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Last active April 29, 2024 15:25
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Deploy Django project - Digital Ocean / AWS (EC2) - (Django + Redis + Gunicorn + Nginx + Supervisor + Lets Encrypt)

Login to your server via ssh

$ ssh root@server-ip-address

Initial Server Setup:

  1. Create a new user and set the password:
$ adduser ubuntu
  1. Grant Administrative Privileges:
$ usermod -aG sudo ubuntu
  1. Now allow openssh so that you can connect via ssh:
$ ufw allow OpenSSH
$ ufw enable
  1. Now you can login via ssh like the following and run a command with administrative privileges
$ ssh ubuntu@server-ip-address
$ sudo yourcommand

Deployment Part I [SSH + Setup Environment]:

Setup Github/Gitlab SSH:

  1. Generate SSH key in your server.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
  1. Now print the newly generated SSH key in terminal, and copy this by selecting from terminal.
$ cat ~/.ssh/ 
  1. Login to your Github / Gitlab accounnt open the SSH key options from the settings. You can try out the follwoing:

    i) Github -

    ii) Gitlab -

  2. Now click on new SSH key option and paste the copied public ssh key into the "Key" text box area of the website.

  3. Now click on the create / add key button to successfully creating the SSH key..

  4. From now on, you can clone your repositories from server.

Pull your Django project into server and perform initial Django setup.

  1. Open your repository and click on Code Clone section and copy the SSH url.

  2. Clone the project repository into server.

$ git clone
  1. Get inside the project directory.
$ cd testproject
  1. Install necessary packages in the server.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-venv python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib nginx curl libxml2-dev libxslt-dev build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev curl software-properties-common

NB: You might need to install other software dependencies according to your project.
  1. Create and activate virtual environment.
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies of the project.
(venv) $ pip install gunicorn psycopg2-binary wheel
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Now create Postgresql database for production server.
(venv) $ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE testproject;
postgres=# CREATE USER testuser WITH PASSWORD 'testpassword';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE testuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE testuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE testuser SET timezone TO 'UTC';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testproject TO testuser;
postgres=# \q 
  1. Now you can update your Production Database settings in the following approach:
. . .

      'default': {
          'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
          'NAME': 'testproject',
          'USER': 'testuser',
          'PASSWORD': 'testpassword',
          'HOST': 'localhost',
          'PORT': 5432,

. . .
  1. Update the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in your file by adding your IP address there.

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', 'your-server-ip-addres',]
  1. Now migrate the initial databse schema to our PostgreSQL database.
(venv) $ python migrate
  1. Run the command to collect all of the static content in to the directory location. You will have to confirm the operation. The static files will then be placed in a directory called static within your project directory. The static files will be saved into the folder which is mentioned in STATIC_ROOT (in the file)
(venv) $ python collectstatic
  1. Create an exception for port 8000.
(venv) $ sudo ufw allow 8000
  1. Now try to run the server on port 8000 of your server.
(venv) $ python runserver 0:8000
  1. In your web browser, visit your server’s domain name or IP address followed by :8000:
(venv) $ http://server_domain_or_IP:8000
  1. Let's try to run the project via Gunicorn. Try to locate where the file is located, and use the following structure: [foldername of that location].wsgi
(venv) $ cd ~/testproject
(venv) $ gunicorn --bind testproject.wsgi
  1. You can repeat step (12) to check running project via gunicorn is working or not.
  2. Now you can deactivate the virtual environment.
(venv) $ deactivate

Deployment Part II [Gunicorn + Nginx]:

Setup Gunicorn

  1. Create Gunicorn socket.
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket
  1. Now place the following content to there.
Description=gunicorn socket


  1. Create Gunicorn service.
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.service
  1. Now place the following content there.
Description=gunicorn daemon

ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/testproject/venv/bin/gunicorn \
          --access-logfile - \
          --workers 3 \
          --bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \

  1. Start and enable gunicorn socket. Which will create a socket file at /run/gunicorn.sock.
$ sudo systemctl start gunicorn.socket
$ sudo systemctl enable gunicorn.socket
  1. Now you can check the status of your gunicorn.socket.
$ sudo systemctl status gunicorn.socket
  1. Check for the existence of the gunicorn.sock file within the /run directory:
$ file /run/gunicorn.sock
  1. If the systemctl status command indicated that an error occurred or if you do not find the gunicorn.sock file in the directory, it’s an indication that the Gunicorn socket was not able to be created correctly. Check the Gunicorn socket’s logs by typing:
$ sudo journalctl -u gunicorn.socket

Take another look at your /etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket file to fix any problems before continuing.
  1. Now try the following commands to sync the changes of gunicorn and restart gunicorn.
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl restart gunicorn

Setup Nginx

  1. Create a file inside sites-available directory of nginx.
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/testproject
  1. Now copy the following content and place into that file.
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name server_domain_or_IP; # such as:

    location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
    location /static/ {
        alias /home/ubuntu/testproject/static/;
    location /media/ {
        alias /home/ubuntu/testproject/media/;

    location / {
        include proxy_params;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock;
  1. Now enable the file by linking it to the sites-enabled directory.
$ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/testproject /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  1. Test your Nginx configuration for syntax errors.
$ sudo nginx -t
  1. If no errors are reported, go ahead and restart Nginx by typing:
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx
  1. Finally, you need to open up your firewall to normal traffic on port 80. Since you no longer need access to the development server, you can remove the rule to open port 8000 as well:
$ sudo ufw delete allow 8000
$ sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
  1. Now open your browser and try to visit following URL:
  1. You supposed to see your Django project up and running...

For troubleshooting the deployment server checkout [] [here]..

Deployment Part III [Celery + Redis + Supervisor]:

  1. Install supervisor, which will run our background tasks.
$ sudo apt install supervisor
  1. Install redis-server if you are using redis as your broker:
$ sudo apt install redis-server
  1. Install rabbitmq-server if you are using rabbitmq as your broker:
$ sudo apt install rabbitmq-server
  1. Now we need to add the supervisor config files at /etc/supervisor/conf.d:
$ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/celery_worker.conf
  1. Now paste the following content there: (Make sure change the project directory accoring to yours)
; ==================================
;  celery worker supervisor example
; ==================================

; the name of your supervisord program

; Set full path to celery program if using virtualenv
command=/home/ubuntu/testproject/venv/bin/celery -A testproject worker --loglevel=INFO

; The directory to your Django project

; If supervisord is run as the root user, switch users to this UNIX user account
; before doing any processing.

; Supervisor will start as many instances of this program as named by numprocs

; Put process stdout output in this file

; Put process stderr output in this file

; If true, this program will start automatically when supervisord is started

; May be one of false, unexpected, or true. If false, the process will never
; be autorestarted. If unexpected, the process will be restart when the program
; exits with an exit code that is not one of the exit codes associated with this
; process’ configuration (see exitcodes). If true, the process will be
; unconditionally restarted when it exits, without regard to its exit code.

; The total number of seconds which the program needs to stay running after
; a startup to consider the start successful.

; Need to wait for currently executing tasks to finish at shutdown.
; Increase this if you have very long running tasks.
stopwaitsecs = 600

; When resorting to send SIGKILL to the program to terminate it
; send SIGKILL to its whole process group instead,
; taking care of its children as well.

; if your broker is supervised, set its priority higher
; so it starts first
  1. Now open another config file to setup Celery Beat (Scheduler):
$ sudo nano /etc/supervisor/conf.d/celery_beat.conf
  1. Then, paste the following contents there: (Make sure change the project directory accoring to yours)
; ================================
;  celery beat supervisor example
; ================================

; the name of your supervisord program

; Set full path to celery program if using virtualenv
command=/home/ubuntu/testproject/venv/bin/celery -A testproject beat --loglevel=INFO

; The directory to your Django project

; If supervisord is run as the root user, switch users to this UNIX user account
; before doing any processing.

; Supervisor will start as many instances of this program as named by numprocs

; Put process stdout output in this file

; Put process stderr output in this file

; If true, this program will start automatically when supervisord is started

; May be one of false, unexpected, or true. If false, the process will never
; be autorestarted. If unexpected, the process will be restart when the program
; exits with an exit code that is not one of the exit codes associated with this
; process’ configuration (see exitcodes). If true, the process will be
; unconditionally restarted when it exits, without regard to its exit code.

; The total number of seconds which the program needs to stay running after
; a startup to consider the start successful.

; if your broker is supervised, set its priority higher
; so it starts first
  1. Now, create the celery directory in the Log folder by following command:
$ sudo mkdir /var/log/celery
  1. Now run the following commands update sync supervisor with the configurations file that we wrote just now:
$ sudo supervisorctl reread
$ sudo supervisorctl update
  1. Now restart the services with the following command: (You need to run those following commands, if you ever change your code in file, or any code related to background tasks):
$ sudo supervisorctl restart all
  1. To checkout the log of celery worker, you need to run the following command:
$ sudo tail -F /var/log/celery/celery_worker.log
  1. To checkout the log of celery beat (scheduler), you need to run the following command:
$ sudo tail -F /var/log/celery/celery_beat.log
  1. To see the status of the services, run the following commands:
$ sudo supervisorctl status celeryworker
$ sudo supervisorctl status celerybeat

Deployment Part IV [Domain Setup + SSL Certificate (Let's Encrypt)]:

Let's add SSL certificate in our domain by using Let's Encrypt

  1. Firstly, try to connect your domain with your server's ip address. Try the following URL to learn how to do that.
  1. Let's place the domain name in the nginx config file. Open the config file:
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/testproject
  1. Now put your domain name in the server_name section in the following line: (You can remove your IP address in this case)
  1. Add the domain name in the ALLOWED_HOSTS, which is located in the file.
  1. After making the changes, run the following commands:
$ sudo nginx -t
$ sudo systemctl reload nginx
$ sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'
  1. Now, install necessary the following packages.
$ sudo snap install --classic certbot
  1. Obtaing an SSL certificate for your domain:
$ sudo certbot --nginx -d -d

- Put your email address
- Type "Y"
- Type "Y"
  1. Holla!!, if your open your domain in the browser you will able to see, the SSL certificate is added, and your domain is running with https://.

  2. Let's see if we have the renewal system of SSL certificate is active or not.

$ sudo systemctl status snap.certbot.renew.service
  1. You will be able to see "Active: inactive (dead)" in the status section. To add auto renewal system run the following command:
$ sudo certbot renew --dry-run
  1. Congratulations, all simulated renewals succeeded..

"Please hit on ☆ and make it ★, if you like this tutorial.."

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pedromadureira000 commented Aug 29, 2023

Remember to remove the unwanted AAAA registers. It may be used by Cerbot instead of your A register.
Let's Encrypt unauthorized 403 forbidden

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alok-38 commented Oct 17, 2023

Hello Farid,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial. This is really helpful.

I get this error message If I try to clone

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

I will try to set up my own DB without cloning.

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FaridLU commented Oct 17, 2023

Hello Farid,

Thank you for the awesome tutorial. This is really helpful.

I get this error message If I try to clone

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

I will try to set up my own DB without cloning.

Hi @alok-38 ,

I think the repository you are trying to access is a private repository. Make sure you can access the repository via your web browser. If yes, make sure you have added the SSH key properly in your GitHub profile by using the documentation above.

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Kazykan commented Oct 20, 2023

3 дня пытался задеплоить на сервер. Только сегодня с помощью этой инструкции сделал это!!!

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FaridLU commented Oct 20, 2023

3 дня пытался задеплоить на сервер. Только сегодня с помощью этой инструкции сделал это!!!

Hi @Kazykan, the translation of your message is: "I tried to deploy to the server for 3 days. Only today, with the help of this instruction, I managed to do it!!!".

I am really glad to hear that the instruction was useful for you. 😅

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Hi @FaridLU ,

Really great tutorial and covers much more than the original Digital Ocean post. I am beginner in deployment especially on Ubuntu. When I see django/Apache/gunicorn stack to be deployed they change also onwerships and permissions to project directories, database directories adn set owners to WWW-DATA. If we use nginx it is not necessary?

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/etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket:1: Assignment outside of section. Ignoring.
Help me I am getting this error

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FaridLU commented Feb 14, 2024

/etc/systemd/system/gunicorn.socket:1: Assignment outside of section. Ignoring. Help me I am getting this error

@gunjanak, can you please show me the gunicorn.socket file that you wrote? I think you've misaligned the config of that file.

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