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Created February 14, 2012 21:39
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Save Feder1co5oave/1830671 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module Interfaccia_SuperSemplificata(ir, ior_, d7_d0, dav_, rfd, bytein, reset_);
input ior_, dav_, reset_;
input [7:0] bytein;
output ir;
inout [7:0] d7_d0;
reg [7:0] BUFF;
RSA_Interfaccia rsa(rfd, dav_, ir, ior_, reset_);
assign d7_d0 = (ior_ == 0) ? BUFF : 'HZZ; // forchetta bus dati
always @(negedge dav_)
BUFF <= bytein;
* {dav_,ior_}
* 00 01 11 10 | rfd | ir |
* ----+----+----+----+----+-----+----+
* S0 | | S1 |(S0)| | 1 0
* +----+----+----+----+
* S1 | S2 |(S1)| | | 0 1
* +----+----+----+----+
* S2 |(S2)| S3 | | | 0 1
* +----+----+----+----+
* S3 | |(S3)| S0 | | 0 0
* ----+----+----+----+----+-----------
* Tabella di flusso della rete sequenziale asincrona, con annessi gli stati di
* uscita. Lo stato interno iniziale è S0, impostato al reset.
* La codifica standard degli stati interni consente di non avere alee essenziali.
module RSA_Interfaccia(rfd, dav_, ir, ior_, reset_);
input dav_, ior_;
output ir, rfd;
reg [1:0] STAR;
parameter S0 = 2'B00, S1 = 2'B01, S2 = 2'B10, S3 = 2'B11;
assign {rfd, ir} = CN2(STAR);
always @(dav_ or ior_ or reset_)
if (reset_ == 0) STAR <= S0;
else casex (STAR)
S0: STAR <= ({dav_, ior_} == 'B01) ? S1 : S0;
S1: STAR <= ({dav_, ior_} == 'B00) ? S2 : S1;
S2: STAR <= ({dav_, ior_} == 'B01) ? S3 : S2;
S3: STAR <= ({dav_, ior_} == 'B11) ? S0 : S3;
function [1:0] CN2;
input [1:0] star;
parameter S0 = 2'B00, S1 = 2'B01, S2 = 2'B10, S3 = 2'B11;
casex (STAR)
S0: CN2 = 'B10;
S1: CN2 = 'B01;
S2: CN2 = 'B01;
S3: CN2 = 'B00;
* Feder1co 5oave
* Separazione in parte operativa e parte controllo
module XXX(p, reset_, mw_, a7_a0, d7_d0, ior_, ir);
input p, _reset, ir;
output mw_, ior_;
output [7:0] a7_a0;
inout [7:0] d7_d0;
// variabili di condizionamento
wire cd1, cd2;
// variabili di comando
wire [1:0] cm1, cm2;
wire cm3, cm4, cm5, cm6;
Parte_Controllo PC(p, reset_, cd1, cd2, ...);
Parte_Operativa PO(p, reset_, mw_, a7_a0, d7_d0, ior_, ir, cd1, cd2, ...);
module Parte_Controllo(p, reset_, cd1, cd2, cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4, cm5, cm6);
input p, reset_, cd1, cd2;
reg [3 :0] STAR;
// variabili di comando
output [1:0] cm1, cm2;
output cm3, cm4, cm5, cm6;
assign cm1 = (STAR == S7) ? 'B00 : (STAR == S8) ? 'B11 : 'B01;
assign cm2 = (STAR == S0) ? 'B00 :
(STAR == S4) ? 'B00 :
(STAR == S2) ? 'B11 :
(STAR == S6) ? 'B11 : 'B10;
assign cm3 = (STAR == S2) ? 1 : 0;
assign cm4 = (STAR == S6) ? 1 : 0;
assign cm5 = (STAR == S7) ? 1 : 0;
assign cm6 = (STAR == S9) ? 1 : 0;
parameter S0 = 'H0, S1 = 'H1, S2 = 'H2, S3 = 'H3, S4 = 'H4, S5 = 'H5,
S6 = 'H6, S7 = 'H7, S8 = 'H8, S9 = 'H9, STOP = 'HA;
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
if (reset_ == 0) STAR = S0;
else #3
casex (STAR)
S0: STAR <= (cd1 == 1) ? S1 : S0; // aspetto ir -> 1
S1: STAR <= S2; // wait
S2: STAR <= S3;
S3: STAR <= (cd1 == 1) ? S3 : S4; // aspetto ir -> 0
S4: STAR <= (cd1 == 1) ? S5 : S4; // aspetto ir -> 1
S5: STAR <= S6; // wait
S6: STAR <= S7;
S7: STAR <= S8;
S8: STAR <= (cd2 == 1) ? STOP : S9;
S9: STAR <= S0;
module Parte_Operativa(p, reset_, mw_, a7_a0, d7_d0, ior_, ir, cd1, cd2, cm1, cm2, cm3, cm4, cm5, cm6);
input p, reset_, ir, ...;
input [7:0] a7_a0;
output mw_, ior_;
inout [7:0] d7_d0;
// variabili di comando
input [1:0] cm1, cm2;
input cm3, cm4, cm5, cm6;
reg [7:0] MAR, DATA;
reg [9:0] COUNT;
reg MW_, DIR, IOR_;
assign d7_d0 = (DIR == 1) ? DATA : 'HZZ; // forchetta sul bus dati
assign a7_a0 = MAR; // bus indirizzi
assign mw_ = MW_;
assign ior_ = IOR_;
// variabili di condizionamento
output cd1, cd2;
assign cd1 = ir;
assign cd2 = (COUNT == 1023) ? 1 : 0;
// registro MW_
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
if (reset_ == 0)
MW_ <= 1;
else #3
casex (cm1)
'B00: MW_ <= 0;
'B11: MW_ <= 1;
default: MW_ <= MW_;
// registro IOR_
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
if (reset_ == 0)
IOR_ <= 1;
else #3
casex (cm2)
'B00: IOR_ <= ~ir;
'B01: IOR_ <= 1;
default: IOR_ <= IOR_;
// registro MAR
always @(posedge p) #3
MAR <= (cm3 == 1) ? a7_a0 : MAR;
// registro DATA
always @(posedge p) #3
DATA <= (cm4 == 1) ? d7_d0 : DATA;
// registro DIR
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
DIR <= reset_ & cm5;
// registro COUNT
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
if (reset_ == 0) COUNT <= 0;
else #3 COUNT <= (cm6 == 1) ? (COUNT + 1) : COUNT;
* Feder1co 5oave
* Descrizione in un unico blocco
module XXX(p, reset_, mw_, a7_a0, d7_d0, ior_, ir);
input p, reset_, ir;
output mw_, ior_;
output [7:0] a7_a0;
inout [7:0] d7_d0;
reg MW_, IOR_, DIR;
reg [7:0] MAR, DATA;
reg [9:0] COUNT;
reg [3:0] STAR;
assign d7_d0 = (DIR == 1) ? DATA : 'HZZ; // forchetta sul bus dati
assign mw_ = MW_;
assign ior_ = IOR_;
assign a7_a0 = MAR;
always @(posedge p or negedge reset_)
if (reset_ == 0) begin
STAR <= S0; MW_ <= 1; IOR_ <= 1; DIR <= 0; COUNT <= 0;
end else #3
casex (STAR)
S0: begin STAR <= (ir==1) ? S1 : S0; IOR_ <= (ir==1) ? 0 : 1; end
S1: STAR <= S2; // wait
S2: begin MAR <= d7_d0; IOR_ <= 1; STAR <= S3; end
S3: STAR <= (ir==1) ? S4 : S3;
S4: begin STAR <= (ir==1) ? S5 : S4; IOR_ <= (ir==1) ? 0 : 1; end
S5: STAR <= S6; // wait
S6: begin IOR_ <= 1; DATA <= d7_d0; STAR <= S7; end
S7: begin DIR <= 1; MW_ <= 0; STAR <= S8; end
S8: begin MW_ <= 1; STAR <= (COUNT==1023) ? STOP : S9; end
S9: begin DIR <= 0; COUNT <= (COUNT + 1); STAR <= S0; end
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