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Last active February 5, 2021 06:56
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Two Python contextmanagers for performance profiling - <100 line
""" - standard library backed context managers for performance profiling
To use these context managers, ensure that the appropriate environment variable is
set - i.e. 'PROFILING_ENABLED'. The default directory for outputting profiling data
is the *current directory* - i.e `.` - although this too can be overidden via the
environment - specifically `PROFILING_DIRECTORY`.
Due to the quirk in the design of `pathlib`, passing an absolute path to one of the
context managers will override the output directory associated with that trace.
The context managers yield an `Optional[Path]`; when this resolves to a value it means
profiling is enabled, and the path is location of the resulting file containing the
profiling data - i.e. for use when logging.
This is quick'n'dirty, but potentially useful none-the-less.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import cProfile
from datetime import datetime
from os import getenv
from pathlib import Path
import tracemalloc
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d--%H%M%S%f"
DIVIDER = "-" * 80
def gen_filepath(name: str, ext: str) -> Path:
return Path(
getenv(PROFILER_DIR_ENV_VAR, "."),
f"{name} {}.{ext}".lower()
def write_allocations(output: Path, peak: int, final: int, diff):
with open(output, 'w') as out:
out.write(f"Peak Size:\t {peak} blocks\n")
out.write(f"Final Size:\t {final} blocks\n")
out.write(f"Largest Allocations ({len(diff)})\n")
for stat in diff:
out.write(str(stat) + "\n")
def _disabled(_ = None):
yield None
def _timing(filename: str = "timing"):
Use the standard library `cProfile` module to determine the duration and
number of function calls.
The output is a .prof file, best opened via something like tuna.
output_path = gen_filepath(filename, 'prof')
pr = cProfile.Profile()
yield output_path
def _allocations(filename: str = "allocs"):
Use the standard library `tracemalloc` module to determine:
- Peak memory consumption (vs initial)
- Final memory consumption (vs initial)
- Largest memory allocations
Results will be output as a `.txt` file.
skip_traces = (
tracemalloc.Filter(False, tracemalloc.__file__),
tracemalloc.Filter(False, cProfile.__file__),
output_path = gen_filepath(filename, 'txt')
pre_run = tracemalloc.take_snapshot().filter_traces(skip_traces)
yield output_path
current_size, peak_size = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()
post_run = tracemalloc.take_snapshot().filter_traces(skip_traces)
diff=post_run.compare_to(pre_run, 'lineno')
timing = _timing if getenv(PROFILER_OPT_ENV_VAR) is not None else _disabled
allocations = _allocations if getenv(PROFILER_OPT_ENV_VAR) is not None else _disabled
# Everything below here is a painfully contrived example.
if __name__ == "__main__":
from random import randint
from time import sleep
def wasteful(n = None):
"""Example function w/ random allocations, durations, and call counts."""
if n is None:
n = randint(5, 10)
if n > 0:
print(f"{n} more iterations")
pointless_allocation = sum(list(range(randint(0, 1000000))))
pointless_pause_ms = randint(9, 1000)
sleep(pointless_pause_ms / 1000)
with allocations() as alloc_out, timing() as time_out:
if alloc_out and time_out:
print(f"Profiling. Output files: ['{alloc_out}', '{time_out}']")
print("Not profiling.")
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