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Last active December 17, 2015 12:09
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  • Save Fi1osof/328469331b5258ff009a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Fi1osof/328469331b5258ff009a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Вызов процессоров
print '<pre>';
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$namespace = 'modxsite';
if(!$response = $modx->runProcessor('web/getdata',
), array(
'processors_path' => $modx->getObject('modNamespace', $namespace)->getCorePath().'processors/',
print "Не удалось выполнить процессор";
$memory = round(memory_get_usage(true)/1024/1024, 4).' Mb';
print "<div>Memory: {$memory}</div>";
$totalTime= (microtime(true) - $modx->startTime);
$queryTime= $modx->queryTime;
$queryTime= sprintf("%2.4f s", $queryTime);
$queries= isset ($modx->executedQueries) ? $modx->executedQueries : 0;
$totalTime= sprintf("%2.4f s", $totalTime);
$phpTime= $totalTime - $queryTime;
$phpTime= sprintf("%2.4f s", $phpTime);
print "<div>TotalTime: {$totalTime}</div>";
// $objects = $response->getObject();
// foreach($objects as $object){
// }
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