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Last active January 4, 2016 16:49
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Soft drinks
= Soft drinks
This graph contains the top 15 leading brands of soft drinks as of 2013 according to brand value (in million USD).
It will serve as a classification system based on the qualities of the drink as well as the company manufacturing it.
We will also have access to the brand value statistics, allowing us to make certain queries pertaining to tendencies in the market.
It uses a simple domain model that will nevertheless allow for some interesting queries.
[source, cypher]
CREATE (CocaCola:Drink {name: "Coca Cola" , brandValue :64698}),
(DietCoke:Drink {name: "Diet Coke" , brandValue :13717}),
(RedBull:Drink {name: "Red Bull" , brandValue :10558}),
(Pepsi:Drink {name: "Pepsi" , brandValue :9799}),
(Nescafe:Drink {name: "Nescafe" , brandValue :5639}),
(Tropicana:Drink {name: "Tropicana" , brandValue :4808}),
(Nespresso:Drink {name: "Nespresso" , brandValue :4478}),
(Sprite:Drink {name: "Sprite" , brandValue :4127}),
(Fanta:Drink {name: "Fanta" , brandValue :3974}),
(Gatorade:Drink {name: "Gatorade" , brandValue :3750}),
(MountainDew:Drink {name: "Mountain Dew" , brandValue :2495}),
(MinuteMaid:Drink {name: "Minute Maid" , brandValue :2296}),
(DrPepper:Drink {name: "Dr Pepper" , brandValue :2236}),
(DietPepsi:Drink {name: "Diet Pepsi" , brandValue :2230}),
(Nestea:Drink {name: "Nestea" , brandValue :1852})
CREATE (TheCocaColaCompany:Company {name: "The Coca Cola Company"}),
(RedBullGmbH:Company {name: "Red Bull GmbH"}),
(PepsiCo:Company {name: "PepsiCo"}),
(Nestle:Company {name: "Nestle"}),
(TropicanaProducts:Company {name: "Tropicana Products"}),
(DrPepperSnappleGroup:Company {name: "Dr Pepper Snapple Group"})
CREATE (Caffeinated:Type{type:"Caffeinated",description:"Drink which contains caffeine"}),
(Carbonated:Type{type:"Carbonated",description:"Drinks that include carbon dioxide dissolved in water"}),
(Flat:Type{type:"Flat",description:"Drinks that do not include carbon dioxide dissolved in water"}),
(NonCaffeinated:Type{type:"NonCaffeinated",description:"Drink which does not contain caffeine"})
== Drinks ordered by brand value
All the drinks in the graph, ordered by their brand value in 2013
MATCH (drink:Drink)
RETURN AS Name, drink.brandValue as BrandValue
ORDER BY drink.brandValue DESC
== Drinks sorted by manufacturer
Here we can see all the drinks sorted by manufacturer
MATCH (manuf:Company)-[:MANUFACTUREDBY]-(x)
RETURN AS Manufacturer, collect(( as Drinks
== Top flat drink
The flat drink with the hightest brand value.
MATCH (drink:Drink)-[:IS]-(x)
WHERE x.type="Flat"
ORDER BY drink.brandValue DESC
== Carbonated drinks without caffeine
MATCH (y{type:"Carbonated"})-[:IS]-(drink:Drink)-[:IS]-(x{type:"NonCaffeinated"})
== Value per company
Sum of all the brand values for each manufacturing company.
This query will give us an estimation of which companies are selling the most on the soft drink market right now.
MATCH (manuf:Company)-[:MANUFACTUREDBY]-(x)
RETURN AS Manufacturer, sum((x.brandValue)) as MillionsDollars
ORDER BY MillionsDollars DESC
== Caffeinated drinks not manufactured by Coca cola or Pepsico
MATCH (c)-[:MANUFACTUREDBY]-(drink:Drink)-[:IS]-(x)
WHERE x.type="Caffeinated" and<>"The Coca Cola Company"
ORDER BY drink.brandValue DESC
== Value by type
Here is the sum of the brand value for each type of drink (caffeinated, flat...) .
This will allow us to guess which type of soft drink is more or less popular.
MATCH (drink:Drink)-[:IS]-(x)
RETURN x.type AS Type, sum (drink.brandValue) as MillionsDollars
ORDER BY MillionsDollars DESC
=== Conclusion
This simple graph has allowed us to not only discover the most popular drinks, and to classify them,
but also to make guesses and estimations on the sales or companies or what type of drink people buy the most.
This goes to show how we can very easily think of ways to extract interesting information from data when it is
in an intuitively understandable format like a graph.
=== Console
Finally, if you can think of any more interesting queries please try them out on the console.
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