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Created June 17, 2009 20:20
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deploy.rb for UbuntuMachine
# use the ubuntu machine gem
require 'capistrano/ext/ubuntu-machine'
# #######################################
# Those tasks have been tested with several hosting providers
# and sometimes tasks are specific to those providers
set :hosting_provider, "slicehost" # currently supported : ovh-rps, ovh-dedie, slicehost
# #######################################
set :server_name, "SERVER_IP"
set :user, 'SERVER_USER'
ssh_options[:port] = 22
# #######################################
ssh_options[:keys] = [File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa")]
set :default_local_files_path, File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..'))
# To upload a default ssh config:
# $ cap ssh:upload_ssh_config
set :ssh_config, File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'ssh_config'))
# #######################################
# version numbers
# set :ruby_enterprise_version, "ruby-enterprise-1.8.6-20090113" -> not needed anymore the latest version if automatically fetched
# set :passenger_version, "2.0.6" -> not needed anymore the latest version if automatically fetched
set :rubygem_version, "1.3.1"
set :git_version, "git-"
set :ruby_enterprise_path_prefix, '/usr/local'
# If you want to set up vsftpd users:
# $ cap vsftpd:install
# $ cap vsftpd:configure
# $ cap vsftpd:add_nologin_shell
# $ cap vsftpd:create_users
#set :vsftpd_users, %w[USER1 USER2]
#set :vsftpd_group, 'ftpusers'
# If you want to set up tmpfs (former shmfs) mounts:
# $ cap tmpfs:create_directories
#set :tmpfs_directories do
# {
# '/memfs' => {:size => '5G', :mode => '0744'},
# }
# some Apache default values
set :default_server_admin, "YOUR@HOST.EXAMPLE"
set :default_directory_index, "index.html"
# These are the commits I tested as working..
set :x264_commit_hash, '2c597171d5126c3ccae7546f6699d6c4d8ec5e3a'
set :ffmpeg_commit_hash, 'cc32213534573a127e01a0e2ed4962eb4b1939fd'
set :libswscale_commit_hash, '0fa4ae3fc08f75277e2c1f225561053243f18576'
# If you want to scp and install local gems, for instance if have a custom ruby build locally:
# $ cap ruby:deploy_local_gems
#set :local_gems_to_deploy do
# %w[activesupport activerecord actionpack actionmailer activeresource rails].map do |gem|
# File.join('~/gems', gem + '-2.2.0.gem')
# end
# Settings for a ODBC/FreeTDS setup:
# $ cap odbc:install
# $ cap odbc:ruby_rubyodbc
# $ cap odbc:config_files
#set :odbc_sourcename, 'ODBC SOURCE NAME'
#set :odbc_host, 'ODBC SOURCE IP'
#set :odbc_port, '1433'
#set :odbc_database, 'ODBC DATABASE NAME'
role :gateway, server_name
role :app, server_name
role :web, server_name
role :db, server_name, :primary => true
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