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Created January 17, 2014 10:28
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Базовый класс для выборки документов
require_once MODX_CORE_PATH.'components/shopmodx/processors/web/getdata.class.php';
class modWebGetdataProcessor_original extends ShopmodxWebGetDataProcessor{
protected $sources = array();
public function initialize(){
'sort' => "{$this->classKey}.menuindex",
'dir' => 'ASC',
'showhidden' => false,
'showunpublished' => false,
'getPage' => false,
'getPageParamsSet' => "getPage", // Имя набора параметров для getPage
'limit' => 15,
'page' => !empty($_REQUEST['page']) ? (int)$_REQUEST['page'] : 0,
'summary' => false,
"makeLinks" => false, // Создает ссылки. Надо только для modWebLink
'current' => false, // get and return only first element
$this->setProperty('limit', 1);
if($page = $this->getProperty('page') AND $page > 1 AND $limit = $this->getProperty('limit', 0)){
$this->setProperty('start', ($page-1) * $limit);
return parent::initialize();
public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c) {
$c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c);
$where = array(
'deleted' => false,
if(!$this->getProperty('showhidden', false)){
$where['hidemenu'] = 0;
if(!$this->getProperty('showunpublished', false)){
$where['published'] = 1;
if($parent = (int)$this->getProperty('parent')){
$where["parent"] = $parent;
return $c;
public function afterIteration(array $list){
$list = parent::afterIteration($list);
$makeLinks = $this->getProperty('makeLinks', false);
if($summary = $this->getProperty('summary')){
$properties = $this->getProperties();
foreach($list as & $l){
// Ссылки
if($l['class_key'] == "modWebLink"){
$l['link'] = $this->makeUrl($l['content']);
$l['link'] = $l['uri'];
// Режем текст
$l['summary'] = '';
$trunc = new truncate_modWebGetdataProcessor($this->modx, array_merge($properties,array(
'resource' => $l,
if($response = $trunc->run() AND !$response->isError()){
$l['summary'] = $response->getResponse();
return $list;
public function makeUrl($content) {
$url = '';
if (!empty ($content)) {
if (!is_numeric($content)) {
$maxIterations= $this->modx->getOption('parser_max_iterations', null, 10);
$this->modx->parser->processElementTags(null, $content, true, true, '[[', ']]', array(), $maxIterations);
if (is_numeric($content)) {
$url = $this->modx->makeUrl(intval($content), '', '', 'full');
} else {
$url = $content;
return $url;
protected function getSourcePath($id = null, $callback = 'getBaseUrl', $params = array()){
$id = $this->modx->getOption('default_media_source', null, 1);
// Получаем объект
!$source = $this->modx->getObject('sources.modMediaSource', $id)
OR !$source->initialize()
return '';
$this->sources[$id] = & $source;
// $result = $this->sources[$id]->$callback($params);
$bases = $this->sources[$id]->getBases('');
return $bases['path'];
public function outputArray(array $array, $count = false) {
$array = current($array);
$response = parent::outputArray($array, $count);
return $this->prepareResponse($response);
В этот прописываем вызов всего того, что должно быть отработано даже тогда,
когда результат процессора взят из кеша (к примеру, вызов сниппета getPage,
а то если его не вызывать каждый раз, то не будет отображаться постраничность)
protected function prepareResponse($response){
$response = parent::prepareResponse($response);
if($this->getProperty('getPage') AND $limit = $this->getProperty('limit') AND !empty($response['total'])){
$this->modx->setPlaceholder('total', $response['total']);
$snippet = "getPage";
if($getPageParamsSet = $this->getProperty('getPageParamsSet')){
$snippet .= "@{$getPageParamsSet}";
$this->modx->runSnippet($snippet, array(
'limit' => $limit,
return $response;
class truncate_modWebGetdataProcessor extends modProcessor{
var $summaryType, $link, $output_charset;
public function initialize(){
return 'Не были получены данные ресурса';
'trunc' => 1,
'splitter' => '<!-- splitter -->',
'truncLen' => 300,
'truncOffset' => 0,
'truncsplit' => '<!-- splitter -->',
'truncChars' => true,
'output_charset'=> $this->modx->getOption('modx_charset'),
'endTags' => '',
$this->output_charset = $this->getProperty('output_charset');
return parent::initialize();
function html_substr($posttext, $minimum_length = 200, $length_offset = 20, $truncChars=false) {
// $minimum_length:
// The approximate length you want the concatenated text to be
// $length_offset:
// The variation in how long the text can be in this example text
// length will be between 200 and 200-20=180 characters and the
// character where the last tag ends
// Reset tag counter & quote checker
$tag_counter = 0;
$quotes_on = FALSE;
// Check if the text is too long
if (mb_strlen($posttext, $this->output_charset) > $minimum_length && $truncChars != 1) {
// Reset the tag_counter and pass through (part of) the entire text
$c = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($posttext, $this->output_charset); $i++) {
// Load the current character and the next one
// if the string has not arrived at the last character
$current_char = mb_substr($posttext,$i,1, $this->output_charset);
if ($i < mb_strlen($posttext) - 1) {
$next_char = mb_substr($posttext,$i + 1,1, $this->output_charset);
else {
$next_char = "";
// First check if quotes are on
if (!$quotes_on) {
// Check if it's a tag
// On a "<" add 3 if it's an opening tag (like <a href...)
// or add only 1 if it's an ending tag (like </a>)
if ($current_char == '<') {
if ($next_char == '/') {
$tag_counter += 1;
else {
$tag_counter += 3;
// Slash signifies an ending (like </a> or ... />)
// substract 2
if ($current_char == '/' && $tag_counter <> 0) $tag_counter -= 2;
// On a ">" substract 1
if ($current_char == '>') $tag_counter -= 1;
// If quotes are encountered, start ignoring the tags
// (for directory slashes)
if ($current_char == '"') $quotes_on = TRUE;
else {
// IF quotes are encountered again, turn it back off
if ($current_char == '"') $quotes_on = FALSE;
// Count only the chars outside html tags
if($tag_counter == 2 || $tag_counter == 0){
// Check if the counter has reached the minimum length yet,
// then wait for the tag_counter to become 0, and chop the string there
if ($c > $minimum_length - $length_offset && $tag_counter == 0) {
$posttext = mb_substr($posttext,0,$i + 1, $this->output_charset);
return $posttext;
return $this->textTrunc($posttext, $minimum_length + $length_offset);
function textTrunc($string, $limit, $break=". ") {
// Original PHP code from The Art of Web:
// return with no change if string is shorter than $limit
if(mb_strlen($string, $this->output_charset) <= $limit) return $string;
$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $limit, $this->output_charset);
if(false !== ($breakpoint = mb_strrpos($string, $break, 0, $this->output_charset))) {
$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $breakpoint+1, $this->output_charset);
return $string;
function closeTags($text) {
$debug = $this->getProperty('debug', false);
$openPattern = "/<([^\/].*?)>/";
$closePattern = "/<\/(.*?)>/";
$endOpenPattern = "/<([^\/].*?)$/";
$endClosePattern = "/<(\/.*?[^>])$/";
$endTags = $this->getProperty('endTags');
preg_match_all($openPattern, $text, $openTags);
preg_match_all($closePattern, $text, $closeTags);
if ($debug == 1) {
$c = 0;
$loopCounter = count($closeTags[1]); //used to prevent an infinite loop if the html is malformed
while ($c < count($closeTags[1]) && $loopCounter) {
$i = 0;
while ($i < count($openTags[1])) {
$tag = trim($openTags[1][$i]);
if (mb_strstr($tag, ' ', false, $this->output_charset)) {
$tag = mb_substr($tag, 0, mb_strpos($tag, ' ', 0, $this->output_charset), $this->output_charset);
if ($debug == 1) {
echo $tag . '==' . $closeTags[1][$c] . "\n";
if ($tag == $closeTags[1][$c]) {
$openTags[1][$i] = '';
$results = $openTags[1];
if (is_array($results)) {
$results = array_reverse($results);
foreach ($results as $tag) {
$tag = trim($tag);
if (mb_strstr($tag, ' ', false, $this->output_charset)) {
$tag = mb_substr($tag, 0, mb_strpos($tag, ' ',0 , $this->output_charset), $this->output_charset);
if (!mb_stristr($tag, 'br', false, $this->output_charset) && !mb_stristr($tag, 'img', false, $this->output_charset) && !empty ($tag)) {
$endTags .= '</' . $tag . '>';
return $text . $endTags;
function process() {
$resource = $this->getProperty('resource');
$trunc = $this->getProperty('trunc');
$splitter = $this->getProperty('splitter');
$truncLen = $this->getProperty('truncLen');
$truncOffset = $this->getProperty('truncOffset');
$truncsplit = $this->getProperty('truncsplit');
$truncChars = $this->getProperty('truncChars');
$summary = '';
$this->summaryType = "content";
$this->link = false;
$closeTags = true;
// summary is turned off
if ((strstr($resource['content'], $splitter)) && $truncsplit) {
$summary = array ();
// HTMLarea/XINHA encloses it in paragraph's
$summary = explode('<p>' . $splitter . '</p>', $resource['content']);
// For TinyMCE or if it isn't wrapped inside paragraph tags
$summary = explode($splitter, $summary['0']);
$summary = $summary['0'];
$this->link = '[[~' . $resource['id'] . ']]';
$this->summaryType = "content";
// fall back to the summary text
} else if (mb_strlen($resource['introtext'], $this->output_charset) > 0) {
$summary = $resource['introtext'];
$this->link = '[[~' . $resource['id'] . ']]';
$this->summaryType = "introtext";
$closeTags = false;
// fall back to the summary text count of characters
} else if (mb_strlen($resource['content'], $this->output_charset) > $truncLen && $trunc == 1) {
$summary = $this->html_substr($resource['content'], $truncLen, $truncOffset, $truncChars);
$this->link = '[[~' . $resource['id'] . ']]';
$this->summaryType = "content";
// and back to where we started if all else fails (short post)
} else {
$summary = $resource['content'];
$this->summaryType = "content";
$this->link = false;
// Post-processing to clean up summaries
$summary = ($closeTags === true) ? $this->closeTags($summary) : $summary;
return $summary;
class modWebGetdataProcessor extends modWebGetdataProcessor_original{
public function afterIteration(array $list){
$list = parent::afterIteration($list);
$images_url = $this->getSourcePath(6);
foreach($list as & $l){
Прифодим в порядок картинки из MIGX
if(!empty($l['tvs']['gallery']['value']) AND $gallery = json_decode($l['tvs']['gallery']['value'], true)){
$l['gallery'] = array();
foreach($gallery as $item){
$item['image'] = $images_url.$item['image'];
$l['gallery'][] = $item;
Получаем картинку
$l['image'] = $images_url.$l['tvs']['image']['value'];
return $list;
return 'modWebGetdataProcessor';
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