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Created September 1, 2012 10:42
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Restlet OAuth2.0 draft30 extension development note.
OAuth 2.0 draft30 Note.
1.7. HTTP Redirections
* We use '307 Temporary Redirect' via #redirectTemporary method generally.
1.8. Interoperability
* TBD: Client implementations.
2. Client Registration
* ClientStore has 2 methods to specify client type(confidential/public).
* Each client creation methods has mandatory parameter to specify redirection URI.
2.2. Client Identifier
* TODO: Should specify client identifier size.
2.3. Client Authentication
* XXX: BASIC authentication?
2.3.1. Client Password
* ClientVerifier is provided to support BASIC authentication.
* Alternative method(Including the client credentials in the request body) is enabled via #setAcceptBodyMethod.
2.3.2. Other Authentication Methods
* Not supported.
2.4. Unregistered Clients
* N/A
3. Protocol Endpoints
* Auhtorization endpoint is provided via AuthorizationServerResource.
* Token endpoint is provided via AccessTokenServerResource.
3.1. Authorization Endpoint
* AuthSession is used to verify the identity of the resource owner.
* TODO: The endpoint URI MUST NOT include a fragment component.
* Use of TLS(HTTPS) should be implemented on Restlet user application.
* We support HTTP "GET" and "POST" method.
* TODO: Should check parameter duplication.
* TEST IS REQUIRED: response_type
* TODO: Extension response types.
* TODO: We should ensure that redirection URI NOT include a fragment component while its registration. Endpoint Request Confidentiality
* TODO: If TLS is not available, the authorization server SHOULD warn the resource owner about the insecure endpoint prior to redirection (e.g. display a message during the authorization request). Registration Requirements
* We require all clients to register their redirection endpoint. (in ClientStore)
* We support dynamic redirection URI.
* We do not allow the client to register multiple redirection endpoints. (in ClientStore) Dynamic Configuration
* TEST IS REQUIRED: redirect_uri Invalid Endpoint
* AuthorizationServerResource returns error page in such cases. Endpoint Content
* Client's responsibility.
3.2. Token Endpoint
* TODO: The endpoint URI MUST NOT include a fragment component.
* Use of TLS(HTTPS) should be implemented on Restlet user application.
* We only accept HTTP "POST" method.
* TODO: Should check parameter duplication.
3.2.1. Client Authentication
* Typically ClientVerifier is used to authenticate the client, and it's Restlet user application responsibility to do so.
* TODO: We should support both public clients and confidential clients on ClientVerifier.
* TODO: draft31 update for client_id.
3.3. Access Token Scope
* TokenVerifier is used to protect resources, and it set Roles as scopes.
* RoleAuthorizer will be used to verify scopes after TokenVerifier.
* "defaultScope" parameter in context's attributes will be a pre-defined default value when the scope parameter is omitted.
4. Obtaining Authorization
* authorization code, implicit, and resource owner password credentials are supported.
* TODO: client credentials is not supported at this time.
4.1. Authorization Code Grant
4.1.1. Authorization Request
* If the AuthSession's scope owner(e.g. resource owner) is null, AuthorizationServerResource redirects client to the login page endpoint. The query parameter "continue" will be added to the endpoint.
* Otherwise, it will redirect to the AuthPage, with query parameter "scope" and "grantedScope" if available.
4.1.2. Authorization Response
* TODO: Support the code lifetime.
* TODO: Should clarify code value size. Error Response
4.1.3. Access Token Request
* Client authentication should be done before AccessTokenServerResource.
* TODO: Ensure the authorization code was issued to the client.
* Code validation must be done by TokenGenerator implementation.
* TODO: Validate the "redirect_uri" paramter if present.
4.1.4. Access Token Response
* N/A
4.2. Implicit Grant
4.2.1. Authorization Request
* Exactly the same as the "Authorization Code Grant".
4.2.2. Access Token Response
* TEST IS REQUIRED Error Response
* N/A
4.3. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
* TODO: Should provide the method whether enable this grant type or not.
4.3.1. Authorization Request and Response
* N/A
4.3.2. Access Token Request
* Client authentication should be done before AccessTokenServerResource.
* TODO: the authorization server MUST protect the endpoint against brute force attacks.
4.3.3. Access Token Response
* N/A
4.4. Client Credentials Grant
* Not yet implemented.
4.5. Extension Grants
* Not yet implemented.
5. Issuing an Access Token
5.1. Successful Response
* TODO: Set Pragma header field with a value of "no-cache".
5.2. Error Response
* TODO: Set Pragma header field with a value of "no-cache".
6. Refreshing an Access Token
* Client authentication should be done before AccessTokenServerResource.
* Refresh token validation must be done by TokenGenerator implementation.
7. Accessing Protected Resources
* The token validation has to be done by TokenAuthServerResource.
* TokenVerifier is used to protect resources as described in 3.3.
7.1. Access Token Types
* We support Bearer token only at this time.
7.2. Error Response
* TokenVerifier should response with "error".
8. Extensibility
* XXX: Should we provide the extension mechanism?
9. Native Applications
10. Security Considerations
11. IANA Considerations
* N/A
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