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Last active July 16, 2024 11:47
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how to plot a psychrometric chart using Python
# plot a simple psychrometric chart
import psychrolib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
pressure = 101325
t_array = np.arange(5, 45, 0.1)
rh_array = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1)
enthalpy_array = np.arange(0, 120000, 10000)
hr_hor_lines = np.arange(0.005, 0.03, 0.005)
twb_array = np.arange(-10, 45, 5)
f, ax = plt.subplots()
# plot constant relative humidity lines
for rh in rh_array:
hr_array = []
for t in t_array:
hr = psychrolib.GetHumRatioFromRelHum(t, rh, pressure)
ax.plot(t_array, hr_array, 'k')
for twb in twb_array:
hr_array = []
t_plot_array = []
for t in t_array:
if twb <= t:
# print(twb, t)
hr = psychrolib.GetHumRatioFromTWetBulb(t, twb, pressure)
ax.plot(t_plot_array, hr_array, 'b')
ax.set(ylim=(0, 0.025), xlim=(10, 40), ylabel=r"Humidity Ratio [$kg_{water}/kg_{dry air}$]", xlabel="Dry-bulb Temperature [°C]")
# ################
# Plot apsychrometric chart using psychrochart
# ################
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from psychrochart import PsychroChart
# Pass a dict with the changes wanted:
custom_style = {
"figure": {
# "title": "Psychrometric Chart (sea level)",
"x_label": "DRY-BULB TEMPERATURE, $°C$",
"y_label": "HUMIDITY RATIO $w, g_w / kg_{da}$",
"x_axis": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "linewidth": 1.5, "linestyle": "-"},
"x_axis_labels": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "fontsize": 8},
"x_axis_ticks": {"direction": "out", "color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
"y_axis": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "linewidth": 1.5, "linestyle": "-"},
"y_axis_labels": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "fontsize": 8},
"y_axis_ticks": {"direction": "out", "color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]},
"partial_axis": False,
"position": [0.025, 0.075, 0.925, 0.875]
"limits": {
"range_temp_c": [0, 40],
"range_humidity_g_kg": [0, 30],
"altitude_m": 0,
"step_temp": 1.0
"saturation": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "linewidth": 2, "linestyle": "-"},
"constant_rh": {"color": [0.8, 0.0, 0.0], "linewidth": 1, "linestyle": "-"},
"constant_v": {"color": [0.0, 0.4, 0.4], "linewidth": 0.5, "linestyle": "-"},
"constant_h": {"color": [1, 0.4, 0.0], "linewidth": 0.75, "linestyle": "-"},
"constant_wet_temp": {"color": [0.2, 0.8, 0.2], "linewidth": 1, "linestyle": "--"},
"constant_dry_temp": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "linewidth": 0.25, "linestyle": "-"},
"constant_humidity": {"color": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "linewidth": 0.25, "linestyle": "-"},
"chart_params": {
"with_constant_rh": True,
"constant_rh_curves": [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90],
"constant_rh_labels": [20, 40, 60, 80],
"with_constant_v": False,
"constant_v_step": 0.01,
"range_vol_m3_kg": [0.78, 0.96],
"with_constant_h": True,
"constant_h_step": 10,
"constant_h_labels": [0],
"range_h": [10, 130],
"with_constant_wet_temp": True,
"constant_wet_temp_step": 1,
"range_wet_temp": [-10, 35],
"constant_wet_temp_labels": [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30],
"with_constant_dry_temp": True,
"constant_temp_step": 5,
"with_constant_humidity": True,
"constant_humid_step": 2,
"with_zones": False
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 3))
chart = PsychroChart(custom_style)
# # Append zones:
# zones_conf = {
# "zones":[{
# "zone_type": "dbt-rh",
# "style": {"edgecolor": [1.0, 0.749, 0.0, 0.8],
# "facecolor": [1.0, 0.749, 0.0, 0.2],
# "linewidth": 2,
# "linestyle": "--"},
# "points_x": [23, 28],
# "points_y": [40, 60],
# "label": "Summer"
# },
# {
# "zone_type": "dbt-rh",
# "style": {"edgecolor": [0.498, 0.624, 0.8],
# "facecolor": [0.498, 0.624, 1.0, 0.2],
# "linewidth": 2,
# "linestyle": "--"},
# "points_x": [18, 23],
# "points_y": [35, 55],
# "label": "Winter"
# }]}
# chart.append_zones(zones_conf)
# chart.plot(ax)
# # Add Vertical lines
# t_min, t_opt, t_max = 16, 23, 30
# chart.plot_vertical_dry_bulb_temp_line(
# t_min, {"color": [0.0, 0.125, 0.376], "lw": 2, "ls": ':'},
# ' TOO COLD ({}°C)'.format(t_min), ha='left', loc=0., fontsize=14)
# chart.plot_vertical_dry_bulb_temp_line(
# t_opt, {"color": [0.475, 0.612, 0.075], "lw": 2, "ls": ':'})
# chart.plot_vertical_dry_bulb_temp_line(
# t_max, {"color": [1.0, 0.0, 0.247], "lw": 2, "ls": ':'},
# 'TOO HOT ({}°C) '.format(t_max), ha='right', loc=1,
# reverse=True, fontsize=14)
# # Add labelled points and connections between points
# points = {'exterior': {'label': 'Exterior',
# 'style': {'color': [0.855, 0.004, 0.278, 0.8],
# 'marker': 'X', 'markersize': 15},
# 'xy': (31.06, 32.9)},
# 'exterior_estimated': {
# 'label': 'Estimated (Weather service)',
# 'style': {'color': [0.573, 0.106, 0.318, 0.5],
# 'marker': 'x', 'markersize': 10},
# 'xy': (36.7, 25.0)},
# 'interior': {'label': 'Interior',
# 'style': {'color': [0.592, 0.745, 0.051, 0.9],
# 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 30},
# 'xy': (29.42, 52.34)}}
# connectors = [{'start': 'exterior',
# 'end': 'exterior_estimated',
# 'label': 'Process 1',
# 'style': {'color': [0.573, 0.106, 0.318, 0.7],
# "linewidth": 2, "linestyle": "-."}},
# {'start': 'exterior',
# 'end': 'interior',
# 'label': 'Process 2',
# 'style': {'color': [0.855, 0.145, 0.114, 0.8],
# "linewidth": 2, "linestyle": ":"}}]
# chart.plot_points_dbt_rh(points, connectors)
# #
chart.plot_legend(markerscale=.7, frameon=False, fontsize=10, labelspacing=1.2)
# import pandas as pd
# import psychrolib
# import seaborn as sns
# df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Federico\Downloads/epw.csv")
# pressure = 101325
# hr = []
# for ix, row in df.iterrows():
# hr.append(
# psychrolib.GetHumRatioFromRelHum(row["DBT"], row["RH"] / 100, pressure) * 1000)
# df["HR"] = hr
# # plt.scatter(x=df["DPT"], y=df["HR"] c=df["glob_hor_rad"])
# # sns.kdeplot(
# # data=df, x="DBT", y="HR", fill=True, ax=ax
# # )
# sns.histplot(df, x="DBT", y="HR", ax=ax)
# t_array = np.arange(0, 50, 0.1)
# lower_hr = [psychrolib.GetHumRatioFromRelHum(x, 1, pressure) * 1000 for x in t_array]
# ax.fill_between(t_array, lower_hr, 100, color=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4))
plt.savefig(r"C:/Users/Federico/Downloads/test.svg", transparent=True)
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I am very sorry that the code is not working. Unfortunately, I'm do not have the time at the moment to look into it. I will try to have a look at the code when I get back from my international trip which is going to be around the end of July. Please let me know if you find a solution to the issue.

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Neko67F commented Jul 16, 2024

I have had several problems on this chart and it is not over.
1- about this number of arguments, Hegerlid, you found it in your update: "chart = PsychroChart.create(custom_style)" does the job.
2 - I want to add zones and points on my chart. It works properly for zones now that I have clearly create the graph with fig, ax = plt.subplots() - it does not work with a plain "plot()".
3 - I'm anable to add points on my chart, they simply do not appear. I used the "chart.plot_points_dbt_rh(points)" as specified in the script above... I have the feeling that it is because it is not really "appended" to my chart. Can anyone help? (I tried to cheat by creating a tiny zone, but it is far from satisfying, both intellectually and with an ugly result).
Many thanks in advance!

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Hi again,
For me, it worked plotting lines, points, polygons, whatever using the normal way of matplotlib, if the axis=ax, ax.fill(), ax.scatter() etc. Hope it helps!

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Neko67F commented Jul 16, 2024

Hi again, For me, it worked plotting lines, points, polygons, whatever using the normal way of matplotlib, if the axis=ax, ax.fill(), ax.scatter() etc. Hope it helps!

Thank you for the tip, it definitely helps! I only had to add a ax.scatter(point_datas) and it works! Many thanks.

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