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Created February 19, 2020 01:25
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(require '[ :as io])
(defn visit-print
"println approach"
[path level]
(when (some #(clojure.string/includes? % ".md") (file-seq (io/file path)))
(println (str (apply str (repeat level " ")) "- " (.getName (io/file path))))
(doseq [path (.listFiles (io/file path))] (visit-print path (inc level)))))
(defn visit-print
"immutable approach"
[path level]
(when (some #(clojure.string/includes? % ".md") (file-seq (io/file path)))
(filter seq [(str (apply str (repeat level " ")) "- " (.getName (io/file path)))
(filter seq
(map #(visit-print % (inc level))
(.listFiles (io/file path))))])))
(->> (visit-print "/home/felipecortez/Dev/playbooks" 0)
(clojure.string/join "\n")
(spit "yay.yml"))
(file-seq (io/file "/home/felipecortez/Dev/playbooks"))
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