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Created June 9, 2021 14:05
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Cloud Function to start a Dataflow Job when a new file is created in a Bucket
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from os import getenv
from requests import post
import logging
project = getenv("GCP_PROJECT")
region = getenv("FUNCTION_REGION")
def get_jobs_list():
"""List all the Dataflow jobs that are runing rigth now"""
service = build("dataflow", "v1b3", cache_discovery=False)
response = (
service.projects().locations().jobs().list(projectId=project, location=region)
jobs_list = response.execute()
return jobs_list["jobs"] if jobs_list else False
def is_runing(job_name):
"""Determines if another job with the same name is running to avoid to recreate a second one"""
# True if there is a running job or
# another job has the same name
jobs_list = get_jobs_list()
already_runing = False
number_of_jobs = len(jobs_list)
i = 0
while not already_runing:
if job_name == jobs_list[i]["name"]:
already_runing = True
if i + 1 < number_of_jobs:
i += 1
return already_runing
except TypeError:
return False
def get_all_blobs(bucket, prefix):
"""list all the files in the bucket"""
import as gcs
storage_client = gcs.Client()
bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket)
shards_list = list(bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix))
return str(shards_list).split(",")[-2]
def main(data, context):
"""Entry point of the Cloud Function"""
from datetime import datetime
now ="%d-%m-%Y-%H-%M")
job_name = f"clean-file-{now}"
bucket = data["bucket"]
blob = data["name"]
prefix = "prefix""Cloud function detected a new file named {blob}.")
blob_name = get_all_blobs(bucket, prefix) # blob #
temp_location = f"gs://{project}-processing/dataflow/temp"
inputFile = f"gs://{bucket}/{blob_name}"
scope = "Staging" if "staging" in project else "Prod"
"""This job_params is creating all the specs to send to the Dataflow job"""
job_params = {
'jobName': job_name,
'parameters': {
#Self defined params that will be used in Dataflow
"origin_path": f'gs://{bucket}',
"blob_name": blob,
"working_bucket": project.strip(),
"environment": {
"tempLocation": temp_location.strip(),
"zone": "europe-west1-b",
"serviceAccountEmail": f"this_is_a_sa@{project}",
"network": f'{project}',
"subnetwork": f'{project}/regions/europe-west1/subnetworks/{project}-01',
'containerSpecGcsPath': f"gs://{project}-scripts/flex-template-metadata/dataflow-metadata.json"
if "FILE_NAME_THAT_I_NEED" in blob:"{blob} is the file. A Dataflow job will start now")
if not is_runing(job_name):
dataflow = build("dataflow", "v1b3", cache_discovery=False)
#starting the Dataflow job ==>
dfrequest = (
projectId=project, location="europe-west1", body={
'launch_parameter': job_params
dfrequest.execute()"Dataflow job: {job_name} is now running")
wally_message = f":warning: Hello Human,\n\nThe unknown file: *{blob}* just dropped into bucket: *{bucket}*.\n\nI wont do anything.\n\nLove from Wally :robot-nerd:"
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