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Created April 17, 2014 15:16
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environment = ARGV.first
unless environment
puts 'Usage: ruby ask_ey.rb [EY_ENVIRONMENT]'
puts ''
puts 'You could try:'
puts ''
puts ' ruby ask_ey.rb Rankia003_Large'
puts ''
message_resolved_ref = `ey status -e #{ environment } | grep Resolved`
hash_deployed = message_resolved_ref.split.last
puts "SHA1 deployed: #{ hash_deployed }"
puts ''
puts 'Migrations'
puts `git diff #{hash_deployed}..master --name-only | grep db/migrate`
puts ''
puts 'Tasks'
puts `git diff #{hash_deployed}..master --name-only | grep lib/tasks`
puts ''
puts 'Pull Requests'
puts `git log #{hash_deployed}..master --merges --oneline | grep "Merge pull request"`
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