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Created February 21, 2023 09:40
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  • Save FantasyVR/836156e892b1530de79aaa2d0787de90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FantasyVR/836156e892b1530de79aaa2d0787de90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
numPoints 117
0.365071 0.0626429
0.489804 0.0447059
0.595851 0.0482979
0.705 0.0581818
1.20242 0.0495
1.3474 0.0344667
1.49 0.0335058
1.63627 0.0534804
0.403448 0.148879
0.491482 0.220926
0.725119 0.232738
0.738461 0.138333
1.17868 0.142075
1.18687 0.226161
1.44703 0.221139
1.55032 0.149435
0.466786 0.356875
0.605415 0.382114
0.750454 0.329091
1.17 0.314375
1.3172 0.331585
1.45265 0.349167
0.453529 0.494779
0.726864 0.529915
0.761097 0.43378
0.925569 0.560633
1.1625 0.426413
1.1875 0.523636
1.47825 0.487302
0.451154 0.644423
0.7529 0.6351
0.859196 0.646071
0.967213 0.675082
1.10859 0.655128
1.18045 0.591136
1.48483 0.639489
0.454333 0.7975
0.62754 0.753659
0.820471 0.72153
0.983883 0.776861
1.04658 0.718816
1.26177 0.746573
1.44942 0.770814
0.518971 0.925
0.611719 1.01461
0.753619 0.926785
0.926779 0.925082
1.11516 0.900788
1.28965 0.970139
1.38754 0.878261
0.66625 1.13742
0.85003 1.0886
1.03465 1.09401
1.19906 1.17576
1.21595 1.05182
0.53575 1.35017
0.635737 1.28016
0.783853 1.24314
0.928477 1.26568
1.08683 1.3065
1.25554 1.2723
1.42645 1.35261
0.216884 1.51594
0.327563 1.44937
0.416615 1.37992
0.635131 1.48694
0.792381 1.41122
0.962164 1.44965
1.17129 1.47516
1.31612 1.33712
1.52507 1.38718
1.61787 1.44448
1.72295 1.49098
0.124944 1.62736
0.295738 1.66236
0.477847 1.63569
0.589643 1.6442
0.804853 1.61017
0.988894 1.59443
1.12152 1.65621
1.31786 1.64111
1.42638 1.64181
1.60178 1.59812
1.80711 1.561
1.86587 1.65262
0.112658 1.74304
0.363425 1.83904
0.431786 1.73893
0.673726 1.73451
0.736154 1.8076
0.945217 1.77546
1.17545 1.8017
1.25552 1.71396
1.50422 1.71882
1.58638 1.79297
1.74036 1.73077
1.89868 1.76535
0.0832031 1.85531
0.115672 1.98075
0.323824 1.97088
0.696111 1.98651
0.749649 1.88149
1.00455 1.95513
1.18425 1.87917
1.24842 1.9773
1.67562 1.86877
1.80462 1.96415
1.86156 1.88125
0.199789 2.07894
0.302011 2.11529
0.694941 2.12241
0.807469 2.08877
0.889414 1.9673
1.11571 2.06635
1.26174 2.11452
1.68422 1.97789
1.72221 2.03558
numTriangle 414
0 1 8
1 2 9
8 1 9
9 2 10
2 3 11
10 2 11
4 5 12
12 5 13
5 6 14
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5 14 20
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Then we use XPBD-FEM (gpu version, Jacobian solver) to simulate the deformation of 2D object
import taichi as ti
from taichi.lang.ops import sqrt
from readObj import Objfile
import time
h = 0.003 # timestep size
staticPoint = 8
omega = 0.5 # SOR factor
compliance = 1.0e-4 # Fat Tissuse compliance, for more specific material,please see:
alpha = compliance * (1.0 / h / h
) # timestep related compliance, see XPBD paper
obj = Objfile()
vertices = obj.getVertice()
triangles = obj.getFaces()
NV = obj.getNumVertice()
NF = obj.getNumFaces() # number of faces
pos = ti.Vector.field(2, float, NV)
oldPos = ti.Vector.field(2, float, NV)
vel = ti.Vector.field(2, float, NV) # velocity of particles
invMass = ti.field(float, NV) #inverse mass of particles
f2v = ti.Vector.field(3, int, NF) # ids of three vertices of each face
B = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, float, NF) # D_m^{-1}
F = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, float, NF) # deformation gradient
lagrangian = ti.field(float, NF) # lagrangian multipliers
gradient = ti.Vector.field(2,float, 3 * NF)
dLambda = ti.field(float, NF)
gravity = ti.Vector([0, -1.2])
MaxIte = 20
NumSteps = 10
# For validation
dualResidual = ti.field(float, ())
primalResidual = ti.field(float, ())
attractor_pos = ti.Vector.field(2, float, ())
attractor_strength = ti.field(float, ())
def init_pos():
for i in range(NV):
pos[i] *= ti.Vector([0.4, 0.4])
pos[i] += ti.Vector([0.1, 0.01])
oldPos[i] = pos[i]
vel[i] = ti.Vector([0, 0])
invMass[i] = 1.0
for i in range(staticPoint):
invMass[i] = 0.0
for i in range(NF):
ia, ib, ic = f2v[i]
a, b, c = pos[ia], pos[ib], pos[ic]
B_i_inv = ti.Matrix.cols([b - a, c - a])
B[i] = B_i_inv.inverse()
def resetLagrangian():
for i in range(NF):
lagrangian[i] = 0.0
def vec(x):
return ti.Vector([x[0,0], x[1,0], x[0,1], x[1, 1]])
def computeGradient_f(idx, U, S, V):
isSuccess = True
sumSigma = sqrt((S[0, 0] - 1)**2 + (S[1, 1] - 1)**2)
if sumSigma < 1.0e-6:
isSuccess = False
dcdS = 1.0 / sumSigma * ti.Vector([S[0, 0] - 1, 0, 0, S[1, 1] - 1
]) # (dcdS11, dcdS12, dcdS21, dcdS22)
# Compute (dFdx)^T
dFdxT = ti.Vector([[-B[idx][0,0]-B[idx][1,0], 0, -B[idx][0,1]-B[idx][1,1], 0],
[ 0, -B[idx][0,0]-B[idx][1,0], 0, -B[idx][0,1]-B[idx][1,1]],
[ B[idx][0,0], 0, B[idx][0,1], 0],
[ 0, B[idx][0,0], 0, B[idx][0,1]],
[ B[idx][1,0], 0, B[idx][1,1], 0],
[ 0, B[idx][1,0], 0, B[idx][1,1]]])
# Compute (dsdF)
dF00 = ti.Vector([[1,0], [0, 0]])
dF10 = ti.Vector([[0,0], [1, 0]])
dF01 = ti.Vector([[0,1], [0, 0]])
dF11 = ti.Vector([[0,0], [0, 1]])
dsdF00 = U.transpose() @ dF00 @ V
dsdF10 = U.transpose() @ dF10 @ V
dsdF01 = U.transpose() @ dF01 @ V
dsdF11 = U.transpose() @ dF11 @ V
dsdF = ti.Matrix.cols([vec(dsdF00), vec(dsdF10), vec(dsdF01), vec(dsdF11)])
g = dFdxT @ dsdF.transpose() @ dcdS
g0 = ti.Vector([g[0], g[1]])
g1 = ti.Vector([g[2], g[3]])
g2 = ti.Vector([g[4], g[5]])
return g0, g1, g2, isSuccess
def semiEuler():
# semi-Euler update pos & vel
for i in range(NV):
if (invMass[i] != 0.0):
vel[i] = vel[i] + h * gravity + attractor_strength[None] * (
attractor_pos[None] - pos[i])
oldPos[i] = pos[i]
pos[i] = pos[i] + h * vel[i]
def updteVelocity():
# update velocity
for i in range(NV):
if (invMass[i] != 0.0):
vel[i] = (pos[i] - oldPos[i]) / h
def computeGradientVector():
for i in range(NF):
ia, ib, ic = f2v[i]
a, b, c = pos[ia], pos[ib], pos[ic]
invM0, invM1, invM2 = invMass[ia], invMass[ib], invMass[ic]
sumInvMass = invM0 + invM1 + invM2
if sumInvMass < 1.0e-6:
print("wrong invMass function")
D_s = ti.Matrix.cols([b - a, c - a])
F[i] = D_s @ B[i]
U, S, V = ti.svd(F[i])
constraint = sqrt((S[0, 0] - 1)**2 + (S[1, 1] - 1)**2)
g0, g1, g2, isSuccess = computeGradient_f(i, U, S, V)
if isSuccess:
l = invM0 * g0.norm_sqr() + invM1 * g1.norm_sqr(
) + invM2 * g2.norm_sqr()
dLambda[i] = -(constraint + alpha * lagrangian[i]) / (l + alpha)
lagrangian[i] = lagrangian[i] + dLambda[i]
gradient[3 * i + 0] = g0
gradient[3 * i + 1] = g1
gradient[3 * i + 2] = g2
def updatePos():
for i in range(NF):
ia, ib, ic = f2v[i]
invM0, invM1, invM2 = invMass[ia], invMass[ib], invMass[ic]
if (invM0 != 0.0):
pos[ia] += omega * invM0 * dLambda[i] * gradient[3 * i + 0]
if (invM1 != 0.0):
pos[ib] += omega * invM1 * dLambda[i] * gradient[3 * i + 1]
if (invM2 != 0.0):
pos[ic] += omega * invM2 * dLambda[i] * gradient[3 * i + 2]
if __name__ == "__main__":
# pos.from_numpy(0.2 * vertices[:,0:3:2]) # for .obj file
pos.from_numpy(vertices) # for txt file
pause = False
gui = ti.GUI('Corotated FEM XPBD')
programStart = time.time()
sumDrawTime = 0
drawPoint = True
while gui.running:
realStart = time.time()
for e in gui.get_events():
if e.key == gui.ESCAPE:
gui.running = False
elif e.key == gui.SPACE:
pause = not pause
elif e.key == 'p':
drawPoint = not drawPoint
mouse_pos = gui.get_cursor_pos()
attractor_pos[None] = mouse_pos
attractor_strength[None] = gui.is_pressed(gui.LMB) - gui.is_pressed(
gui.RMB), radius=15, color=0x336699)
if not pause:
for i in range(NumSteps):
for ite in range(MaxIte):
start = time.time()
if not drawPoint:
faces = f2v.to_numpy()
for i in range(NF):
ia, ib, ic = faces[i]
a, b, c = pos[ia], pos[ib], pos[ic]
gui.triangle(a, b, c, color=0x00FF00)
positions = pos.to_numpy()
if drawPoint:
gui.circles(positions, radius=4, color=0xFF00)
for i in range(staticPoint):[i], radius=5, color=0xFF0000)
end = time.time()
sumDrawTime += end - start
programEnd = time.time()
print("Average Draw Time Ratio: ",
sumDrawTime / (programEnd - programStart))
Read ``.obj`` files and store vertices and triangles.
Quad mesh is not supported right now.
Normals, texture coordinates are not extracted right now.
import numpy as np
import sys
class Objfile:
m_numVertices = 0
m_numFaces = 0
m_vertices = []
m_indices = []
m_filename = ""
def read(self, filename=""):
Read ``.obj`` file created by Blender
self.m_filename = filename
if filename == "":
print("please give me the obj file name")
with open(filename,"r") as file:
lines = [line.strip("\n") for line in file.readlines()]
for line in lines:
if '#' in line or 'mtl' in line or 'o' in line:
x = line.split(" ")
if x[0] == 'v': # vertex
pos = x[1:]
pos = [float(p) for p in pos]
self.m_numVertices += 1
elif x[0] == 'vt':
elif x[0] == 'vn':
elif x[0] == 'f': #face
if len(x) == 5:
print("please use triangle mesh")
tri =[int(xx) for xx in x[1:]]
self.m_numFaces += 1
def readTxt(self, filename=""):
Read 2D Mesh generate by Miles Macklin's program
self.m_filename = filename
if filename == "":
print("please give me the obj file name")
with open(filename,"r") as file:
point = False
triangle = False
lines = [line.strip("\n") for line in file.readlines()]
for line in lines:
if 'numPoints' in line:
point = True
triangle = False
elif 'numTriangle' in line:
triangle = True
point = False
if point:
pos = [float(p) for p in line.split(" ")]
self.m_numVertices += 1
elif triangle:
tri =[int(xx) for xx in line.split(" ")]
self.m_numFaces += 1
def ouputObjfile(self):
print(f"{self.m_numVertices } vertices, {self.m_numFaces} faces")
for i in range(self.m_numVertices):
print(i, " ", self.m_vertices[i])
for i in range(self.m_numFaces):
print(i, " ", self.m_indices[i])
def getVertice(self):
return np.asarray(self.m_vertices)
def getFaces(self):
return np.asarray(self.m_indices)
def getNumVertice(self):
return self.m_numVertices
def getNumFaces(self):
return self.m_numFaces
if __name__ == "__main__":
objFile = Objfile()
vertices = objFile.getVertice()
faces = objFile.getFaces()
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