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Last active June 2, 2017 03:13
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AWS Polly use example using nodejs async / await
* Use as proxy between front and AWS Polly API
* Everything come in querystring
* voiceId : see Polly API for the list
* type :
* - file (default) : generate mp3 file on public bucket
* - stream : stream response
export const textToSpeech = async (req, res) => {
const { voiceId = 'Kimberly', text = '', filename = 'speech.mp3', type = 'file' } = req.query
try {
const audio = await generatePollyAudio(text, voiceId)
if(type === 'file') {
const data = await writeAudioStreamToS3(audio.AudioStream, filename)
else if (type === 'stream') {
else throw { errorCode: 400, error: 'Wrong type for output provided.' }
catch (e) {
if(e.errorCode && e.error) res.status(e.errorCode).send(e.error)
else res.status(500).send(e)
// Generate audio from Polly and check if output is a Buffer
const generatePollyAudio = (text, voiceId) => {
const params = {
Text: text,
OutputFormat: 'mp3',
VoiceId: voiceId
return polly.synthesizeSpeech(params).promise().then( audio => {
if (audio.AudioStream instanceof Buffer) return audio
else throw 'AudioStream is not a Buffer.'
const writeAudioStreamToS3 = ( audioStream, filename ) =>
putObject(aws_publicBucket, filename, audioStream,'audio/mp3').then( res => {
if(!res.ETag) throw res
else return {
msg: 'File successfully generated.',
ETag: res.ETag,
url: `${aws_publicBucket}/${filename}`
const putObject = (bucket, key, body, ContentType) =>
Bucket: bucket,
Key: key,
Body: body,
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