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Created July 13, 2016 08:46
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AABB and AACyl creation for MODO.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Uses Smallest Enclosing Circle code which is:
# Copyright (c) 2014 Nayuki Minase
import lx
import lxifc
import lxu.command
import math
import sys
import random
import traceback
minFloat = float('-inf')
maxFloat = float('inf')
_EPSILON = sys.float_info.epsilon
options_bbox_from = [('group', 'layer', 'all'),
('Per Selected Group', 'Per Layer', 'All Layers')]
options_bbox_to = [('each', 'primary'),
('Each Layer', 'Primary Layer')]
options_bbox_type = [('aabb', 'aacyl'),
('Axis Aligned Bounding Box', 'Axis Aligned Bounding Cylinder')]
options_bbox_axis = [('x', 'y', 'z', 'shortest', 'longest'),
('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Auto Shortest', 'Auto Longest')]
options_bbox_accuracy = [('inside', 'on', 'outside'),
('Inside Radius', 'On Radius', 'Enclosing Radius')]
class OptionPopup(lxifc.UIValueHints):
def __init__(self, items):
self._items = items
def uiv_Flags(self):
return lx.symbol.fVALHINT_POPUPS
def uiv_PopCount(self):
return len(self._items[0])
def uiv_PopUserName(self,index):
return self._items[1][index]
def uiv_PopInternalName(self,index):
return self._items[0][index]
class MarkElements(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, element, mark_mode):
self.element = element
self.mark_mode = mark_mode
def vis_Evaluate(self):
class BBOXVerts(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, point):
self.point = point
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
self.points = [[],]
def get_points(self):
return list (set (self.points[0]),)
def vis_Evaluate(self):
self.points[0].append (self.point.Pos ())
class BBOXVertsConnected(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked):
self.point = point
self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked = mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked
self.mode_checked = mode_checked
self.points = []
def get_points(self):
return self.points
def vis_Evaluate(self):
inner_list = []
outer_list = []
outer_list.append (self.point.ID ())
while len(outer_list) > 0:
point_ID = outer_list[0]
self.point.Select (point_ID)
self.point.SetMarks (self.mode_checked)
inner_list.append (point_ID)
outer_list.remove (point_ID)
num_points = self.point.PointCount ()
point_points = []
for p in xrange(num_points):
point_points.append(self.point.PointByIndex (p))
for next_point_ID in point_points:
if next_point_ID not in outer_list and next_point_ID not in inner_list:
self.point.Select (next_point_ID)
if self.point.TestMarks (self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked):
outer_list.append (next_point_ID)
if len(inner_list) > 1:
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
points = []
for point_ID in inner_list:
self.point.Select (point_ID)
points.append (self.point.Pos ())
self.points.append (set (points))
class BBOXEdges(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, edge, point):
self.edge = edge
self.point = point
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
self.points = []
def get_points(self):
return list (set (self.points[0]),)
def vis_Evaluate(self):
p1, p2 = self.edge.Endpoints ()
self.point.Select (p1)
self.points.append (self.point.Pos ())
self.point.Select (p2)
self.points.append (self.point.Pos ())
class BBOXEdgesConnected(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, edge, point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked):
self.edge = edge
self.point = point
self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked = mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked
self.mode_checked = mode_checked
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
self.points = []
def get_points(self):
return self.points
def vis_Evaluate(self):
inner_list = []
outer_list = []
outer_list.append (self.edge.ID ())
while len(outer_list) > 0:
edge_ID = outer_list[0]
self.edge.Select (edge_ID)
self.edge.SetMarks (self.mode_checked)
inner_list.append (edge_ID)
outer_list.remove (edge_ID)
endpoints = self.edge.Endpoints ()
for endpoint in endpoints:
self.point.Select (endpoint)
num_edges = self.point.EdgeCount ()
for e in xrange(num_edges):
next_edge_ID = self.point.EdgeByIndex (e)
if next_edge_ID not in outer_list and next_edge_ID not in inner_list:
self.edge.Select (next_edge_ID)
if self.edge.TestMarks (self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked):
outer_list.append (next_edge_ID)
if len(inner_list) > 0:
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
points = []
for edge_ID in inner_list:
self.edge.Select (edge_ID)
p1, p2 = self.edge.Endpoints ()
self.point.Select (p1)
points.append (self.point.Pos ())
self.point.Select (p2)
points.append (self.point.Pos ())
self.points.append (set (points))
class BBOXPolys(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, polygon, point):
self.polygon = polygon
self.point = point
self.points = [[],]
def get_points(self):
return list (set (points[0]),)
def vis_Evaluate(self):
numPoints = self.polygon.VertexCount ()
for pp in xrange(numPoints):
self.point.Select (self.polygon.VertexByIndex(pp))
self.points[0].append (self.point.Pos ())
class BBOXPolysConnected(lxifc.Visitor):
def __init__(self, polygon, point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked):
self.polygon = polygon
self.point = point
self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked = mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked
self.mode_checked = mode_checked
self.points = []
def get_points(self):
return self.points
def vis_Evaluate(self):
inner_list = []
outer_list = []
outer_list.append (self.polygon.ID ())
while len(outer_list) > 0:
polygon_ID = outer_list[0]
self.polygon.Select (polygon_ID)
self.polygon.SetMarks (self.mode_checked)
inner_list.append (polygon_ID)
outer_list.remove (polygon_ID)
num_points = self.polygon.VertexCount ()
for p in xrange(num_points):
self.polygon.Select (polygon_ID)
point_ID = self.polygon.VertexByIndex (p)
self.point.Select (point_ID)
num_polys = self.point.PolygonCount ()
for pp in xrange(num_polys):
next_polygon_ID = self.point.PolygonByIndex (pp)
if next_polygon_ID not in outer_list and next_polygon_ID not in inner_list:
self.polygon.Select (next_polygon_ID)
if self.polygon.TestMarks (self.mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked):
outer_list.append (next_polygon_ID)
if len(inner_list) > 0:
# BBOX = Max X Y Z, Min X Y Z
points = []
for polygon_ID in inner_list:
self.polygon.Select (polygon_ID)
num_points = self.polygon.VertexCount ()
for p in xrange(num_points):
point_ID = self.polygon.VertexByIndex (p)
self.point.Select (point_ID)
points.append (self.point.Pos ())
self.points.append (set (points))
class CreateBBOX_Cmd(lxu.command.BasicCommand):
def __init__(self):
lxu.command.BasicCommand.__init__ (self)
self.dyna_Add ('type', lx.symbol.sTYPE_STRING)
self.basic_SetFlags(0, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('from', lx.symbol.sTYPE_STRING)
self.basic_SetFlags(1, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('to', lx.symbol.sTYPE_STRING)
self.basic_SetFlags(2, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('sides', lx.symbol.sTYPE_INTEGER)
self.basic_SetFlags(3, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('axis', lx.symbol.sTYPE_STRING)
self.basic_SetFlags(4, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('accuracy', lx.symbol.sTYPE_STRING)
self.basic_SetFlags(5, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_OPTIONAL | lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
self.dyna_Add ('select', lx.symbol.sTYPE_BOOLEAN)
self.basic_SetFlags (6, lx.symbol.fCMDARG_OPTIONAL | lx.symbol.fCMDARG_QUERY)
def arg_UIValueHints(self, index):
if index == 0:
return OptionPopup(options_bbox_type)
elif index == 1:
return OptionPopup(options_bbox_from)
elif index == 2:
return OptionPopup(options_bbox_to)
elif index == 4:
return OptionPopup(options_bbox_axis)
elif index == 5:
return OptionPopup(options_bbox_accuracy)
def cmd_Query(self,index,vaQuery):
va = lx.object.ValueArray()
if index == 0:
elif index == 1:
elif index == 2:
elif index == 3:
elif index == 4:
elif index == 5:
elif index == 6:
return lx.result.OK
def cmd_Interact(self):
# Stop modo complaining.
def cmd_UserName(self):
return 'Create AABB'
def cmd_Desc(self):
return 'Creates an AABB box mesh around the current selection.'
def cmd_Tooltip(self):
return 'Creates an AABB box mesh around the current selection.'
def cmd_Help(self):
return ''
def basic_ButtonName(self):
return 'Create AABB'
def cmd_Flags(self):
return lx.symbol.fCMD_SELECT | lx.symbol.fCMD_MODEL | lx.symbol.fCMD_UNDO
def basic_Enable(self, msg):
return True
def arg_UIHints (self, index, hints):
if index == 0:
hints.Label ('Type')
elif index == 1:
hints.Label ('Create From')
elif index == 2:
hints.Label ('Create To')
elif index == 3:
hints.Label ('Sides')
elif index == 4:
hints.Label ('Axis')
elif index == 5:
hints.Label ('Circumference Accuracy')
elif index == 6:
hints.Label ('Select Results')
# Disable input to certain fields in the options dialog depending on the current choices.
def cmd_ArgEnable (self, index):
if index == 1:
if self.dyna_IsSet (0):
if self.dyna_String(0) == options_bbox_from[0][2]:
lx.throw (lx.symbol.e_CMD_DISABLED)
elif index == 2:
if self.dyna_IsSet (1):
if self.dyna_String(1) == options_bbox_from[0][2]:
lx.throw (lx.symbol.e_CMD_DISABLED)
elif index == 3:
if self.dyna_IsSet (0):
if self.dyna_String(0) != options_bbox_type[0][1]:
lx.throw (lx.symbol.e_CMD_DISABLED)
elif index == 4:
if self.dyna_IsSet (0):
if self.dyna_String(0) != options_bbox_type[0][1]:
lx.throw (lx.symbol.e_CMD_DISABLED)
elif index == 5:
if self.dyna_IsSet (0):
if self.dyna_String(0) != options_bbox_type[0][1]:
lx.throw (lx.symbol.e_CMD_DISABLED)
return lx.symbol.e_OK
# ############################################################################################################################################
# ############################################################################################################################################
# Data conventions: A point is a pair of floats (x, y). A circle is a triple of floats (center x, center y, radius).
# Returns the smallest circle that encloses all the given points. Runs in expected O(n) time, randomized.
# Input: A sequence of pairs of floats or ints, e.g. [(0,5), (3.1,-2.7)].
# Output: A triple of floats representing a circle.
# Note: If 0 points are given, None is returned. If 1 point is given, a circle of radius 0 is returned.
def make_circle (self, points):
# Convert to float and randomize order
shuffled = [(float (p[0]), float (p[1])) for p in points]
# Progressively add points to circle or recompute circle
c = None
for (i, p) in enumerate (shuffled):
if c is None or not self._is_in_circle (c, p):
c = self._make_circle_one_point (shuffled[0 : i + 1], p)
return c
# One boundary point known
def _make_circle_one_point (self, points, p):
c = (p[0], p[1], 0.0)
for (i, q) in enumerate (points):
if not self._is_in_circle (c, q):
if c[2] == 0.0:
c = self._make_diameter (p, q)
c = self._make_circle_two_points (points[0 : i + 1], p, q)
return c
# Two boundary points known
def _make_circle_two_points (self, points, p, q):
diameter = self._make_diameter (p, q)
if all (self._is_in_circle (diameter, r) for r in points):
return diameter
left = None
right = None
for r in points:
cross = self._cross_product (p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1], r[0], r[1])
c = self._make_circumcircle (p, q, r)
if c is None:
elif cross > 0.0 and (left is None or self._cross_product (p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1], c[0], c[1]) > self._cross_product (p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1], left[0], left[1])):
left = c
elif cross < 0.0 and (right is None or self._cross_product (p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1], c[0], c[1]) < self._cross_product (p[0], p[1], q[0], q[1], right[0], right[1])):
right = c
return left if (right is None or (left is not None and left[2] <= right[2])) else right
def _make_circumcircle (self, p0, p1, p2):
# Mathematical algorithm from Wikipedia: Circumscribed circle
ax = p0[0]; ay = p0[1]
bx = p1[0]; by = p1[1]
cx = p2[0]; cy = p2[1]
d = (ax * (by - cy) + bx * (cy - ay) + cx * (ay - by)) * 2.0
if d == 0.0:
return None
x = ((ax * ax + ay * ay) * (by - cy) + (bx * bx + by * by) * (cy - ay) + (cx * cx + cy * cy) * (ay - by)) / d
y = ((ax * ax + ay * ay) * (cx - bx) + (bx * bx + by * by) * (ax - cx) + (cx * cx + cy * cy) * (bx - ax)) / d
return (x, y, math.hypot (x - ax, y - ay))
def _make_diameter (self, p0, p1):
return ((p0[0] + p1[0]) / 2.0, (p0[1] + p1[1]) / 2.0, math.hypot (p0[0] - p1[0], p0[1] - p1[1]) / 2.0)
def _is_in_circle (self, c, p):
return c is not None and math.hypot (p[0] - c[0], p[1] - c[1]) < c[2] + _EPSILON
# Returns twice the signed area of the triangle defined by (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
def _cross_product (self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2):
return (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (y1 - y0) * (x2 - x0)
# ############################################################################################################################################
def make_BBOX (self, mesh, points):
# Check for silly single verts.
if len (points) < 2:
return []
# Make bbox.
bbox = [minFloat, minFloat, minFloat, maxFloat, maxFloat, maxFloat]
for pointPos in points:
bbox[0] = max (bbox[0], pointPos[0])
bbox[1] = max (bbox[1], pointPos[1])
bbox[2] = max (bbox[2], pointPos[2])
bbox[3] = min (bbox[3], pointPos[0])
bbox[4] = min (bbox[4], pointPos[1])
bbox[5] = min (bbox[5], pointPos[2])
point = lx.object.Point (mesh.PointAccessor ())
polygon = lx.object.Polygon (mesh.PolygonAccessor ())
# 0(-X +Y +Z) 1(+X +Y +Z) 2(+X +Y -Z) 3(-X +Y -Z)
# 4(-X -Y +Z) 5(+X -Y +Z) 6(+X -Y -Z) 7(-X -Y -Z)
new_points = (
point.New ((bbox[3], bbox[1], bbox[2])),
point.New ((bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2])),
point.New ((bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[5])),
point.New ((bbox[3], bbox[1], bbox[5])),
point.New ((bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[2])),
point.New ((bbox[0], bbox[4], bbox[2])),
point.New ((bbox[0], bbox[4], bbox[5])),
point.New ((bbox[3], bbox[4], bbox[5]))
polygon_IDs = []
poly_storage = ('p', 4)
# Front
poly_vert_list = (new_points[4], new_points[5], new_points[1], new_points[0])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
# Back
poly_vert_list = (new_points[6], new_points[7], new_points[3], new_points[2])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
# Left
poly_vert_list = (new_points[5], new_points[6], new_points[2], new_points[1])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
# Right
poly_vert_list = (new_points[3], new_points[7], new_points[4], new_points[0])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
# Top
poly_vert_list = (new_points[0], new_points[1], new_points[2], new_points[3])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
# Bottom
poly_vert_list = (new_points[7], new_points[6], new_points[5], new_points[4])
poly_storage.set (poly_vert_list)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
return polygon_IDs
return []
def make_AACYL (self, mesh, points, axis_val, sides, accuracy):
if len (points) < 2:
return []
axes = [0, 1, 2]
point = lx.object.Point (mesh.PointAccessor ())
polygon = lx.object.Polygon (mesh.PolygonAccessor ())
# Make bbox.
bbox = [minFloat, minFloat, minFloat, maxFloat, maxFloat, maxFloat]
for pointPos in points:
bbox[0] = max (bbox[0], pointPos[0])
bbox[1] = max (bbox[1], pointPos[1])
bbox[2] = max (bbox[2], pointPos[2])
bbox[3] = min (bbox[3], pointPos[0])
bbox[4] = min (bbox[4], pointPos[1])
bbox[5] = min (bbox[5], pointPos[2])
# Work out auto axes.
# Try and default to Y - upright - for square bboxes.
axis = 1
if axis_val == -1 or axis_val == -2:
x_size = abs(bbox[0] - bbox[3])
y_size = abs(bbox[1] - bbox[4])
z_size = abs(bbox[2] - bbox[5])
if axis_val == -1:
# Longest.
if x_size > y_size:
if z_size > y_size:
axis = 2
if x_size > z_size:
axis = 0
if axis_val == -2:
# Shortest.
if x_size < y_size:
if z_size < y_size:
axis = 2
if x_size < z_size:
axis = 0
elif axis_val in axes:
axis = axis_val
return []
axes.remove (axis)
planar_points = [(p[axes[0]], p[axes[1]]) for p in points]
circle = self.make_circle (planar_points)
if accuracy == 'on' or accuracy == 'outside':
mid_side = (1.0 / sides) * math.pi * 2
mid_point = ((math.sin (mid_side) * circle[2]) * 0.5, ((math.cos(mid_side) * circle[2]) + circle[2]) * 0.5)
if accuracy == 'on':
mid_point = (mid_point[0] * 0.5, (mid_point[1] + circle[2]) * 0.5)
mid_point_distance = math.sqrt(mid_point[0]**2 + mid_point[1]**2)
rad_difference_ratio = circle[2] / mid_point_distance
if accuracy == 'on':
circle = (circle[0], circle[1], (circle[2] * rad_difference_ratio))
elif accuracy == 'outside':
circle = (circle[0], circle[1], (circle[2] * rad_difference_ratio))
# Work out axis extents.
axisExtents = (bbox[axis], bbox[(axis+3)])
# Build the coords for the cylinder.
circle_points = []
for s in xrange(sides):
side = (float (s) / float (sides)) * math.pi * 2
circle_point = ((math.sin (side) * circle[2]) + circle[0], (math.cos(side) * circle[2]) + circle[1])
circle_points.append (circle_point)
# Build the points for the top and bottom of the cylinder.
cylinder_points = []
for axisExtent in axisExtents:
for circle_point in circle_points:
point_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
point_pos [axes[0]] = circle_point[0]
point_pos [axes[1]] = circle_point[1]
point_pos [axis] = axisExtent
cylinder_points.append (point.New (point_pos))
# Build the polygons.
polygon_IDs = []
# Top & bottom polygons.
poly_storage = ('p', sides)
polygon_points = []
for s in xrange(sides):
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[s])
poly_storage.set (polygon_points)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, sides, 0))
polygon_points = []
for s in xrange(sides):
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[(sides+s)])
polygon_points.reverse ()
poly_storage.set (polygon_points)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, sides, 0))
# Side polygons.
poly_storage = ('p', 4)
for s in xrange(sides):
polygon_points = []
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[((s+1)%sides)])
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[(s%sides)])
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[((s%sides)+sides)])
polygon_points.append (cylinder_points[(((s+1)%sides)+sides)])
poly_storage.set (polygon_points)
polygon_IDs.append (polygon.New (lx.symbol.iPTYP_FACE, poly_storage, 4, 0))
return polygon_IDs
def basic_Execute(self, msg, flags):
# Get settings.
type_aabb = False
type_aacyl = False
if self.dyna_IsSet(0):
type_val = self.dyna_String(0)
if type_val == options_bbox_type[0][0]:
type_aabb = True
elif type_val == options_bbox_type[0][1]:
type_aacyl = True
per_element = True
per_layer = True
if self.dyna_IsSet(1):
from_val = self.dyna_String(1)
if from_val == options_bbox_from[0][1]:
per_element = False
elif from_val == options_bbox_from[0][2]:
per_element = False
per_layer = False
to_primary = False
if self.dyna_IsSet(2):
to_primary = (self.dyna_String(2) == options_bbox_to[0][1])
sides = 8
if self.dyna_IsSet(3):
sides = self.dyna_Int(3)
sides = max (sides, 3)
axis = -1
axes = ('x', 'y', 'z')
if self.dyna_IsSet(4):
axis_val = self.dyna_String(4)
for a in xrange(len(axes)):
if axis_val == axes[a]:
axis = a
if axis < -2 or axis > 2:
accuracy = 'on'
if self.dyna_IsSet(5):
accuracy_val = self.dyna_String(5)
if accuracy_val in options_bbox_accuracy[0]:
accuracy = accuracy_val
select_after = True
if self.dyna_IsSet(6):
select_after = self.dyna_Bool(6)
# Grab the active and background layers.
layer_svc = lx.service.Layer ()
layer_scan = lx.object.LayerScan (layer_svc.ScanAllocate (lx.symbol.f_LAYERSCAN_EDIT))
if not layer_scan.test ():
# Early out if there are no active layers.
layer_count = layer_scan.Count ()
if layer_count == 0:
# Drop polgyon selection.
selType = lx.eval1('query layerservice selmode ?')
if select_after:
sel_svc = lx.service.Selection ()
polygon_pkts = []
# Only deal with visible and unlocked verts.
mesh_svc = lx.service.Mesh ()
mode = mesh_svc.ModeCompose ('select', 'hide lock')
mode_selected_unhideunlock = mesh_svc.ModeCompose ('select', 'hide lock')
mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked = mesh_svc.ModeCompose ('select', 'hide lock user4')
mode_checked = mesh_svc.ModeCompose ('user4', None)
mode_unchecked = mesh_svc.ModeCompose (None, 'user4')
# Stuff for treating all layers as one.
master_points = []
for layer_idx in xrange(layer_count):
# Grab the meshes and their point and meshmap accessors.
mesh = lx.object.Mesh (layer_scan.MeshEdit (layer_idx))
mesh_base = lx.object.Mesh (layer_scan.MeshBase (layer_idx))
if not mesh.test () or not mesh_base.test ():
# Early out if there are no points in the active layer.
point_count = mesh.PointCount ()
if point_count == 0:
point = lx.object.Point (mesh.PointAccessor ())
edge = lx.object.Edge (mesh.EdgeAccessor ())
polygon = lx.object.Polygon (mesh.PolygonAccessor ())
if not point.test () or not edge.test () or not polygon.test ():
# Find the BBOX of selected verts.
if selType == 'vertex':
if per_element:
clearElements = MarkElements (point, mode_unchecked)
point.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXVertsConnected (point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked)
point.Enumerate (mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, visitor, 0)
point.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXVerts (point)
point.Enumerate (mode, visitor, 0)
# Find the BBOX of selected edges.
elif selType == 'edge':
if per_element:
clearElements = MarkElements (edge, mode_unchecked)
edge.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXEdgesConnected (edge, point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked)
edge.Enumerate (mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, visitor, 0)
edge.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXEdges (edge, point)
edge.Enumerate (mode, visitor, 0)
# Find the BBOX of selected polygons.
elif selType == 'polygon':
if per_element:
clearElements = MarkElements (polygon, mode_unchecked)
polygon.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXPolysConnected (polygon, point, mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, mode_checked)
polygon.Enumerate (mode_selected_unhideunlockunchecked, visitor, 0)
polygon.Enumerate (mode_checked, clearElements, 0)
visitor = BBOXPolys (polygon, point)
polygon.Enumerate (mode, visitor, 0)
for points in visitor.points:
if to_primary:
master_points.append (points)
polygon_IDs = []
if type_aabb:
polygon_IDs += self.make_BBOX (mesh, points)
elif type_aacyl:
polygon_IDs += self.make_AACYL (mesh, points, axis, sides, accuracy)
if select_after:
for polygon_ID in polygon_IDs:
polygon_pkts.append ((polygon_ID, mesh_base))
layer_scan.SetMeshChange (layer_idx, lx.symbol.f_MESHEDIT_GEOMETRY)
if to_primary:
# Not applying per layer, so create one master bbox on the primary layer.
layer_scan_primary = lx.object.LayerScan (layer_svc.ScanAllocate (lx.symbol.f_LAYERSCAN_PRIMARY | lx.symbol.f_LAYERSCAN_WRITEMESH))
if layer_scan_primary.test ():
layer_count_primary = layer_scan_primary.Count ()
if layer_count_primary > 0:
mesh_primary = lx.object.Mesh (layer_scan_primary.MeshEdit (0))
mesh_base_primary = lx.object.Mesh (layer_scan_primary.MeshBase (0))
polygon_IDs = []
if per_element:
# Creating one bbox for each element layers.
for points in master_points:
if type_aabb:
polygon_IDs += self.make_BBOX (mesh_primary, points)
elif type_aacyl:
polygon_IDs += self.make_AACYL (mesh_primary, points, axis, sides, accuracy)
# Creating one bbox for all elements.
points = [point for points in master_points for point in points]
if type_aabb:
polygon_IDs += self.make_BBOX (mesh_primary, points)
elif type_aacyl:
polygon_IDs += self.make_AACYL (mesh_primary, points, axis, sides, accuracy)
if select_after:
for polygon_ID in polygon_IDs:
polygon_pkts.append ((polygon_ID, mesh_base_primary))
layer_scan_primary.SetMeshChange (0, lx.symbol.f_MESHEDIT_GEOMETRY)
if select_after and len(polygon_pkts) > 0:
sel_type_polygon = sel_svc.LookupType (lx.symbol.sSELTYP_POLYGON)
sel_svc.Drop (sel_type_polygon)
poly_pkt_trans = lx.object.PolygonPacketTranslation (sel_svc.Allocate(lx.symbol.sSELTYP_POLYGON))
sel_svc.StartBatch ()
for polygon_pkt in polygon_pkts:
sel_svc.Select (sel_type_polygon, poly_pkt_trans.Packet (polygon_pkt[0], polygon_pkt[1]))
sel_svc.EndBatch ()
lx.bless(CreateBBOX_Cmd, 'ffr.createAABB')
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smoluck commented Aug 23, 2018

Awesome by it's simple result, useful for game dev

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