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Last active August 25, 2016 20:46
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Self-Caching Object
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using AutoMapper;
namespace Caching
// ReSharper disable DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
// In general, calling a pure virtual from a base class can be a problem because it calls the most derived type
// which theoretically could be expecting settings from a constructor that has not been run. For the purposes of
// this class, we are using the load method to define what happens on a cache miss and *need* to call the most
// derived type. Any issues with this will therefore be implementation bugs in the derived class, not an error
// in this base.
public abstract class CacheableObject
private readonly ICacheProvider _cache = CacheProviderFactory.GetDefaultProvider();
private readonly ILog _log = LogFactory.GetLog(typeof(CacheableObject));
public abstract void Load();
public object Key;
public Type ObjectType;
public String KeyPrefix { get; set; }
private TimeSpan? _expiry;
public TimeSpan? Expiry
_expiry = value;
if (_expiry.HasValue || String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultExpiry"]))
return _expiry;
return TimeSpan.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultExpiry"]);
static CacheableObject()
Mapper.CreateMap<CacheableObject, CacheableObject>();
protected CacheableObject()
protected CacheableObject(object key, TimeSpan expiry)
:this(key, true)
Expiry = expiry;
protected CacheableObject(object key, Boolean skipCache = false)
Key = key;
ObjectType = GetType();
object cachedString = null;
if (!skipCache)
cachedString = _cache.Get(KeyPrefix + Key);
if (cachedString == null)
private void CreateCloneMapping()
Mapper.CreateMap(ObjectType, ObjectType);
protected virtual void Clone(object objectToClone)
Mapper.Map(objectToClone, this, ObjectType, ObjectType);
public void UpdateCache()
_cache.Store(KeyPrefix + Key, this, Expiry);
catch (Exception ex)
public void Invalidate()
_cache.Invalidate(KeyPrefix + Key);
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