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Last active April 24, 2017 01:36
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  • Save Faolain/9312eb507d19c6992d5055ab3296e677 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#Docker Container Logs
4/23/2017 9:29:13 PM Node 'hello@' not responding to pings.
4/23/2017 9:29:14 PM Node 'hello@' not responding to pings.
4/23/2017 9:29:14 PM Node 'hello@' not responding to pings.
4/23/2017 9:29:15 PM Node 'hello@' not responding to pings.
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM 01:29:16.104 [info] Running Hello.Endpoint with Cowboy using http://localhost:8080
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM Connecting to phoenix: [{10, 42, 69, 252}]
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM pong
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM Application is up!
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM Running migrations
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM RPC to 'hello@' failed: {'EXIT',
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM {undef,
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM [{'Elixir.Release.Tasks',migrate,[],[]},
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM {rpc,'-handle_call_call/6-fun-0-',5,
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM [{file,"rpc.erl"},{line,187}]}]}}
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM
4/23/2017 9:29:16 PM Shutting down..
4/23/2017 9:29:17 PM ok
4/23/2017 3:22:24 PM Node is not running!
which is triggered when running a post_start hook
defmodule Hello.Rancher do
use GenServer
@connect_interval 5000 # try to connect every 5 seconds
def start_link do
GenServer.start_link __MODULE__, [], name: __MODULE__
def init([]) do
name = Application.fetch_env!(:hello, :rancher_service_name)
send self, :connect
{:ok, to_char_list(name)}
def handle_info(:connect, name) do
case :inet_tcp.getaddrs(name) do
{:ok, ips} ->
IO.puts "Connecting to #{name}: #{inspect ips}"
for {a,b,c,d} <- ips do
Node.connect :"hello@#{a}.#{b}.#{c}.#{d}"
{:error, reason} ->
IO.puts "Error resolving #{inspect name}: #{inspect reason}"
IO.puts "Nodes: #{inspect Node.list}"
Process.send_after(self, :connect, @connect_interval)
{:noreply, name}
# Setting PROD on Rancher ENV Variable
if System.get_env("PROD") do
children = children ++ [worker(Hello.Rancher, [])]
# relhooks/post_start
set +e
while true; do
nodetool ping
if [ $EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Application is up!"
set -e
echo "Running migrations"
bin/hello rpc Elixir.Release.Tasks migrate
echo "Migrations run successfully"
set -e
export RANCHER_IP=$(wget -qO- http://rancher-metadata.rancher.internal/latest/self/container/primary_ip)
export RANCHER_SERVICE_NAME=$(wget -qO- http://rancher-metadata.rancher.internal/latest/self/service/name)
/opt/app/bin/hello $@
defmodule Release.Tasks do
def migrate do
{:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:hello)
path = Application.app_dir(:hello, "priv/repo/migrations"), path, :up, all: true)
# rel/vm.args
## Name of the node - this is the only change
-name hello@${RANCHER_IP}
## Cookie for distributed erlang
-setcookie insertsecrethereee
## Heartbeat management; auto-restarts VM if it dies or becomes unresponsive
## (Disabled by default..use with caution!)
## Enable kernel poll and a few async threads
##+K true
##+A 5
## Increase number of concurrent ports/sockets
##-env ERL_MAX_PORTS 4096
## Tweak GC to run more often
# Enable SMP automatically based on availability
-smp auto
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