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Created September 22, 2017 11:13
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takes a one-way hash as cmd-line input and attempts to match hash to letters
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cs50.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main (int argc, string argv[])
// checking if a command-line argument, hashed password was passed in
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: %s hash\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// splitting the argument into salt and hash
// salt
char salt[2];
salt[0] = argv[1][0];
salt[1] = argv[1][1];
string saltstr = salt;
// determining argv[1]'s size
int argv1size = strlen(argv[1]);
int hashSize = argv1size - 2;
// hash
char hash[hashSize];
for (int i = 0; i < hashSize; i++)
hash[i] = argv[1][i + 2]; // populating the hash
string hashstr = hash; // converting hash array into string
string salthash = saltstr; // should look like this after concat e.g. 50fkUxYHbnXGw
strcat(salthash, hashstr); // concatinating salt and hash
// generating plaintext and comparing hashes
// initializing plaintext with ascii character preceeding A
char pas[4] = { '@', '@', '@', '@' };
// will loop until I reach all character combinations posibilitties
while ( pas[3] != '{')
if (pas[0] == '[') // skipping over non alphabet characters for pas[0]
pas[0] = 'a';
if (pas[0] == '{') // if pas[0] is @ end of alphabet, reset to A 'n increase pas[1]
pas[0] = 'A';
if (pas[1] == '[') // skipping over non alphabet characters for pas[1]
pas[1] = 'a';
if (pas[1] == '{') // if pas[1] is @ end of alphabet, reset to A 'n increase pas[2]
pas[1] = 'A';
if (pas[2] == '[') // skipping over non alphabet characters for pas[2]
pas[2] = 'a';
if (pas[2] == '{') // if pas[2] is @ end of alphabet, reset to A 'n increase pas[3]
pas[2] = 'A';
pas[3]++; // will increase until we hit character { and the whole loop stops
// converting 4 char array into appropriate sized string
// determining size of string by the amount of valid chars
int i = 0;
int vallen = 0; // valid char length
while (pas[i] != '@')
char pasval[vallen]; // making a valid character array the size of valid char amount
for (int j = 0; j < vallen; j++) // copying valid chars
pasval[i] = pas[j];
// converting to string
string pastr = pasval;
// converting local string pastr to hash
string lhstr = crypt(pastr, hashstr);
// converting to salt+hash
string lsalthash = crypt(lhstr, saltstr);
// *****************************************************
// comparing input hash to generated hash
if (strcmp(salthash, lsalthash) == 0)
printf("%s\n", pasval); // printing the generated string if hashes match
break; // if there's a match, breaking out of loop
return 0;
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