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Created September 15, 2015 21:59
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  • Save Fedjmike/e19810f84d2cdae36757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Fedjmike/e19810f84d2cdae36757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
runner.c that separates the runner entry point from the AST handler
#include "runner.h"
#include <gc.h>
#include "dirctx.h"
#include "sym.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "type.h"
#include "value.h"
#include "invoke.h"
#include "builtins.h"
static value* runner (envCtx* env, const ast* node);
/*==== ====*/
static value* getSymbolValue (envCtx* env, sym* symbol) {
/*Look it up in the symbol environment
if running with one (because we're in a lambda)*/
if (!vectorNull(env->symbols)) {
int index = vectorFind(env->symbols, symbol);
if (!precond(index != -1))
return 0;
value* result = vectorGet(env->values, index);
return result;
/*Otherwise we can just access the global value*/
} else {
value* val = symbol->val;
if (!val) {
errprintf("%s has no value\n", symGetName(symbol));
return valueCreateInvalid();
return val;
static value* runFnLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
/*Actual args = captures + explicit args*/
int argNo = node->captured->length + node->children.length;
/*These two vectors form a simple map from symbol to value, hence
their elements must correspond.*/
vector(sym*) argSymbols = vectorInit(argNo, GC_malloc_atomic);
vector(value*) argValues = vectorInit(argNo, GC_malloc);
/*Fill the symbols vector with the captured symbols and arg symbols*/
vectorPushFromVector(&argSymbols, *node->captured);
for_vector (ast* arg, node->children, {
if (!precond(arg->symbol))
vectorPush(&argSymbols, arg->symbol);
/*Capture the necessary symbols*/
for_vector (sym* capture, *node->captured, {
vectorPush(&argValues, getSymbolValue(env, capture));
/*Duplicate the body*/
ast* body = astDup(node->r, GC_malloc);
return valueCreateASTClosure(argSymbols, argValues, body);
static value* runTupleLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
/*Note: VLA*/
value* results[node->children.length];
for_vector_indexed (i, ast* element, node->children, {
results[i] = runner(env, element);
return valueStoreArray(node->children.length, results);
static value* runListLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
/*Note: VLA*/
value* results[node->children.length];
for_vector_indexed (i, ast* element, node->children, {
results[i] = runner(env, element);
/*Use StoreArray, not StoreVector, because a literal is quite likely
to be small and not need an allocation.*/
return valueStoreArray(node->children.length, results);
static value* runFileLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
const char* str = node->literal.str;
if (node->flags & flagAbsolutePath)
return valueCreateFile(str, 0);
else {
const char* path = node->flags & flagAllowPathSearch ? dirsSearch(env->dirs, str) : 0;
if (path)
return valueCreateFile(str, path);
return valueCreateFile(str, env->dirs->workingDirReal);
static value* runGlobLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
if (node->flags & flagAbsolutePath)
return builtinExpandGlob(node->literal.str, 0);
return builtinExpandGlob(node->literal.str, env->dirs->workingDirReal);
static value* runLit (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
(void) env;
switch (node->kind) {
case astUnitLit: return valueCreateUnit();
case astIntLit: return valueCreateInt(node->literal.integer);
case astFloatLit: return valueCreateFloat(node->literal.number);
case astBoolLit: return valueCreateInt(node->literal.truth);
case astStrLit: return valueCreateStr(node->literal.str);
/*This one thrown in too because it's similarly simple*/
case astInvalid: return valueCreateUnit();
errprintf("Unhandled literal kind, %s", astKindGetStr(node->kind));
return valueCreateInvalid();
static value* runSymbol (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
return getSymbolValue(env, node->symbol);
bool unixSerialize (vector(char*)* args, value* v, type* dt) {
char* str;
type* elements;
if (typeIsKind(type_File, dt))
str = GC_STRDUP(valueGetFilename(v));
else if (typeIsKind(type_Str, dt))
str = GC_STRDUP(valueGetStr(v));
/*A list appears as a sequence of args*/
else if (typeIsListOf(dt, &elements)) {
vector(value*) vec = valueGetVector(v);
/*Allocate more space for the elements early since we know how
many there will be.*/
vectorResize(args, args->capacity + vec.length, GC_realloc);
const char* (*getter)(const value*) = typeIsKind(type_Str, elements)
? valueGetStr : valueGetFilename;
for_vector (value* element, vec, {
vectorPusha(args, GC_STRDUP(getter(element)), GC_realloc);
/*todo: Currently a zero size array serializes to no new args,
which means the program doesn't notice it. This can cause
programs to read indefinitely from stdin. Bad! Give empty
Try !wc *.nonexistent */
return false;
} else {
errprintf("Unhandled type kind, %s\n", typeGetStr(dt));
return true;
/*Add the serialized string
(for args of a single string, lists return early)*/
vectorPush(args, str);
return false;
static value* runClassicUnixApp (envCtx* env, const ast* node, const char* program) {
/*Create a vector of the (string) args,
bookended by the program name and a null-terminator.*/
vector(char*) args = vectorInit(node->children.length + 2, GC_malloc);
vectorPush(&args, GC_STRDUP(program));
for_vector (ast* argNode, node->children, {
value* arg = runner(env, argNode);
/*Structured data must be lowered to strings*/
bool fail = unixSerialize(&args, arg, argNode->dt);
if (fail)
return valueCreateInvalid();
vectorPush(&args, 0);
/*Invoke the program*/
if (node->flags & flagUnixSynchronous)
return valueCreateInt(invokeSyncronously((char**) args.buffer));
else {
/*Run the program*/
FILE* programOutput = invokePiped((char**) args.buffer);
if (!precond(programOutput))
return valueCreateInvalid();
/*Read the pipe*/
char* output = readall(programOutput, gcalloc);
return valueCreateStr(output);
static value* runFnApp (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
value* result = runner(env, node->r);
if (node->flags & flagUnixInvocation)
result = runClassicUnixApp(env, node, valueGetFilename(result));
else {
for_vector (ast* argNode, node->children, {
value* arg = runner(env, argNode);
result = valueCall(result, arg);
//todo verify result types?
return result;
/*---- Binary operators ----*/
static value* pipeCall (const ast* node, const value* fn, const value* arg) {
value* result = valueCall(fn, arg);
if (node->op == opPipeZip)
result = valueStoreTuple(2, result, arg);
return result;
static value* runPipe (envCtx* env, const ast* node, const value* arg, const value* fn) {
(void) env;
/*Implicit map*/
if (node->flags & flagListApplication) {
valueIter iter;
if (valueGetIterator(arg, &iter))
return valueCreateInvalid();
vector(value*) results = vectorInit(valueGuessIterableLength(arg), GC_malloc);
/*Apply it to each element*/
for (const value* element; (element = valueIterRead(&iter));)
vectorPush(&results, pipeCall(node, fn, element));
return valueStoreVector(results);
} else
return pipeCall(node, fn, arg);
static value* runConcat (envCtx* env, const ast* node, const value* left, const value* right) {
(void) env, (void) node;
//todo delayed evaluation
// 1. for asyncronous IO
// 2. for laziness
vector(const value*) lvec = valueGetVector(left),
rvec = valueGetVector(right);
//todo opt.
vector(value*) result = vectorInit(lvec.length + rvec.length, malloc);
vectorPushFromVector(&result, lvec);
vectorPushFromVector(&result, rvec);
return valueStoreVector(result);
static value* runBOP (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
const value *left = runner(env, node->l),
*right = runner(env, node->r);
switch (node->op) {
case opPipe:
case opPipeZip:
return runPipe(env, node, left, right);
case opConcat: return runConcat(env, node, left, right);
errprintf("Unhandled binary operator kind, %s\n", opKindGetStr(node->op));
return valueCreateInvalid();
/*---- ----*/
static value* runLet (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
const value* init = runner(env, node->r);
node->symbol->val = (value*) init;
return valueCreateUnit();
/*---- ----*/
static value* runner (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
typedef value* (*handler_t)(envCtx*, const ast*);
static handler_t table[astKindNo] = {
[astFnLit] = runFnLit,
[astTupleLit] = runTupleLit,
[astListLit] = runListLit,
[astFileLit] = runFileLit,
[astGlobLit] = runGlobLit,
/*Common handler*/
[astInvalid] = runLit,
[astUnitLit] = runLit,
[astIntLit] = runLit,
[astFloatLit] = runLit,
[astBoolLit] = runLit,
[astStrLit] = runLit,
[astSymbol] = runSymbol,
[astFnApp] = runFnApp,
[astBOP] = runBOP,
[astLet] = runLet
handler_t handler;
//todo check table for zeroes
if (!node) {
errprintf("The given AST node is a null pointer\n");
return valueCreateInvalid();
} else if ((handler = table[node->kind]))
return handler(env, node);
else {
errprintf("Unhandled AST kind, %s\n", astKindGetStr(node->kind));
return valueCreateInvalid();
value* run (envCtx* env, const ast* node) {
value* result = runner(env, node);
return valueBecomeEager(result);
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