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Last active January 9, 2024 00:30
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using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using ManagedBass;
using ManagedBass.Midi;
using osu.Framework.Audio;
using osu.Framework.Audio.Mixing;
using osu.Framework.Audio.Track;
using osu.Framework.Logging;
public class MMAPIAudioStore : AudioCollectionManager<AdjustableAudioComponent>
private readonly AudioMixer mixer;
private int counter;
#region Reflection
private readonly ConstructorInfo constructor;
private readonly FieldInfo handleField;
private static int midiFont;
private static bool midiInitialized;
public MMAPIAudioStore(AudioManager manager, AudioMixer mixer)
this.mixer = mixer;
constructor = typeof(TrackBass).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.CreateInstance | BindingFlags.Instance, new[] { typeof(Stream), typeof(string), typeof(bool) })!;
handleField = typeof(TrackBass).GetField("activeStream", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)!;
if (!midiInitialized)
// midi is not initialized yet
int result = Bass.PluginLoad("bassmidi");
if (result == 0)
throw new DllNotFoundException("Failed to load bassmidi plugin.");
midiInitialized = true;
if (midiFont == 0)
// bank is not loaded yet
midiFont = BassMidi.FontInit("S40v5.1.sf2", FontInitFlags.Unicode);
if (midiFont == 0)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Failed to load SF2 font.");
public Track Get(Memory<sbyte> data, string contentType)
if (IsDisposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException($"Cannot use disposed {nameof(MMAPIAudioStore)}.");
var stream = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray().ToUnsigned());
var track = (TrackBass)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { stream, $"player {counter}".ToString(), false });
return track;
private void bindMidiBank(TrackBass track)
var trackHandle = (int)handleField.GetValue(track)!;
MidiFont mf = new MidiFont { Handle = midiFont, Preset = -1, Bank = 0 };
var fontSet = BassMidi.StreamSetFonts(trackHandle, new[] { mf }, 1);
if (fontSet == 0)
Logger.Log($"Failed to set font at {track.Name}", LoggingTarget.Runtime, LogLevel.Error);
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