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Last active December 10, 2022 23:47
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from shiny import App, render, ui, reactive
app_ui = ui.page_fluid(
# add space from the left
# center with content
# title
ui.h1("The to-do list"),
# will show the text output from the
# function cleared_tasks()
# line,
# input_text can be accessed using the id, here "todo_input_text"
# using input.todo_input_text(), see later
ui.input_text("todo_input_text", "", placeholder="Todo text"),
# clicking will increment input.add()
ui.input_action_button("add", "Add to-do"),
# will show UI output from the function tasks()
# add space from the right
# seen on the tab
# everything is wrapped inside one function
def server(input, output, session):
# reactive/stateful variables
finished_tasks = reactive.Value(0)
todo_counter = reactive.Value(0)
todos = reactive.Value([])
# This will define what is going to be shown
# at the component with id "cleared_tasks" because
# the function name is the same.
# Since finished_tasks() is called inside it,
# it will be called if this variable is changed.
def cleared_tasks():
return f"Finished tasks: {finished_tasks()}"
# This function will add a to-do to the list.
# It will only react to when input.add() is changed
# which happens when the button with id="add" is clicked
def add():
# add todo
# and increment a count to keep track of them
count = todo_counter.get()
# each todo is a dict with text and a button_key to know which one is which
todos.set(todos() + [dict(button_key=f"finish_{count}", text=input.todo_input_text())])
# reset input
ui.update_text("todo_input_text", value="")
# This function will remove a to-do item
# It will react to changes in todos() and button clicks
# in buttons with id = t["button_key"]
@reactive.event(lambda: [input[t["button_key"]]() for t in todos()])
def finish():
items = todos()
key = None
# find button that has value above 0, i.e. it was clicked
for t in items:
v = input[t["button_key"]]()
if v > 0:
key = t["button_key"]
# if None, no button was clicked
if key is not None:
# remove the to-do that was clicked
todos.set([t for t in items if t["button_key"] != key])
# increment finished tasks
finished_tasks.set(finished_tasks() + 1)
# this function will update the interface when todos()
# is updated, i.e. an item is added or removed
def tasks():
return ui.div(children=[
ui.column(2, ui.input_action_button(t["button_key"], "Finish")),
ui.column(5, ui.h5(t["text"]))
for t in todos()
# you can also add inline style to elements
], style="margin-top: 0.5em")
# Finally, to run everything create an App object and assign it to app
app = App(app_ui, server)
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