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Created March 5, 2018 03:25
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OrtizOL. Animación ícono bandeja del sistema. C#.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Timer = System.Timers.Timer;
namespace R716IconoAnimadoBandejaSistema
public partial class Principal : Form
private Icon[] imagenes;
private Timer temporizador;
private int contadorImagenes;
public Principal()
imagenes = new Icon[8];
temporizador = new Timer();
temporizador.Enabled = true;
temporizador.Interval = 1000D;
temporizador.SynchronizingObject = this;
temporizador.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(temporizador_Elapsed);
private void inicializarIconNotificacion()
// Creación menú contextual:
ContextMenuStrip cmsMenuContextual = new ContextMenuStrip();
cmsMenuContextual.Items.AddRange(new ToolStripItem[]
new ToolStripMenuItem("Más info"),
new ToolStripSeparator(),
new ToolStripMenuItem("Salir")
nicBandejaSistema.ContextMenuStrip = cmsMenuContextual;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
imagenes[0] = new Icon("Resources/MOON01.ICO");
imagenes[1] = new Icon("Resources/MOON02.ICO");
imagenes[2] = new Icon("Resources/MOON03.ICO");
imagenes[3] = new Icon("Resources/MOON04.ICO");
imagenes[4] = new Icon("Resources/MOON05.ICO");
imagenes[5] = new Icon("Resources/MOON06.ICO");
imagenes[6] = new Icon("Resources/MOON07.ICO");
imagenes[7] = new Icon("Resources/MOON08.ICO");
private void temporizador_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
nicBandejaSistema.Icon = imagenes[contadorImagenes];
if (contadorImagenes > 7)
contadorImagenes = 0;
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