up function to run the task in serial '''
for i in xrange(times):
def parallel_pool(times):
''' Using apply_async or map_async function to make the code simpler for setting up multiprocessing'''
pool = mp.Pool()
# res = [pool.apply_async(busy, args=(x)) for x in xrange(times)]
res = pool.map_async(busy, xrange(times)) # note that to get the return value from map_async
iterations = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128] # total number of iterations/processes to be executed
for it in iterations:
print("iteration #" + str(it))
beg = time.time()
print("serial:\t" + str(time.time() - beg))
beg = time.time()
print("parall:\t" + str(time.time() - beg))
beg = time.time()
print("pool:\t" + str(time.time() - beg))
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