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Last active December 23, 2023 12:26
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ArmA 3 / DayZ-Standalone - BattlEye GUID calculation

md5("BE" (2 bytes) + 64-bit SteamID (8 bytes))

std::stringstream bestring;
__int64 steamID = 76561197996545192;
__int8 i = 0, parts[8] = { 0 };
do parts[i++] = steamID & 0xFF;
while (steamID >>= 8);
bestring << "BE";
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(parts); i++) {
bestring << char(parts[i]);
// I used this md5 library
std::cout << md5(bestring.str()) << std::endl;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Int64 SteamId = 76561197996545192;
byte[] parts = { 0x42, 0x45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
byte counter = 2;
parts[counter++] = (byte)(SteamId & 0xFF);
} while ((SteamId >>= 8) > 0);
MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] beHash = md5.ComputeHash(parts);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < beHash.Length; i++)
// Thanks to nano2k
package main
import (
func main() {
steamid := 76561197996545192
h := md5.New()
for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
h.Write([]byte{byte(steamid & 0xFF)})
steamid >>= 8
fmt.Printf("Battleye GUID: %x", h.Sum(nil))
var crypto = require('crypto');
var int64 = require('int64-native');
var md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
var steamId = new int64('76561197996545192'); // The steamid must be a STRING! not a number!
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
steamId = steamId.shiftRight(8);
<?php //Cheers Rommel
/* Verify that following value is higher than 2147483647(32bit):
$steamID = '76561197996545192';
$temp = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
$temp .= chr($steamID & 0xFF);
$steamID >>= 8;
$return = md5('BE' . $temp);
echo $return;
# Thanks to gunlinux
import md5
temp = ""
for i in range(8):
temp += chr((steamid & 0xFF))
steamid >>= 8
m ="BE"+temp)
print m.hexdigest()
-- Microsoft SQL Server
SELECT SteamIdToBattlEyeGUID(76561197996545192);
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Fank, can this be done the other way around to? Like from guid to SteamId?

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nuxil commented Jan 28, 2015

No, thats not possible. you cant reverse a MD5sum..
There is also bitwise (shifting, and) operations involved here aswell

Note to the python example
In python 2.6.6 you will get a import error on md5. Instead use hashlib
from hashlib import md5

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Is there a way to make it work with php 32bit? Like a library or something?
I can't seem to find a 64 bit version of PHP.

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No BlackCetha, the Steam ID is a 64 bit integer, hence a 64 bit version of PHP is required. Depending on your Linux flavour it should be as simple 'sudo apt-get install php' to install the 64 bit version, provided your OS is 64 bit. For windows you can get it from here

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Fank commented Mar 6, 2015

@NPG-Soul I started a project a long time ago, which will render all possible BattlEyeGUID's for all SteamIds so you can Search a BattlEyeGUID and will get the SteamId for it. But i stopped it.

@nuxil can you please fork the gist and publish a possible fix for this? So i can update it.

@BlackCetha There is no way to convert a SteamId in a language which won't support 32bit.

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D3RFLO commented May 21, 2016

Can i convert the GUID to Steam ID?

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@frank I forked this Gist and added a MySQL function for calculating the GUID:

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@NPG-Soul @Fank @D3RFLO Convert GUID to SteamID64

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Lynxaa commented Oct 6, 2017


function beguid($id) {
	$result = '';
	for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {		
		$result .= chr(gmp_strval(gmp_and($id, 0xFF)));
		$id = gmp_div($id, gmp_pow(2, 8));
	return md5('BE' . $result);

$guid = beguid(gmp_abs(steamid));

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AWildTeddyBear commented Mar 29, 2018

Much easier version of the C++ one: (I'm sure it can be simplified even more, not sure. ;P)

std::string computeSteam64BattlEyeGUID(long long steam64ID){
    std::string bestring = "BE";
    for(size_t i = 0; i == 0 || (steam64ID >>= 8); bestring += (steam64ID & 0xFF), ++i);
    return md5(bestring); //

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Modern approach to reverse-lookup:

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maca134 commented Nov 30, 2019

Here is a nodejs implementation that needs no external deps as long as your running +10.4.0

// nodejs +10.4.0
import { createHash } from 'crypto';

const steamId = 76561197996545192n; // cd97cc68c1038b485b081ba2aa3ea6fa
const bytes = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	bytes.push(Number((steamId >> (8n * BigInt(i))) & 0xffn));

const guid = createHash('md5').update(Buffer.from([0x42, 0x45, ...bytes])).digest('hex');


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0FakE commented Sep 3, 2020

Fank, can this be done the other way around to? Like from guid to SteamId?

Yes you can.

Use the free reverse-lookup / converter:

Available on each browser and any mobile device.

Valid lookup values: Steam (Vanity) URL, Steam ID, Steam ID 3, Steam ID 64, BattlEye ID, Bohemia ID


Example response:

  "error": false,
  "result": {
    "steam_url": "",
    "steam_id": "STEAM_0:1:0",
    "steam_id3": "[U:1:1]",
    "steam_id64": "76561197960265729",
    "battleye_id": "74ae012b5407e0a3cc2cd82ec1f8ba7d",
    "bohemia_id": "ccuWIpEIrX_wmD5VsthErf1qNQbEK7IdG6fL1Il4KuA=",
    "requests": 1

Discord BOT

Invitation link: ID Bot

The BOT is able to lookup and convert each of the mentioned values above.

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cat24max commented Sep 3, 2020

There is also the AllianceApps API:

Or if you would like to host it yourself:

Edit: Just realized I shared this link already :D

But no, you cannot convert it directly (without a rainbow table).

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Guid and UID Calculator Discord Bot

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