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Created April 7, 2015 20:05
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public static class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var machine1 = new UniversalMachine(new[] {'0', '1'},
new[] {"Mov", "B", "Bi", "OK"},
"Mov 0 = Mov 0 >",
"Mov 1 = Mov 1 >",
"Mov _ = B _ <",
"B 0 = B 0 <",
"B 1 = Bi 1 <",
"B _ = OK _ >",
"Bi 0 = Bi 1 <",
"Bi 1 = Bi 0 <",
"Bi _ = OK _ >"
}, @"01100100".ToCharArray());
while (machine1.NextStep())
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + machine1.Steps);
var machine2 = new UniversalMachine(new[] { '.', '/', 'k' },
new[] { "Init", "Mdot", "MDash", "Ret", "OK" },
"Init _ = Init _ >",
"Init . = Mdot _ >",
"Init / = MDash _ >",
"Init k = OK k >",
"Mdot . = Mdot . >",
"Mdot / = Mdot / >",
"Mdot k = Mdot k >",
"Mdot _ = Ret . <",
"MDash . = MDash . >",
"MDash / = MDash / >",
"MDash k = MDash k >",
"MDash _ = Ret / <",
"Ret . = Ret . <",
"Ret / = Ret / <",
"Ret k = Ret k <",
"Ret _ = Init _ >"
}, @"/././../.../..../k".ToCharArray());
while (machine2.NextStep())
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + machine2.Steps);
var machine3 = new UniversalMachine(new[] { '0', '1', 'x', 'y', '#' },
new[] { "Search", "C0", "C1", "Ret", "OK" },
"Search 0 = C0 x >",
"Search 1 = C1 y >",
"Search # = OK # >",
"C0 0 = C0 0 >",
"C0 1 = C0 1 >",
"C0 # = C0 # >",
"C0 _ = Ret 0 <",
"C1 0 = C1 0 >",
"C1 1 = C1 1 >",
"C1 # = C1 # >",
"C1 _ = Ret 1 <",
"Ret 0 = Ret 0 <",
"Ret 1 = Ret 1 <",
"Ret # = Ret # <",
"Ret x = Search 0 >",
"Ret y = Search 1 >"
}, @"0110100#".ToCharArray());
while (machine3.NextStep())
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + machine3.Steps);
public class Tape : LinkedList<Tuple<int, char>>
public char this[int pos]
get { return this.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Item1 == pos)?.Item2 ?? '_'; }
var node = Find(this.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Item1 == pos));
if (node == null)
if (Last.Value.Item1 < pos)
for (int i = Last.Value.Item1; i < pos; i++)
node = AddLast('_');
else if (First.Value.Item1 > pos)
for (int i = First.Value.Item1; i > pos; i--)
node = AddFirst('_');
if (node.Value.Item2 != value)
node.Value = Tuple.Create(node.Value.Item1, value);
public Tape()
{ }
public Tape(IEnumerable<Tuple<int, char>> items) : base(items)
{ }
public Tape(IEnumerable<char> items, int firstIndex = 0) : base(Convert(items, firstIndex))
{ }
private static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, char>> Convert(IEnumerable<char> items, int firstIndex) =>
from item in items
select Tuple.Create(firstIndex++, item);
public LinkedListNode<Tuple<int, char>> AddLast(char item)
=> AddLast(Tuple.Create((Last?.Value.Item1 + 1 ?? 0), item));
public LinkedListNode<Tuple<int, char>> AddFirst(char item)
=> AddFirst(Tuple.Create((First?.Value.Item1 - 1 ?? 0), item));
public override string ToString()
=> new string(this.Select(n=>n.Item2).ToArray());
public class UniversalMachine
public enum Direction
public Set<char> Alphabet { get; } = new Set<char>() {'_'};
public Set<string> States { get; } = new Set<string>();
public Tape Tape { get; } = new Tape();
public string CurrentState { get; private set; }
public string AcceptingState { get; }
public bool IsRunning => CurrentState != AcceptingState;
public int Position { get; private set; } = 0;
public Direction CurrentDirection { get; private set; } = Direction.Right;
public int Steps { get; private set; } = 0;
public Tuple<string, char, Direction> CurrentFunction => Functions[CurrentState, Tape[Position]];
public MultiDictionary<string, char, Tuple<string, char, Direction>> Functions { get; } =
new MultiDictionary<string, char, Tuple<string, char, Direction>>();
public UniversalMachine(IEnumerable<char> alphabet, IEnumerable<string> states, IEnumerable<string> functions, params char[] tape)
foreach (var symbol in alphabet)
throw new Exception("'_' is implicitly implemented");
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"{0} is already in the alphabet", symbol));
states = states.ReadOnce();
if (states.Take(2).Count() < 2)
throw new Exception(@"There must have more than 2 different states");
foreach (var state in states)
if(state.Contains(' '))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"{0} can't contain space", state));
if (!States.Add(state))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"{0} state is already defined", state));
CurrentState = States.First();
AcceptingState = States.Last();
var func = (
from f in functions
let split = f.Split(new[] {"=", " = ", " =", "= "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
let cur = split[0].Split(' ')
let next = split[1].Split(' ')
select new
CurState = cur[0],
CurSymbol = cur[1][0],
NextState = next[0],
NextSymbol = next[1][0],
NextDir = next[2][0]
foreach (var f in func)
if (!States.Contains(f.CurState))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"State {0} is not defined", f.CurState));
if (!States.Contains(f.NextState))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"State {0} is not defined", f.NextState));
if (!Alphabet.Contains(f.CurSymbol))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"Symbol {0} is not defined", f.CurSymbol));
if (!Alphabet.Contains(f.NextSymbol))
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"Symbol {0} is not defined", f.NextSymbol));
if (!new [] {'<', '>'}.Contains(f.NextDir))
throw new Exception(@"Direction must be '<' or '>'");
var x = new MultiDictionary<string, char, Tuple<string, char, Direction>>(func.GroupBy(f => f.CurState)
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g
.ToDictionary(f => f.CurSymbol, f => Tuple.Create(f.NextState, f.NextSymbol,
(f.NextDir == '<') ? Direction.Left : Direction.Right))));
foreach (var state in States)
var dico = new Dictionary<char, Tuple<string, char, Direction>>();
foreach (var symbol in Alphabet)
if (x.ContainsKey(state) && x[state].ContainsKey(symbol))
dico.Add(symbol, x[state][symbol]);
dico.Add(symbol, null);
Functions.Add(state, dico);
foreach (var symbol in tape)
throw new Exception(string.Format(@"{0} is not in the alphabet", symbol));
public bool NextStep()
var func = CurrentFunction;
Tape[Position] = func.Item2;
CurrentState = func.Item1;
CurrentDirection = func.Item3;
switch (CurrentDirection)
case Direction.Left:
Tape[Position] = Tape[Position];
case Direction.Right:
Tape[Position] = Tape[Position];
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return IsRunning;
public override string ToString()
var list = new List<Tuple<char, char>>();
foreach (var symbol in Tape)
char second;
if (symbol.Item1 == Position && symbol.Item1 == 0)
second = 'Î';
else if (symbol.Item1 == Position)
second = '^';
else if (symbol.Item1 == 0)
second = '|';
second = ' ';
list.Add(Tuple.Create(symbol.Item2, second));
return new string(list.Select(i => i.Item1).ToArray()) +
Environment.NewLine +
new string(list.Select(i => i.Item2).ToArray());
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