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Created September 24, 2022 05:47
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Tor on Arch Linux

Setup tor proxy on Arch Linux


  1. Install tor

         $ sudo pacman -S tor
         $ ## nyx provides a terminal status monitor for bandwidth usage, connection details and more.
         $ sudo pacman -S nyx
         $ ## torsocks safely torify applications
         $ sudo pacman -S torsocks
  2. Start the tor service

         $ sudo systemctl enable --now tor.service
  3. By default, Tor runs on port 9050. Check it

         $ systemctl status tor.service
         $ ss -nlt

Test Tor Network Connection

  1. Check your current public IP address

         $ wget -qO -; echo
  2. Torify the command through the torsocks

         $ torsocks wget -qO -; echo
         $ ## must show a different ip address

Torify your Shell

  1. torify the shell, issue

         $ source torsocks on
         $ wget -qO -; echo
         $ ## must show the ip address of tor node
  2. To turn on torsocks permanently for all new shells add it to .bashrc

         $ echo ". torsocks on" >> ~/.bashrc
  3. If you want to turn torsocks off, try

         $ source torsocks off

Enable the Tor control port

  1. Add to your /etc/tor/torrc

          ControlPort 9051
  2. Set a Tor Control password

    Convert your password from plain-text to hash

         $ set +o history # unset bash history
         $ tor --hash-password your_password
         $ set -o history # set bash history
  3. Add that hash to your /etc/tor/torrc

         HashedControlPassword your_hash
  4. Restart tor

        $ sudo systemctl restart tor.service
  5. Check the status of port 9051

        $ ss -nlt

Test your tor control port

  1. Install gnu-netcat

          $ sudo pacman -S gnu-netcat
  2. To test your tor use

        $ echo -e 'PROTOCOLINFO\r\n' | nc 9051
  3. To request a new circuit (IP address) from Tor, use

        $ set +o history
        $ echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE "my-tor-password"\r\nsignal NEWNYM\r\nQUIT' | nc 9051
        $ set -o history

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