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Last active March 15, 2017 09:28
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FFT and reconstruction
function [magnitude, phase] = fourierSeries(x)
// FOURIERSERIES - Return the magnitude and phase of each
// sinusoidal component in the Fourier series expansion for
// the argument, which is interpreted as one cycle of a
// periodic signal. The argument is assumed to have an
// even number p of samples. The first returned value is an
// array containing the amplitudes of the sinusoidal
// components in the Fourier series expansion, with
// frequencies 0, 1/p, 2/p, ... 1/2. The second returned
// value is an array of phases for the sinusoidal
// components. Both returned values are arrays with length
// (p/2)+1.
p = length(x);
f = fft(x)/p;
magnitude(1) = abs(f(1));
upper = p/2;
magnitude(2:upper) = 2*abs(f(2:upper));
magnitude(upper+1) = abs(f(upper+1));
phase(1) = atan(f(1));
phase(2:upper) = atan(f(2:upper));
phase(upper+1) = atan(f(upper+1));
function x = reconstruct(magnitude, phase)
// RECONSTRUCT - Given a vector of magnitudes and a vector
// of phases, construct a signal that has these magnitudes
// and phases as its discrete Fourier series coefficients.
// The arguments are assumed to have odd length, p/2 + 1,
// and the returned vector will have length p.
t = [0 : 1/rate : 1 - 1/rate]
p = (length(magnitude) - 1) * 2
x = zeros(p) + magnitude(1)
for i = 2:length(magnitude)
x = x + (magnitude(i) * cos(i * 2 * %pi * t + atan(imag(phase(i)), real(phase(i)))))
rate = 8000
t = [0 : 1/rate : 1 - 1/rate]
x = sin(2 * %pi * 800 * t)
// 1) --------
function [] = ex1() clf()
[A, phi] = fourierSeries(x)
p = length(x)
freqs = [0 : rate/p : rate/2]
plot2d3(freqs, A)
// 2) --------
function [] = ex2()
y = sin(2 * %pi * 800 * (t .* t));
//y = sin(2 * %pi * 800 * t);
[A, phi] = fourierSeries(y)
plot2d3(t, y)
//plot2d3(freqs, A)
rec = reconstruct(A, phi)
// 3) --------
function [] = ex3()
wave_1 = 1/2 * cos(2 * %pi * 790 * t)
wave_2 = 1/2 * cos(2 * %pi * 810 * t)
wave_sum = wave_1 + wave_2
plot2d3(t(1:800), wave_sum(1:800))
// 4)
function [] = ex4()
[A, phi] = fourierSeries(wave_sum)
p = length(wave_sum)
freqs = [0 : rate/p : rate/2]
plot2d3(freqs, A)
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