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Created March 3, 2018 22:47
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[ 99% 1466/1476] Target boot image: /home/cfede...cosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/boot.img
FAILED: /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/boot.img
/bin/bash -c "(/home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/host/linux-x86/bin/mkbootimg --kernel /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/kernel --ramdisk /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/ramdisk.img --base 0x80000000 --pagesize 2048 --cmdline \"console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=30 msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 vmalloc=350M buildvariant=userdebug\" --dt /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/dt.img --os_version 8.1.0 --os_patch_level 2018-02-05 --ramdisk_offset 0x01000000 --tags_offset 0x00000100 --output /home/cfedericos
t/cedric/ramdisk.img --base 0x80000000 --pagesize 2048 --cmdline \"console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 andro
anchez/du/out/target/product/cedric/boot.img ) && (size=\$(for i in /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/
target/product/cedric/boot.img; do stat --format \"%s\" \"\$i\" | tr -d '\\n'; echo +; done; echo
0); total=\$(( \$( echo \"\$size\" ) )); printname=\$(echo -n \"/home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/targ
et/product/cedric/boot.img\" | tr \" \" +); img_blocksize=135168; twoblocks=\$((img_blocksize * 2)
); onepct=\$(((((17301504 / 100) - 1) / img_blocksize + 1) * img_blocksize)); reserve=\$((twoblock
s > onepct ? twoblocks : onepct)); maxsize=\$((17301504 - reserve)); echo \"\$printname maxsize=\$
maxsize blocksize=\$img_blocksize total=\$total reserve=\$reserve\"; if [ \"\$total\" -gt \"\$maxs
ize\" ]; then echo \"error: \$printname too large (\$total > [17301504 - \$reserve])\"; false; eli
f [ \"\$total\" -gt \$((maxsize - 32768)) ]; then echo \"WARNING: \$printname approaching size lim
it (\$total now; limit \$maxsize)\"; fi )"
usage: mkbootimg [-h] --kernel KERNEL [--ramdisk RAMDISK] [--second SECOND]
[--cmdline CMDLINE] [--base BASE]
[--kernel_offset KERNEL_OFFSET]
[--ramdisk_offset RAMDISK_OFFSET]
[--second_offset SECOND_OFFSET] [--os_version OS_VERSION]
[--os_patch_level OS_PATCH_LEVEL] [--tags_offset TAGS_OFFSET]
[--board BOARD] [--pagesize {2048,4096,8192,16384}] [--id] -o
mkbootimg: error: unrecognized arguments: --dt /home/cfedericosanchez/du/out/target/product/cedric
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
22:45:22 ninja failed with: exit status 1
#### failed to build some targets (09:20 (mm:ss)) ####
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