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Created June 22, 2017 18:19
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Crappy LFM taste-o-meter
def get_lfm_artist_gids(a_user)
response = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/2.0/?method=user.gettopartists&user=#{get_user(a_user)}&limit=1&api_key=#{$api_key}&format=json")
jresponse = JSON.parse(response.body)
puts jresponse.inspect
page = 1
gids = []
until page > jresponse['topartists']['@attr']['totalPages'].to_i do
response = Net::HTTP.get_response("", "/2.0/?method=user.gettopartists&user=#{get_user(a_user)}&limit=1000&page=#{page}&api_key=#{$api_key}&format=json")
jresponse = JSON.parse(response.body)
jresponse['topartists']['artist'].each do |artist|
gids << { :gid => artist['mbid'] , :name => artist['name']}
page = page + 1
def do_compare_gids(a_user,another_user)
a_user_gids = get_lfm_artist_gids(a_user)
another_user_gids = get_lfm_artist_gids(another_user)
max = a_user_gids.count < another_user_gids.count ? a_user_gids.count : another_user_gids.count
result = a_user_gids & another_user_gids
"#{a_user} and #{another_user} are #{"%3.2f" % (result.count.to_f * 100 / max) }% compatible.\n" +
"Top artists: #{result[0..4].map{|a| "#{a[:name]}"}.join(', ')}"
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