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Created November 4, 2016 16:11
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package crypto
import (
type Uint128 [2]uint64 // { high, low }
const hashSeed uint32 = 0x61247FBF
const BlockSize = 128
/* IOS 1.13.x */
var magicTable = [16]uint64{
0x95C05F4D1512959E, 0xE4F3C46EEF0DCF07,
0x6238DC228F980AD2, 0x53F3E3BC49607092,
0x4E7BE7069078D625, 0x1016D709D1AD25FC,
0x044E89B8AC76E045, 0xE0B684DDA364BFA1,
0x90C533B835E89E5F, 0x3DAF462A74FA874F,
0xFEA54965DD3EF5A0, 0x287A5D7CCB31B970,
0xAE681046800752F8, 0x121C2D6EAF66EC6E,
0xEE8F8CA7E090FB20, 0xCE1AE25F48FE0A52,
var magicRound = Uint128{0x78F32468CD48D6DE, 0x14C983660183C0AE}
var magicFinal = Uint128{0xBDB31B10864F3F87, 0x5B7E9E828A9B8ABD}
func hash(input []byte) uint64 {
numBlocks := len(input) / BlockSize
tailLen := len(input) % BlockSize
// copy tail, pad with zeroes to multiple of 16
tail := make([]byte, 16*((tailLen+15)/16))
copy(tail, input[len(input)-tailLen:])
var hash Uint128
if numBlocks > 0 {
hash = hashBlock(input[0:BlockSize])
} else {
hash = hashBlock(tail)
hash = hash.Add(magicRound)
if numBlocks > 0 {
for offset := BlockSize; numBlocks > 1; offset += BlockSize {
hash = hashMulAdd(hash, magicRound,
if tailLen > 0 {
hash = hashMulAdd(hash, magicRound, hashBlock(tail))
// Note: 0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
u7fff := Uint128{^uint64(1 << 63), ^uint64(0)}
hash = hash.Add(Uint128{uint64(tailLen * 8), 0})
if hash.Cmp(u7fff) >= 0 {
hash = hash.Add(Uint128{0, 1})
hash = hash.And(u7fff)
X := hash[0] + (hash[1] >> 32)
X = ((X + (X >> 32) + 1) >> 32) + hash[0]
Y := (X << 32) + hash[1]
A := X + magicFinal[0]
if A < X {
A += 0x101
B := Y + magicFinal[1]
if B < Y {
B += 0x101
hash = mul64_128(A, B)
hash = mul64_128(hash[0], 0x101).Add(Uint128{0, hash[1]})
hash = mul64_128(hash[0], 0x101).Add(Uint128{0, hash[1]})
result := hash[1]
if hash[0] != 0 {
result += 0x101
if result > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFE {
result += 0x101
return result
/* hash block of input */
func hashBlock(block []byte) Uint128 {
hash := Uint128{0, 0}
magicIdx := 0
for offset := 0; offset < len(block); offset += 16 {
a := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(block[offset:])
a += magicTable[magicIdx]
b := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(block[offset+8:])
b += magicTable[magicIdx]
hash = hash.Add(mul64_128(a, b))
// Note: 0x3fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
u3fff := Uint128{^uint64(3 << 62), ^uint64(0)}
return hash.And(u3fff)
/* combine new block with previous hash */
func hashMulAdd(h, m, a Uint128) Uint128 {
a0 := a[1] << 32 >> 32
a1 := a[1] >> 32
a23 := a[0]
m0 := m[1] << 32 >> 32
m1 := m[1] >> 32
m2 := m[0] << 32 >> 32
m3 := m[0] >> 32
h0 := h[1] << 32 >> 32
h1 := h[1] >> 32
h2 := h[0] << 32 >> 32
h3 := h[0] >> 32
c0 := (h0 * m0)
c1 := (h0 * m1) + (h1 * m0)
c2 := (h0 * m2) + (h1 * m1) + (h2 * m0)
c3 := (h0 * m3) + (h1 * m2) + (h2 * m1) + (h3 * m0)
c4 := (h1 * m3) + (h2 * m2) + (h3 * m1)
c5 := (h2 * m3) + (h3 * m2)
c6 := (h3 * m3)
r2 := c2 + (c6 << 1) + a23
r3 := c3 + (r2 >> 32)
r0 := c0 + (c4 << 1) + a0 + (r3 >> 31)
r1 := c1 + (c5 << 1) + a1 + (r0 >> 32)
return Uint128{
((r3 << 33 >> 1) | (r2 << 32 >> 32)) + (r1 >> 32),
(r1 << 32) | (r0 << 32 >> 32)}
/* compare */
func (a Uint128) Cmp(b Uint128) int {
i := 0
if a[0] == b[0] {
i = 1
if a[i] < b[i] {
return -1
} else if a[i] > b[i] {
return 1
} else {
return 0
/* addition */
func (a Uint128) Add(b Uint128) Uint128 {
sum := Uint128{a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]}
if sum[1] < b[1] {
return sum
/* bitwise and */
func (a Uint128) And(b Uint128) Uint128 {
return Uint128{a[0] & b[0], a[1] & b[1]}
/* 64x64->128 multiply */
func mul64_128(a, b uint64) Uint128 {
zprod := big.NewInt(0)
zprod.Mul(new(big.Int).SetUint64(a), new(big.Int).SetUint64(b))
zhi := big.NewInt(0)
zhi.Rsh(zprod, 64)
return Uint128{zhi.Uint64(), zprod.Uint64()}
func Hash32(buffer []byte) uint32 {
return Hash32Salt(buffer, hashSeed)
func Hash32Salt(buffer []byte, salt uint32) uint32 {
ret := Hash64Salt(buffer, salt)
return uint32(ret) ^ uint32(ret>>32)
func Hash64(buffer []byte) uint64 {
return Hash64Salt(buffer, hashSeed)
func Hash64Salt(buffer []byte, salt uint32) uint64 {
newBuffer := make([]byte, len(buffer)+4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(newBuffer, salt)
copy(newBuffer[4:], buffer)
return hash(newBuffer)
func Hash64Salt64(buffer []byte, salt uint64) uint64 {
newBuffer := make([]byte, len(buffer)+8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(newBuffer, salt)
copy(newBuffer[8:], buffer)
return hash(newBuffer)
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