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⍝ Day 1
⍝ Day 2
in2←,/⎕csv⍠'Separator' ' '⊢'d2.txt'⍬4
C S←↓⍉9 2⍴'AX' 4 'BX' 1 'CX' 7 'AY' 8 'BY' 5 'CY' 2 'AZ' 3 'BZ' 9 'CZ' 6
C S←↓⍉9 2⍴'AX' 3 'AY' 4 'AZ' 8 'BX' 1 'BY' 5 'BZ' 9 'CX' 2 'CY' 6 'CZ' 7
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