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Created June 26, 2017 03:04
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This is the code fragment
bool PositionBasedCosseratRods::solve_StretchShearConstraint(
const glm::vec3& p0, float invMass0,
const glm::vec3& p1, float invMass1,
const glm::quat& q0, float invMassq0,
const glm::vec3& stretchingAndShearingKs,
const float restLength,
glm::vec3& corr0, glm::vec3& corr1, glm::quat& corrq0)
glm::vec3 d3; //third director d3 = q0 * e_3 * q0_conjugate
d3[0] = 2.0 * (q0.x * q0.z + q0.w * q0.y);
d3[1] = 2.0 * (q0.y * q0.z - q0.w * q0.x);
d3[2] = q0.w * q0.w - q0.x * q0.x - q0.y* q0.y + q0.z * q0.z;
//d3 = glm::normalize(d3);
glm::vec3 gamma = (p1 - p0) / restLength - d3;
gamma /= (invMass1 + invMass0) / restLength + invMassq0 * 4.0*restLength + 1.0e-6;
for (int i = 0; i<3; i++) gamma[i] *= stretchingAndShearingKs[i];
corr0 = invMass0 * gamma;
corr1 = -invMass1 * gamma;
glm::quat q_e_3_bar(q0.z, -q0.y, q0.x, -q0.w);//compute q*e_3.conjugate (cheaper than quaternion product)
corrq0 = glm::quat(0.0, gamma.x, gamma.y, gamma.z) * q_e_3_bar;
corrq0 *= invMassq0 * restLength;
return true;
bool PositionBasedCosseratRods::solve_BendTwistConstraint(
const glm::quat& q0, float invMassq0,
const glm::quat& q1, float invMassq1,
const glm::vec3& bendingAndTwistingKs,
const glm::quat& restDarbouxVector,
glm::quat& corrq0, glm::quat& corrq1)
glm::quat omega = glm::conjugate(q0) * q1; //darboux vector
glm::quat omega_plus;
omega_plus = omega + restDarbouxVector; //delta Omega with -Omega_0
omega = omega - restDarbouxVector; //delta Omega with + omega_0
float omega_plus_norm = glm::dot(omega_plus, omega_plus);
float omega_norm = glm::dot(omega, omega);
if (omega_norm>omega_plus_norm)
omega = omega_plus;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) omega[i] *= bendingAndTwistingKs[i] / (invMassq0 + invMassq1 + 1.0e-6);
omega.w = 0.0; //discrete Darboux vector does not have vanishing scalar part
corrq0 = q1 * omega;
corrq1 = q0 * omega;
corrq0 *= invMassq0;
corrq1 *= -invMassq1;
return true;
void TimeStepController::positionConstraintProjection(SimulationModel &model)
unsigned int iter = 0;
// init constraint groups if necessary
SimulationModel::ConstraintVector &constraints = model.getConstraints();
SimulationModel::ConstraintGroupVector &groups = model.getConstraintGroups();
/* Solving the constraints in a sequential order from one end of the rod to the other one can lead to instablilities
* bilaterial interleaving order can overcome this problem
while (iter < m_maxIter)
for (unsigned int group = 0; group < groups.size(); group++)
if (group % 2 == 0)
const int groupSize = (int)groups[group].size();
for (int i = 0; i < groupSize; i++)
const unsigned int constraintIndex = groups[group][i];
const int groupSize = (int)groups[group].size();
for (int i = groupSize-1; i >= 0; i--)
const unsigned int constraintIndex = groups[group][i];
void TimeIntegration::semiImplicitEuler(
const float h,
const float mass,
glm::vec3 &position,
glm::vec3 &velocity,
const glm::vec3 &acceleration)
if (mass != 0.0)
velocity += acceleration * h;
position += velocity * h;
void TimeIntegration::semiImplicitEulerRotation(
const float h,
const float mass,
const glm::mat3 &invInertiaW,
glm::quat &rotation,
glm::vec3 &angularVelocity,
const glm::vec3 &torque)
if (mass != 0.0)
// simple form without nutation effect
angularVelocity += h * invInertiaW * torque;
glm::quat angVelQ(0.0, angularVelocity[0], angularVelocity[1], angularVelocity[2]);
rotation += (float)(h * 0.5) * angVelQ * rotation;
void TimeIntegration::velocityUpdateFirstOrder(
const float h,
const float mass,
const glm::vec3 &position,
const glm::vec3 &oldPosition,
glm::vec3 &velocity)
if (mass != 0.0)
velocity = (float)(1.0 / h) * (position - oldPosition);
void TimeIntegration::angularVelocityUpdateFirstOrder(
const float h,
const float mass,
const glm::quat &rotation,
const glm::quat &oldRotation,
glm::vec3 &angularVelocity)
if (mass != 0.0)
const glm::quat relRot = (rotation * glm::conjugate(oldRotation));
angularVelocity = glm::vec3(relRot.x, relRot.y, relRot.z) *(float)(2.0 / h);
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Position and Orientation Cosserat Rods

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