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Created June 11, 2019 10:00
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DepthOS heap
└─< (master|MERGING)* >──» qemu-system-i386 -M pc-i440fx-2.8 -kernel DepthOS-1.0 -s -serial stdio -monitor none -append 'console=ttyS0'
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c100, .last = 0x11c100, .end = 0x11c164}
[HEAP] ALLOC cur chunk - at 0x11c000 ( mem - 0x11c100 )
{.size = 5, .magic = 2037504287, .used = 1, .next = 0x11c206}
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c206, .last = 0x11c100, .end = 0x11c164}
[HEAP] ALLOC cur chunk - at 0x11c106 ( mem - 0x11c206 )
{.size = 0, .magic = 0, .used = 0, .next = 0x100}
0x11c100 - hello
[HEAP] FREE cur chunk - at 0x11c0f0 ( mem - 0x11c1f0 )
{.size = 0, .magic = 0, .used = 0, .next = 0x100}
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c206, .last = 0x11c100, .end = 0x11c164}
[HEAP] cur chunk - at 0x11c000 ( mem - 0x11c100 )
{.size = 5, .magic = 2037504287, .used = 1, .next = 0x11c206}
[HEAP] ALLOC cur chunk - at 0x11c106 ( mem - 0x11c206 )
{.size = 5, .magic = 2037504287, .used = 1, .next = 0x11c30c}
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c30c, .last = 0x11c206, .end = 0x11c164}
[HEAP] ALLOC cur chunk - at 0x11c20c ( mem - 0x11c30c )
{.size = 0, .magic = 0, .used = 0, .next = 0x100}
0x11c206 - new!!
0x11c100 - hello
[HEAP] FREE cur chunk - at 0x11c1f6 ( mem - 0x11c2f6 )
┌─<Фёдор @ hp in /c/c/U/Ф/D/G/DepthOS>
└─< (master|MERGING)* >──» scp fed-lap@linux-fedlap06:~/code/github/DepthOS/DepthOS-1.0 DepthOS-1.0 130 < 12:40:33
fed-lap@linux-fedlap06's password:
DepthOS-1.0 100% 83KB 554.7KB/s 00:00
┌─<Фёдор @ hp in /c/c/U/Ф/D/G/DepthOS>
└─< (master|MERGING)* >──» qemu-system-i386 -M pc-i440fx-2.8 -kernel DepthOS-1.0 -s -serial stdio -monitor none -append 'console=ttyS0'
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c100, .last = 0x11c100, .end = 0x11c164}
0x11c100 - hello
[HEAP] heap info -
{.beg = 0x11c100, .magic = 2037504287, .cur = 0x11c206, .last = 0x11c100, .end = 0x11c164}
0x11c206 - new!!
0x11c100 - hello
┌─<Фёдор @ hp in /c/c/U/Ф/D/G/DepthOS>
└─< (master|MERGING)* >──»
#include <depthos/string.h>
#include <depthos/paging.h>
#include <depthos/console.h>
#include "depthos/heap.h"
extern uint32_t end;
extern pde_t *cur_pgd __align(4096);
extern pde_t kernel_pgd[] __align(4096);
extern int paging_enabled;
uint32_t placeAddr = (uint32_t)&end;
int heap_enabled = 0;
int ts_enable = 0;
#include <depthos/string.h>
#include <depthos/paging.h>
#include <depthos/console.h>
#include "depthos/heap.h"
extern uint32_t end;
extern pde_t *cur_pgd __align(4096);
extern pde_t kernel_pgd[] __align(4096);
extern int paging_enabled;
uint32_t placeAddr = (uint32_t)&end;
int heap_enabled = 0;
int ts_enable = 0;
mmh* create_heap(size_t size) {
mmh* heap;
return heap;
void init_heap(mmh* heap,size_t size) {
heap->beg = sbrk(size);
heap->end = sbrk(0);
heap->cur = heap->last = heap->beg;
void* sbrk(size_t size) {
if(ts_enable) {
else {
uint32_t t = placeAddr;
placeAddr += size;
return (void*)t;
return NULL;
void* malloc(size_t size,mmh* heap) {
hmmc* hcur = heap->cur;
#define checkNew(ch) \
if (ch->size == 0) { \
ch += ch->size; \
goto new_alloc; \
#define checkEnd(ch,h) \
if(hmmc2mm(ch) + ch->size == h->end) { \
ch->next = NULL; \
h->cur = h->end; \
} \
if(heap->cur == heap->end) {
return NULL;
if(hcur->next != NULL){
hcur = heap->beg;
while(hcur != heap->cur) {
if(hcur->used) {
hcur = hcur->next;
if(hcur->size == size) {
hmmc* nch = hmmc2mm(hcur) + hcur->size;
hcur->next = nch;
return (void*)hmmc2mm(hcur);
if(hcur->size > size) {
hmmc* nch = hmmc2mm(hcur) + size;
nch->next = NULL;
hcur->next = nch;
nch->next = mm2hmmc(hcur) + hcur->size;
return (void*)hmmc2mm(hcur);
hcur = hcur->next;
hcur->next = hmmc2mm(hcur) + hcur->size;
hcur->size = size;
hcur->used = true;
heap->cur = hmmc2mm(hcur) + hcur->size;
heap->last = hcur;
return (void*)hmmc2mm(hcur);
#undef checkNew
#undef checkEnd
void free(void* p, mmh* heap) {
hmmc* ch = mm2hmmc(p);
if(ch->next == hmmc2mm(heap->cur)) {
heap->cur = ch;
heap->cur->next = NULL;
ch->used = false;
#pragma once
#include <depthos/stdtypes.h>
typedef struct __hmmc {
size_t size;
bool used;
struct __hmmc *next;
}hmmc, *hmmc*;
typedef struct __mmh {
hmmc* beg;
hmmc* last;
hmmc* cur;
hmmc* end;
}mmh, *pmmh;
#define mm2hmmc(mm) ((struct __hmmc*)(mm - sizeof(struct __hmmc)))
#define hmmc2mm(hmmc) ((void*)(hmmc + sizeof(struct __hmmc)))
mmh* create_heap(size_t size) {
mmh* heap;
return heap;
void init_heap(mmh* heap,size_t size) {
heap->beg = sbrk(size);
heap->beg->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
heap->end = sbrk(0);
heap->cur = heap->last = heap->beg;
heap->magic = HEAP_MAGIC;
void* sbrk(size_t size) {
if(ts_enable) {
else {
uint32_t t = placeAddr;
placeAddr += size;
return (void*)t;
return NULL;
void dumb_hmmc(hmmc* ch,uint8_t state) {
printk("[HEAP] ");
if(state == 1) {
// console_write_color("ALLOC",BLACK_COLOR,PURPLE_COLOR);
printk("ALLOC ");
else if(state == 2){
printk("FREE ");
// console_write_color("FREE",BLACK_COLOR,WWBLUE_COLOR);
printk("cur chunk - at 0x%x ( mem - 0x%x ) \n{.size = %d, .magic = %lu, .used = %d, .next = 0x%x}\n",ch,ch + sizeof(hmmc), ch->size,ch->magic,ch->used,ch->next + sizeof(hmmc));
void dumb_mmh(mmh* h) {
printk("[HEAP] ");
printk("heap info - \n{.beg = 0x%x, .magic = %lu, .cur = 0x%x, .last = 0x%x, .end = 0x%x}\n", h->beg + sizeof(hmmc),h->magic,h->cur + sizeof(hmmc),h->last + sizeof(hmmc),h->end + sizeof(hmmc));
void* malloc(size_t size,mmh* heap) {
hmmc* hcur = heap->beg;
hcur->next = NULL;
if(heap->cur == heap->end) {
print_mod("sorry, out of heap memory",MOD_ERR);
while(hcur != heap->cur) {
if(hcur->size == 0) {
goto new_alloc;
if(hcur->used) {
hcur = hcur->next;
if(hcur->size == size) {
void *mem = hmmc2mm(hcur);
heap->used_mm += size;
hcur->next = (struct __hmmc*)(mem + size + 1);
hcur->used = true;
return mem;
if(hcur->size > size) {
void *mem = hmmc2mm(hcur);
hcur->next = (struct __hmmc*)(mem + size + 1);
hcur->used = true;
return mem;
hcur = hcur->next;
hcur = heap->cur;
void *mem = hmmc2mm(hcur);
hcur->size = size;
hcur->magic = heap->magic;
hcur->used = 1;
heap->last = heap->cur;
hcur = (hmmc*)(mem + size + 1);
heap->cur = hcur;
heap->last->next = heap->cur;
return mem;
void free(void* p, mmh* heap) {
hmmc* ch = mm2hmmc(p);
ch->used = false;
// dumb_hmmc(ch,2);
#pragma once
#include <depthos/stdtypes.h>
#define HEAP_MAGIC 0x7971D91F // 2037504287
// heap_magic overflow - 0x2C7971D91F and 191016065311
typedef struct __hmmc {
uint32_t magic;
size_t size;
uint8_t used;
struct __hmmc* next;
//#define phmmc hmmc*
typedef struct __mmh {
uint32_t magic;
hmmc* beg;
hmmc* last;
hmmc* cur;
hmmc* end;
size_t used_mm;
//#define pmmh mmh*
#define mm2hmmc(mm) ((struct __hmmc*)(mm - sizeof(struct __hmmc)))
#define hmmc2mm(hmmc) ((void*)(hmmc + sizeof(struct __hmmc)))
void* sbrk(size_t size);
void init_heap(mmh* heap,size_t size);
mmh* create_heap(size_t size);
void dumb_hmmc(hmmc* ch,uint8_t state);
void dumb_mmh(mmh* h);
void* malloc(size_t size,mmh* heap);
void free(void *p,mmh* heap);
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