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Created September 9, 2011 19:06
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  • Save FeepingCreature/1207053 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FeepingCreature/1207053 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module tetris;
import sdl; // For graphics output
import std.math, std.file, std.random;
extern(C) int time(int*);
// Board size. size[0] is x is horizontal. size[1] is y is vertical.
alias size = (7, 14);
The main board. Tracks a field of blocks, together with code to
check if a field is free and remove lines (and replace them with
the lines above).
Basic housekeeping stuff, nothing special.
class TetrisBoard {
int x (size[0] * size[1]) field;
void init() { for int i <- 0..field.length field[i] = 0; }
bool isFree(int x, y) {
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x !< size[0] || y !< size[1]) return false;
return eval field[y * size[0] + x] == 0;
void set(int x, y, value) { field[y * size[0] + x] = value; }
int get(int x, y) { return field[y * size[0] + x]; }
void removeLine(int i) {
for (int y = i; y > 0; --y) {
for int x <- 0..size[0] {
set(x, y, get(x, y-1));
for int x <- 0..size[0]
set(x, 0, value => 0);
void removeFullLines() {
for int y <- 0..size[1] {
bool isFull = true;
for int x <- 0..size[0] {
if isFree(x, y) isFull = false;
if (isFull) removeLine(y);
// Color 0 == "block is free".
alias Free = 0;
A Tetris block is implemented as a series of positions on the board,
and a color.
vec2i == vector of two integers.
class Block {
vec2i[] poslist;
int color;
void init(int color) { this.color = color; }
Try to move the block to a new position on a board.
First the old block positions are removed.
Then for every new position: if the block is already in use,
restore our old positions and return "false" for "update failed".
Otherwise fill in the new positions and return true.
bool tryUpdate(TetrisBoard tb, vec2i[] newlist) {
// remove old me
for auto pos <- poslist tb.set(pos.xy, Free);
void writePos() { for auto pos <- poslist tb.set(pos.xy, color); }
// check new me
for auto pos <- newlist if !tb.isFree(pos) { writePos; /* restore */ return false; }
// commit new me
poslist = newlist;
return true;
Rotate a list of coordinates.
This first finds the bounding box,
then translates the coordinates so that the middle
of the bounding box is at 0,
do a simple rotation around the origin via
(x, y) = (-y, x)
and translate back.
void rotate(vec2i[] inp) {
// find the bounding box of the input coordinates
tl = vec2i(minlist [for v <- inp: v.x], minlist [for v <- inp: v.y]),
br = vec2i(maxlist [for v <- inp: v.x], maxlist [for v <- inp: v.y]);
// function to shift our list by an offset
void offsetBy(vec2i delta) {
for int i <- 0..inp.length
inp[i] += delta;
// the center point
auto half = (tl + br) / 2;
// make the center point the origin
offsetBy -half;
// rotation
for int i <- 0..inp.length using inp[i]
(x, y) = (-y, x);
// and move it back.
offsetBy half;
// A little hack to make rotation of the 2x2 box come out right.
// Even with this, this function still exhibits drift;
// that is, if you keep rotating a block it will wander to the right.
// I could fix that by introducing a per-block rotation counter and using that to offset the result
// but
// meh.
offsetBy vec2i(1, 0);
// Returns true if the block could be moved down on the board.
bool tryMoveDown(Block bl, TetrisBoard tb) {
auto list2 = bl.poslist.dup; // Copy the position list
for int i <- 0..list2.length
return bl.tryUpdate(tb, list2); // and try to update the block's list.
// Main function! Huzzah!
void main() {
// give us a good prng .. we could seed this with time(), but a constant is easier to test.
auto rng = getPRNG 23;
auto tb = new TetrisBoard;
// Colours. Black Blue Green, Aqua Purple Yellow Dark Yellow Teal
auto cols = [vec3f(0), vec3f(0, 0, 1), vec3f(0, 1, 0), vec3f(0, 1, 1), vec3f(1, 0, 1), vec3f(1, 1, 0), vec3f(0.5, 0.5, 0), vec3f(0, 0.5, 0.5)];
// get the screen position for a board position.
vec2i getPos(int x, int y) {
return vec2i(display.w * x / size[0], display.h * y / size[1]);
// "Render" our tetris board.
void draw(TetrisBoard tb) {
// Cross operator works like this:
// cross(0..2, 0..3) => [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)]
for (int x, int y) <- cross(0..size[0], 0..size[1]) {
auto col = cols[tb.get(x, y)];
auto from = getPos(x, y), to = getPos(x+1, y+1);
// and fill in the box.
// technically speaking I should be doing int y2, int x2 here for speed reasons
// (this is very painful on the data cache, because it keeps jumping cache lines)
// but hell, it's a Tetris. Not exactly high-demand on performance.
for (int x2, int y2) <- cross(,
display.pset(x2, y2, col);
// Open an SDL window.
screen (320, 480);
Block current; // the block currently controlled by the player.
alias NumBlocks = 7; // number of possible blocks
// This function tries to spawn a new block at the top.
bool tryRemakeCurrentBlock() {
auto kind = rng.rand() % NumBlocks;
current = new Block(kind + 1); // remember, 0 is "no block". Thus, start with 1.
vec2i[] blocklist;
// This is just the position list for each of the basic blocks.
if (kind == 0) blocklist = [for tup <- [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // I block
if (kind == 1) blocklist = [for tup <- [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (0, 2)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // |- block
if (kind == 2) blocklist = [for tup <- [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // L block
if (kind == 3) blocklist = [for tup <- [(1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // Reverse L block
if (kind == 4) blocklist = [for tup <- [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // Square block
if (kind == 5) blocklist = [for tup <- [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // Inverse Z block
if (kind == 6) blocklist = [for tup <- [(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 2)]: vec2i(tup)].eval; // Regular Z block
for int i <- 0..blocklist.length
blocklist[i].x += size[0] / 2; // Move the block from the left side to the center of the screen.
// Aaand .. try to update the block we created above.
// If this fails, it's game over.
return current.tryUpdate(tb, blocklist);
void tryRotate() {
if !current return; // no active block
auto newlist = current.poslist.dup;
current.tryUpdate(tb, newlist);
// Sideways movement
void tryShift(int xshift) {
if !current return;
auto newlist = current.poslist.dup;
for int i <- 0..newlist.length
newlist[i].x += xshift;
current.tryUpdate(tb, newlist);
// Downwards movement.
void tryDrop() {
if !current return;
auto newlist = current.poslist.dup;
for int i <- 0..newlist.length
newlist[i].y ++;
current.tryUpdate(tb, newlist);
// Should be clear.
void handleInput() {
if (keyPushed[SDLK_UP]) tryRotate;
else if (keyPushed[SDLK_LEFT]) tryShift -1;
else if (keyPushed[SDLK_RIGHT]) tryShift 1;
else if (keyPressed[SDLK_DOWN]) tryDrop;
else return;
// Spawn an initial block.
int last = 0; // timekeeping. Blocks are dropped once per second.
int phase; // Simple two-phase state machine.
void dropPhase() { // phase 0
if (!tryMoveDown(current, tb)) { // if this fails, our block has hit the bottom.
current = null;
phase = 1;
void scorePhase() { // 1
if (!tryRemakeCurrentBlock())
raise-error new Error "you lose lol"; // lol
phase = 0; // and go back to dropPhase.
// The main action of the game.
void updateGame() {
[&dropPhase, &scorePhase][phase]();
Main loop.
Once every second, update the game state machine.
Also handle input.
while true {
int t = time(null);
if (t != last) { last = t; updateGame; }
flip; // SDL helper function to update the screen and poll events.
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