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Created June 30, 2014 08:52
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import math
# Given a matrix, return euler angles of rotation as (X,Y,Z) in radians.
# Matrix is assumed to be either a lx.object.Matrix or a list[3][3] of floats.
def matrixToEuler (matrix, rotOrder):
if type(matrix) != list:
m = matrix.Get3 ()
m = matrix
X = 0.0
Y = 0.0
Z = 0.0
if rotOrder == 'XYZ':
if m[0][2] < 1:
if m[0][2] > -1:
Y = math.asin(m[0][2])
X = math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[2][2])
Z = math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0])
else: # m[0][2] = -1
# Not a unique solution: Z - X = math.atan2(m[1][0],m[1][1])
Y = -math.pi/2
X = -math.atan2(m[1][0],m[1][1])
Z = 0.0
else: # m[0][2] = 1
# Not a unique solution: Z + X = math.atan2(m[1][0],m[1][1])
Y = math.pi/2
X = math.atan2(m[1][0],m[1][1])
Z = 0.0
elif rotOrder == 'XZY':
if m[0][1] < 1:
if m[0][1] > -1:
Z = math.asin(-m[0][1])
X = math.atan2(m[2][1],m[1][1])
Y = math.atan2(m[0][2],m[0][0])
else: # m[0][1] = -1
# Not a unique solution: Y - X = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[2][2])
Z = math.pi/2
X = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[2][2])
Y = 0.0
else: # m[0][1] = 1
# Not a unique solution: Y + X = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[2][2])
Z = -math.pi/2
X = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[2][2])
Y = 0.0
elif rotOrder == 'YXZ':
if m[1][2] < 1:
if m[1][2] > -1:
X = math.asin(-m[1][2])
Y = math.atan2(m[0][2],m[2][2])
Z = math.atan2(m[1][0],m[1][1])
else: # m[1][2] = -1
# Not a unique solution: Z - Y = math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0])
X = math.pi/2
Y = -math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0])
Z = 0.0
else: # m[1][2] = 1
# Not a unique solution: Z + Y = math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0])
X = -math.pi/2
Y = math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[0][0])
Z = 0.0
elif rotOrder == 'YZX':
if m[1][0] < 1:
if m[1][0] > -1:
Z = math.asin(m[1][0])
Y = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[0][0])
X = math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[1][1])
else: # m[1][0] = -1
# Not a unique solution: X - Y = math.atan2(m[2][1],m[2][2])
Z = -math.pi/2
Y = -math.atan2(m[2][1],m[2][2])
X = 0.0
# Not a unique solution: X + Y = math.atan2(m[2][1],m[2][2])
Z = math.pi/2
Y = math.atan2(m[2][1],m[2][2])
X = 0.0
elif rotOrder == 'ZXY':
if m[2][1] < 1:
if m[2][1] > -1:
X = math.asin(m[2][1])
Z = math.atan2(-m[0][1],m[1][1])
Y = math.atan2(-m[2][0],m[2][2])
else: # m[2][1] = -1
# Not a unique solution: Y - Z = math.atan2(m[0][2],m[0][0])
X = -math.pi/2
Z = -math.atan2(m[0][2],m[0][0])
Y = 0.0
else: # m[2][1] = 1
# Not a unique solution: Y + Z = math.atan2(m[0][2],m[0][0])
X = math.pi/2
Z = math.atan2(m[0][2],m[0][0])
Y = 0.0
elif rotOrder == 'ZYX':
if m[2][0] < 1:
if m[2][0] > -1:
Y = math.asin(-m[2][0])
Z = math.atan2(m[1][0],m[0][0])
X = math.atan2(m[2][1],m[2][2])
else: # m[2][0] = -1
# Not a unique solution: X - Z = math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[1][1])
Y = math.pi/2
Z = -math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[1][1])
X = 0.0
else: # m[2][0] = 1
# Not a unique solution: X + Z = math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[1][1])
Y = -math.pi/2
Z = math.atan2(-m[1][2],m[1][1])
X = 0.0
return (X, Y, Z)
# Given Euler agnles in radians, return a rotation matrix.
def eulerToMatrix (x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0, rotOrder='XYZ'):
cx = math.cos (x)
sx = -math.sin (x)
cy = math.cos (y)
sy = -math.sin (y)
cz = math.cos (z)
sz = -math.sin (z)
if rotOrder == 'XYZ':
return [[cy*cz, cy*sz, -sy],
[sx*sy*cz - cx*sz, sx*sy*sz + cx*cz, sx*cy],
[cx*sy*cz + sx*sz, cx*sy*sz - sx*cz, cx*cy]]
elif rotOrder == 'XZY':
return [[cy*cz, sz, -cz*sy],
[sx*sy - cx*cy*sz, cz*cx, cx*sy*sz + cy*sx],
[cy*sx*sz + cx*sy, -cz*sx, cx*cy - sx*sy*sz]]
elif rotOrder == 'YXZ':
return [[cy*cz - sx*sy*sz, cy*sz + cz*sx*sy, -cx*sy],
[-cx*sz, cx*cz, sx],
[cy*sx*sz + cz*sy, sy*sz - cy*cz*sx, cx*cy]]
elif rotOrder == 'YZX':
return [[cy*cz, cx*cy*sz + sx*sy, cy*sx*sz - cx*sy],
[-sz, cx*cz, cz*sx],
[cz*sy, cx*sy*sz - cy*sx, sx*sy*sz + cx*cy]]
elif rotOrder == 'ZXY':
return [[sx*sy*sz + cy*cz, cx*sz, cy*sx*sz - cz*sy],
[cz*sx*sy - cy*sz, cx*cz, sy*sz + cy*cz*sx],
[cx*sy, -sx, cx*cy]]
elif rotOrder == 'ZYX':
return [[cy*cz, cx*sz + cz*sx*sy, sx*sz - cx*cz*sy],
[-cy*sz, cx*cz - sx*sy*sz, cx*sy*sz + cz*sx],
[sy, -cy*sx, cx*cy]]
# item is the item you're reading the matrix from.
# chan_read is the ChannelRead object you're using.
# current_scene is the current Scene.
# Get the rotation order.
xfrm_graph = lx.object.ItemGraph (current_scene.GraphLookup (lx.symbol.sGRAPH_XFRMCORE))
rotOrders = ['XYZ', 'XZY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY', 'ZYX']
rotOrder = rotOrders[2] # Seems to be a decent default?
transform_item_count = xfrm_graph.RevCount (item)
for ri in xrange(transform_item_count):
transform_item = xfrm_graph.RevByIndex (item, ri)
if transform_item.Type () == type_rotation:
chanval = chan_read.Integer (transform_item, transform_item.ChannelLookup (lx.symbol.sICHAN_ROTATION_ORDER))
rotOrder = rotOrders[chanval][::-1] # Reverse it for matrix-euler.
# Get the transform matrix.
matrix = lx.object.Matrix (chan_read.ValueObj (item, item.ChannelLookup (lx.symbol.sICHAN_XFRMCORE_WORLDMATRIX)))
pos = matrix.GetOffset () # Position.
rot = matrixToEuler (matrix, rotOrder) # Get Euler rotation values from rotation matrix.
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