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Last active April 22, 2017 08:45
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CycleJS Sink helper function
pretty straightforward implementatation.
( Stream -> Stream ) -> string -> HOC
HOC is a higher order component where the Signature is always
(sources -> sinks) -> sources -> sinks
function transformSink( fn, key ) {
return ( Component ) => ( sources ) => {
const sinks = Component( sources )
return {
[key]: sinks[key].map( fn )
now to transform multiple sinks
gets a key to fn pair dictionary object,
reduce over all keys and transform sinks.
To maintain purity, clone sinks.
e.g. transformDict = { 'HTTP' : stream => /../ ) }
Transform Object -> HOC
function transformSinks( transformDict ) {
return ( Component ) => ( sources ) => Object.keys( transformDict )
.reduce((sinks, key) => ({
[key]: sinks[key].map( transformDict[key] )
, Component( sources ))
gets carried away with Ramda? lol
// import R from 'ramda'
function v2_transformSinks( transformObj ) {
const transformSink = ( sinks, [ key, fn ] ) => ({
[key] : sinks[key].map( fn )
return ( Component ) => ( sources ) => R.compose(
R.reduce( transformSink, Component( sources )),
)( transformObj )
How would `v2_transformSinks` be refactored?
Or how better would you refactor `transformSinks`?
Right now it has become quite a mess. Perhaps I've gone too far?
Also still learning Hindley Milner notation.. help correct my mistake please :P
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