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Created September 15, 2015 22:01
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value.c with a ProgramInvocation kind for lazy invocation
#include "value.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <gc.h>
#include <common.h>
#include "sym.h"
#include "runner.h"
#include "invoke.h"
typedef enum valueKind {
valueInvalid, valueUnit, valueInt, valueFloat, valueStr, valueFile,
valueFn, valueSimpleClosure, valueASTClosure,
valuePair, valueTriple, valueVector,
} valueKind;
//todo doc impl. oriented, not type (handled by the analyzer)
// - not part of the interface
// - no tests for kind, only capabilities
typedef struct value {
valueKind kind;
union {
int64_t integer;
double number;
struct {
const char* str;
size_t strlen;
struct {
const char* filename;
const char* relativeTo;
/*The absolute form of the filename. May not have been
computed yet and therefore null.*/
const char* absolute;
value* (*fnptr)(const value*);
struct {
value* (*simpleClosure)(const void* env, const value*);
const void* simpleEnv;
struct {
const vector(sym*)* argSymbols;
const vector(value*)* argValues;
ast* body;
vector(value*) vec; //todo array(value*)
/*Pair Triple*/
struct {
value *first, *second, *third;
struct {
/*args bookended by the program name and a null-terminator*/
vector(char*) argv;
} value;
static const char* valueKindGetStr (valueKind kind);
/*==== Value creators ====*/
//todo GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC for object that don't contain GC pointers
static value* valueCreate (valueKind kind, value init) {
value* v = GC_MALLOC(sizeof(value));
*v = init;
v->kind = kind;
return v;
value* valueCreateUnit (void) {
return valueCreate(valueUnit, (value) {});
value* valueCreateInt (int integer) {
return valueCreate(valueInt, (value) {
.integer = integer
value* valueCreateFloat (double number) {
return valueCreate(valueFloat, (value) {
.number = number
value* valueCreateStr (char* str) {
size_t length = strlen(str);
return valueCreate(valueStr, (value) {
.str = strcpy(GC_MALLOC(length+1), str), .strlen = length
value* valueCreateFile (const char* filename, const char* relativeTo) {
return valueCreate(valueFile, (value) {
.filename = GC_STRDUP(filename),
.relativeTo = relativeTo,
.absolute = 0
value* valueCreateFn (value* (*fnptr)(const value*)) {
return valueCreate(valueFn, (value) {
.fnptr = fnptr
value* valueCreateSimpleClosure (const void* env, simpleClosureFn fnptr) {
return valueCreate(valueSimpleClosure, (value) {
.simpleClosure = fnptr, .simpleEnv = env
value* valueCreateASTClosure (vector(sym*) argSymbols, vector(value*) argValues, ast* body) {
return valueCreate(valueASTClosure, (value) {
.argSymbols = alloci(sizeof(vector), &argSymbols, GC_malloc),
.argValues = alloci(sizeof(vector), &argValues, GC_malloc),
.body = body
value* valueCreatePair (value* first, value* second) {
return valueCreate(valuePair, (value) {
.first = first, .second = second
value* valueCreateTriple (value* first, value* second, value* third) {
return valueCreate(valueTriple, (value) {
.first = first, .second = second, .third = third
static value* valueCreateVector (vector(value*) elements) {
return valueCreate(valueVector, (value) {
.vec = elements
value* valueCreateProgramInvocation (vector(const char*) argv) {
return valueCreate(valueProgramInvocation, (value) {
.argv = argv
value* valueCreateInvalid (void) {
static value* invalid;
if (!invalid)
invalid = valueCreate(valueInvalid, (value) {});
return invalid;
value* valueStoreTuple (int n, ...) {
switch (n) {
//todo 0 and 1?
case 2:
case 3: {
va_list args;
va_start(args, n);
value *first = va_arg(args, value*),
*second = va_arg(args, value*),
*third = n == 3 ? va_arg(args, value*) : 0;
if (n == 2)
return valueCreatePair(first, second);
return valueCreateTriple(first, second, third);
default: {
vector(value*) v = vectorInit(n, GC_malloc);
for_n_args (n, value* element, n, {
vectorPush(&v, element);
return valueCreateVector(v);
value* valueStoreArray (int n, value** const array) {
switch (n) {
case 2: return valueCreatePair(array[0], array[1]);
case 3: return valueCreateTriple(array[0], array[1], array[2]);
default: {
vector(value*) v = vectorInit(n, GC_malloc);
vectorPushFromArray(&v, (void**) array, n, sizeof(value*));
return valueCreateVector(v);
value* valueStoreVector (vector(value*) v) {
return valueCreateVector(v);
/*==== ====*/
const char* valueKindGetStr (valueKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case valueUnit: return "Unit";
case valueInt: return "Int";
case valueFloat: return "Float";
case valueStr: return "Str";
case valueFn: return "Fn";
case valueSimpleClosure: return "SimpleClosure";
case valueASTClosure: return "ASTClosure";
case valueFile: return "File";
case valuePair: return "Pair";
case valueTriple: return "Triple";
case valueVector: return "Vector";
case valueProgramInvocation: return "ProgramInvocation";
case valueInvalid: return "<Invalid value>";
return "<unhandled value kind>";
/*==== (Kind generic) Operations ====*/
bool valueIsInvalid (const value* v) {
return !v || v->kind == valueInvalid;
int valuePrintImpl (const value* v, printf_t printf) {
if (!precond(v))
return printf("<null>");
//todo use streams that indent
switch (v->kind) {
case valueUnit:
return printf("()");
case valueInt:
return printf("%ld", v->integer);
case valueFloat:
return printf("%f", v->number);
case valueStr:
//todo escape
return printf("\"%s\"", v->str);
case valueFn:
return printf("<fn at %p>", v->fnptr);
case valueSimpleClosure:
return printf("<fn at %p with env. %p>", v->simpleClosure, v->simpleEnv);
case valueASTClosure: {
int length = printf("<AST of fn at %p", v->body);
if (v->argValues->length != 0) {
length += printf(" with");
for_vector_indexed (i, value* capture, *v->argValues, {
if (i == 0)
length += printf(" ");
length += printf(", ");
sym* arg = vectorGet(*v->argSymbols, i);
length += arg->name ? printf("%s", arg->name) : printf("%p", arg);
length += printf(" = ");
length += valuePrint(capture);
//length += printf(" = %p", capture);
return length += printf(">");
case valueFile:
return printf("%s", v->filename);
case valuePair:
return printf("<pair>");
case valueTriple:
return printf("<triple>");
case valueVector:
return printf("<vector of %d>", v->vec.length);
case valueProgramInvocation: {
int length = printf("(");
for (int i = 0; i < v->argv.length-1; i++) {
const char* arg = vectorGet(v->argv, i);
length += printf(i == 0 ? "%s" : " %s", arg);
return length += printf(")");
case valueInvalid:
return printf("<invalid>");
errprintf("Unhandled value kind, %s\n", valueKindGetStr(v->kind));
return 0;
int valueGetWidthOfStr (const value* v) {
return valuePrintImpl(v, dryprintf);
int valuePrint (const value* v) {
return valuePrintImpl(v, printf);
static bool valueIsKindLazy (valueKind kind) {
return kind == valueProgramInvocation;
//todo all value* const
value* valueBecomeEager (const value* v) {
//todo precond
if (valueIsKindLazy(v->kind)) {
if (!precond(v->kind == valueProgramInvocation))
return (value*) v;
int exitcode = invokeSyncronously((char**) v->argv.buffer);
return valueCreateInt(exitcode);
} else
return (value*) v;
/*==== Kind specific operations ====*/
static bool precond_valueKind (const value* v, valueKind kind) {
return precond(v) && !valueIsInvalid(v) && precond(v->kind == kind);
static bool precond_value (const value* v, bool (*predicate)(const value*)) {
return precond(v) && !valueIsInvalid(v) && precond(predicate(v));
int64_t valueGetInt (const value* num) {
if (!precond_valueKind(num, valueInt))
/*This interface gives no way to inform of an error. todo?*/
return 0;
return num->integer;
static const char* valueGetStrImpl (const value* str, size_t* length) {
if (!precond_valueKind(str, valueStr)) {
if (length)
*length = 0;
return "";
if (length)
*length = str->strlen;
return str->str;
const char* valueGetStr (const value* str) {
return valueGetStrImpl(str, 0);
const char* valueGetStrWithLength (const value* str, size_t* length) {
return valueGetStrImpl(str, length);
value* valueCall (const value* fn, const value* arg) {
if (!precond(fn) || !precond(arg))
return valueCreateInvalid();
switch (fn->kind) {
case valueFn:
return fn->fnptr(arg);
case valueSimpleClosure:
return fn->simpleClosure(fn->simpleEnv, arg);
case valueASTClosure: {
/*Create a copy of the values vector with the new arg*/
vector(value*) argValues = vectorInit(fn->argSymbols->length, GC_malloc);
vectorPushFromVector(&argValues, *fn->argValues);
vectorPush(&argValues, arg);
/*More args to come, store in another closure*/
if (argValues.length < fn->argSymbols->length)
return valueCreateASTClosure(*fn->argSymbols, argValues, fn->body);
/*Enough, run the body with this environment*/
else {
if (argValues.length > fn->argSymbols->length)
errprintf("ASTClosure given too many args\n");
envCtx env = {
.symbols = *fn->argSymbols,
.values = argValues
return run(&env, fn->body);
} default:
errprintf("Unhandled value kind, %s\n", valueKindGetStr(fn->kind));
return valueCreateInvalid();
static bool isFileish (const value* v) {
return v->kind == valueFile
|| v->kind == valueStr;
const char* valueGetFilename (const value* v) {
if (!precond_value(v, isFileish))
return "";
if (v->kind == valueFile) {
/*Non-relative path, return directly*/
if (!v->relativeTo)
return v->filename;
/*Construct the absolute*/
if (!v->absolute) {
size_t length = strlen(v->relativeTo) + strlen(v->filename) + 2;
((value*) v)->absolute = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(length);
snprintf((char*) v->absolute, length, "%s/%s", v->relativeTo, v->filename);
return v->absolute;
} else
return v->str;
const char* valueGetDisplayFilename (const value* v) {
if (!precond_value(v, isFileish))
return "";
if (v->kind == valueFile)
return v->filename;
return v->str;
/*---- Iterables ----*/
static bool isIterable (const value* iterable) {
switch (iterable->kind) {
case valuePair:
case valueTriple:
case valueVector:
return true;
return false;
int valueGuessIterableLength (const value* iterable) {
if (!precond_value(iterable, isIterable)) {
/*After extensive research, scientists have discovered
that all iterators are three items long.*/
return 3;
switch (iterable->kind) {
case valuePair: return 2;
case valueTriple: return 3;
case valueVector:
return iterable->vec.length;
errprintf("Unhandled iterable kind, %s\n", valueKindGetStr(iterable->kind));
return 3;
bool valueGetIterator (const value* iterable, valueIter* iter) {
if (!precond_value(iterable, isIterable)) {
*iter = (valueIter) {.kind = iterInvalid};
return true;
switch (iterable->kind) {
case valuePair:
case valueTriple:
case valueVector: {
*iter = (valueIter) {
.iterable = iterable, .index = -1
iter->kind = iterable->kind == valuePair ? iterPair
: iterable->kind == valueTriple ? iterTriple : iterVector;
return false;
errprintf("Unhandled iterable kind, %s\n", valueKindGetStr(iterable->kind));
return true;
const value* valueIterRead (valueIter* iterator) {
if ( !precond(iterator)
|| iterator->kind == iterInvalid)
return 0;
return valueGetTupleNth(iterator->iterable, ++iterator->index);
vector(const value*) valueGetVector (const value* iterable) {
if ( !precond_value(iterable, isIterable)
|| !precond(iterable->kind == valueVector))
/*Dummy vector*/
return vectorInit(1, GC_malloc);
return iterable->vec;
/*---- ----*/
const value* valueGetTupleNth (const value* tuple, int n) {
if (!precond_value(tuple, isIterable))
return valueCreateInvalid();
switch (tuple->kind) {
case valuePair:
case valueTriple:
switch (n) {
case 0: return tuple->first;
case 1: return tuple->second;
/*Will be null if the tuple was a pair, the desired output*/
case 2: return tuple->third;
default: return 0;
case valueVector:
return vectorGet(tuple->vec, n);
errprintf("Unhandled iterable kind, %s\n", valueKindGetStr(tuple->kind));
return valueCreateInvalid();
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