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Created February 28, 2023 11:32
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  • Save FaustVX/15cd638004263aca6e0301826fafabe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FaustVX/15cd638004263aca6e0301826fafabe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
using System;
using System.Text;
static string ToRoman(int i)
return i >= 0 ? Impl(i, new()).ToString() : throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(i), i, "Should be greater than or equals to 0");
static StringBuilder Impl(int i, StringBuilder sb)
=> i switch
>= 1000 => Impl(i - 1000, sb.Append("M")),
>= 900 => Impl(i - 900, sb.Append("CM")),
>= 500 => Impl(i - 500, sb.Append("D")),
>= 400 => Impl(i - 400, sb.Append("CD")),
>= 100 => Impl(i - 100, sb.Append("C")),
>= 90 => Impl(i - 90, sb.Append("XC")),
>= 50 => Impl(i - 50, sb.Append("L")),
>= 40 => Impl(i - 40, sb.Append("XL")),
>= 10 => Impl(i - 10, sb.Append("X")),
>= 9 => Impl(i - 9, sb.Append("IX")),
>= 5 => Impl(i - 5, sb.Append("V")),
>= 4 => Impl(i - 4, sb.Append("IV")),
>= 1 => Impl(i - 1, sb.Append("I")),
_ => sb,
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