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Created June 17, 2024 10:08
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Azure IAM non-inherited role assignments for currently selected subscription and resource groups and resources
# Connect and choose subscription
# connect-AzAccounts
# Initialize azusers as an array
$azusers = @()
# Get all resource groups
$resourceGroups = Get-AzResourceGroup
# Get all resources
$resources = Get-AzResource
# Initialize progress counter
$totalElements = $resourceGroups.Count + $resources.Count + 1
$progressCounter = 0
# Loop through each resource group
foreach ($rg in $resourceGroups) {
# Update progress
Write-Progress -Activity "Step 1 of 3 - Scanning Resource Groups - Elements scanned" -Status "$progressCounter of $totalElements" -PercentComplete (($progressCounter / $totalElements) * 100)
# Store the resource group name in a variable
$rgName = $rg.ResourceGroupName
# Get AzRoleAssignment for each Resource Group
$azRoleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $rg.ResourceId
# Filter out the inherited role assignments
$nonInheritedAzRoleAssignments = $azRoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.Scope -eq $rg.ResourceId }
# Output all non-inherited AzRoleAssignments for the Resource Group
$azusers += $nonInheritedAzRoleAssignments | Select-Object DisplayName, RoleAssignmentID, @{Name = "ResourceGroup Name"; Expression = { $rgName }}, Scope, RoleDefinitionName, ObjectType, @{Name = "IAM Role Level"; Expression = { "Resource Group" }}
# Loop through each resource
foreach ($res in $resources) {
# Update progress
Write-Progress -Activity "Step 2 of 3 - Scanning Resources - Elements scanned" -Status "$progressCounter of $totalElements" -PercentComplete (($progressCounter / $totalElements) * 100)
# Get AzRoleAssignment for each Resource
$resourceAzRoleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope $res.ResourceId
# Filter out the inherited role assignments
$nonInheritedResourceAzRoleAssignments = $resourceAzRoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.Scope -eq $res.ResourceId }
# Output all non-inherited AzRoleAssignments for the Resource
$azusers += $nonInheritedResourceAzRoleAssignments | Select-Object DisplayName, RoleAssignmentID, @{Name = "ResourceGroup Name"; Expression = { if ($_.Scope -match '/resourceGroups/') { ($_.Scope -split '/resourceGroups/')[1].Split('/')[0] } else { $null } }}, Scope, RoleDefinitionName, ObjectType, @{Name = "IAM Role Level"; Expression = { "Resource" }}
# Get AzRoleAssignment for the subscription
$subscriptionId = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Id
$subscriptionName = (Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name
$subscriptionAzRoleAssignments = Get-AzRoleAssignment -Scope "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId"
# Filter out the role assignments that are not at the subscription level
$subscriptionLevelAzRoleAssignments = $subscriptionAzRoleAssignments | Where-Object { $_.Scope -eq "/subscriptions/$subscriptionId" }
# Output the AzRoleAssignments for the subscription
$azusers += $subscriptionLevelAzRoleAssignments | Select-Object DisplayName, RoleAssignmentID, @{Name = "ResourceGroup Name"; Expression = { "N/A" }}, Scope, RoleDefinitionName, ObjectType, @{Name = "IAM Role Level"; Expression = { "Subscription" }}
# Update progress
Write-Progress -Activity "Step 3 of 3 - Scanning Subscription - Elements scanned" -Status "$progressCounter of $totalElements" -PercentComplete 100
# Output the results to a grid view
$azusers | Out-GridView
# Output the results to a CSV file
$azusers | Export-Csv -Path "c:\temp\Azure$subscriptionNameUserlist$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMddHHmmss').csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding ISO-8859-1
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