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Forked from anonymous/gist:2815875
Created May 27, 2012 21:17
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;;;;;; weather underground for mIRC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;by eqrunner ;;v3.0;;
!w or !weather [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will return weather current conditions.
!current [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will return current conditions.
!forecast [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will give detailed 3 day forecast (for us)
!forecast5 [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will send 5 day forecast to $nick that requested. (to prevent chan flooding)
!alerts [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will tell you if there are any weather alerts in your area.
!alertinfo [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will send $nick the detailed report of alerts in said area
!time [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will return current time.
Register - Each user can assign a default location with themself. So in the future they can use just the command ( !weather, or !forecast, or !alerts, etc)
![w|forecast|forecast5|alerts|alertinfo|time|current] REGISTER [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will link user to said default location
![w|forecast|forecast5|alerts|alertinfo|time|current] REGISTER [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] = will CHANGE users default if they already have registured.
![w|forecast|forecast5|alerts|alertinfo|time|current] REMOVE = will remove the users default location
User can use any of the !commands to registure. !weather register 90210, will work just as well as !time register 90210
-- HELP --
![w|forecast|forecast5|alerts|alertinfo|time|current] [?|help] = Will message user the list of above commands just as they are written.
-- NOTES- -
Notes from wunderground:
We don't support old style abbreviations like Conn. for Connecticut, use CT
If you are searching for an international city, try the name of the country or province
Don't use provinces for non-us cities (ie: Vancouver, BC)
Zipcodes only work in Canada, UK and the US
on *:CONNECT: {
if ($hget(wu_reg) == $null) { hmake wu_reg 100 }
if ($isfile(wu_reg.dat)) { hload wu_reg wu_reg.dat }
if ($hget(wu_reg)) { hsave -o wu_reg wu_reg.dat }
on $*:text:/^[!](w |weather|forecast|forecast5|alert|alerts|alertinfo|alertsinfo|time|current)/Si:#: {
unset %wu_*
; Don't respond if one of the master weather scripts is online too
if ($ialchan(*@the.blessed.mayo,#ld4all,1).nick) || (Fate ison #ld4all) || ($ialchan(*,#ld4all,1).nick) { return $false }
; Allow for !w shorthand
if ($1 == !w) { set %wu_command !weather }
else { set %wu_command $1 }
set %wu_2 $2
set %wu_location $2-
set %wu_3 $3
set %wu_3_long $3-
set %wu_nick $nick
set %wu_network $network
set %wu_chan $chan
;--- Registration Check ---
if ($2 == $null) {
if ($hget(wu_reg,%wu_nick) != $null) {
set %wu_location $hget(wu_reg,%wu_nick)
if ($hget(wu_reg,%wu_nick) == $null) {
.notice $nick Please specify a location $1 [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport]
;--- Modify Registration and Help ---
if ($2 != $null) {
if (%wu_2 == register) && (%wu_3 != $null) {
hadd -m wu_reg %wu_nick %wu_3_long
.notice %wu_nick You are now linked to %wu_3_long
set %wu_location $hget(wu_reg,%wu_nick)
echo -s %wu_location
if (%wu_2 == remove) {
hdel wu_reg %wu_nick
.notice %wu_nick Your location association has been removed.
if (%wu_2 == ?) || (%wu_2 == help) {
;---Command Prep ---
set %wu_address $replace(%wu_location,$chr(32),$chr(43))
if (%wu_command == !w1) set %wu_command !weather
if (%wu_command == !weather) || (%wu_command == !current) || (%wu_command == !time) {
set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
set %wu_host
sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80
if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
set %wu_host
sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80
if (%wu_command == !alert) set %wu_command !alerts
if (%wu_command == !alertsinfo) set %wu_command !alertinfo
if (%wu_command == !alerts) || (%wu_command == !alertinfo) {
set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/AlertsXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
set %wu_host
sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80
;echo -s LINK: %wu_link
on *:sockopen:wunderground: {
;sockwrite -n $sockname GET %wu_link XML/1.0
sockwrite -n $sockname GET %wu_link
sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %wu_host
sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:wunderground: {
sockread %wu_temp
if ($regex(%wu_temp,/([[:xdigit:]]{2});/)) {
set %wu_temp $replace(%wu_temp,$+(&#x,$regml(1),;),$chr($base($regml(1),16,10)))
set %wu_temp $regsubex(%wu_temp,/[\46\43](\d+)\73/g,$chr(\1))
set %wu_temp $replacex(%wu_temp,&quot;,",&amp;lt;,<,&amp;rt;,>,&amp;deg;,°,&amp;,&)
;echo -s %wu_temp
if (%wu_command == !weather) || (%wu_command == !current) || (%wu_command == !time) {
; local info
if (<full> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_full == $null) %wu_full = $remove(%wu_temp,<full>,</full>,$chr(9))
if (<city> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_city == $null) %wu_city = $remove(%wu_temp,<city>,</city>,$chr(9))
if (<state> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_state == $null) %wu_state = $remove(%wu_temp,<state>,</state>,$chr(9))
if (<state_name> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_state_name == $null) %wu_state_name = $remove(%wu_temp,<state_name>,</state_name>,$chr(9))
if (<country> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_country == $null) %wu_country = $remove(%wu_temp,<country>,</country>,$chr(9))
if (<country_iso3166> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_country_iso3166 == $null) %wu_country_iso3166 = $remove(%wu_temp,<country_iso3166>,</country_iso3166>,$chr(9))
if (<zip> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_zip == $null) %wu_zip = $remove(%wu_temp,<zip>,</zip>,$chr(9))
if (<latitude> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_latitude == $null) %wu_latitude = $remove(%wu_temp,<latitude>,</latitude>,$chr(9))
if (<longitude> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_longitude == $null) %wu_longitude = $remove(%wu_temp,<longitude>,</longitude>,$chr(9))
if (<elevation> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_elevation == $null) %wu_elevation = $remove(%wu_temp,<elevation>,</elevation>,$chr(9))
if (<local_time> isin %wu_temp) %wu_local_time = $remove(%wu_temp,<local_time>,</local_time>,$chr(9))
if (<local_time_rfc822> isin %wu_temp) %wu_local_time_rfc822 = $remove(%wu_temp,<local_time_rfc822>,</local_time_rfc822>,$chr(9))
; current weather
if (<weather> isin %wu_temp) %wu_weather = $remove(%wu_temp,<weather>,</weather>,$chr(9))
if (<temperature_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temperature_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<temperature_string>,</temperature_string>,$chr(9))
if (<temp_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temp_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<temp_f>,</temp_f>,$chr(9))
if (<temp_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temp_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<temp_c>,</temp_c>,$chr(9))
if (<relative_humidity> isin %wu_temp) %wu_relative_humidity = $remove(%wu_temp,<relative_humidity>,</relative_humidity>,$chr(9))
; wind
if (<wind_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_string>,</wind_string>,$chr(9))
if (<wind_dir> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_dir = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_dir>,</wind_dir>,$chr(9))
if (<wind_degrees> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_degrees = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_degrees>,</wind_degrees>,$chr(9))
if (<wind_mph> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_mph = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_mph>,</wind_mph>,$chr(9))
if (<wind_gust_mph> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_gust_mph = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_gust_mph>,</wind_gust_mph>,$chr(9))
if (<pressure_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_string>,</pressure_string>,$chr(9))
if (<pressure_mb> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_mb = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_mb>,</pressure_mb>,$chr(9))
if (<pressure_in> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_in = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_in>,</pressure_in>,$chr(9))
if (<dewpoint_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_string>,</dewpoint_string>,$chr(9))
if (<dewpoint_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_f>,</dewpoint_f>,$chr(9))
if (<dewpoint_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_c>,</dewpoint_c>,$chr(9))
if (<heat_index_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_string>,</heat_index_string>,$chr(9))
if (<heat_index_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_f>,</heat_index_f>,$chr(9))
if (<heat_index_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_c>,</heat_index_c>,$chr(9))
if (<windchill_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_string>,</windchill_string>,$chr(9))
if (<windchill_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_f>,</windchill_f>,$chr(9))
if (<windchill_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_c>,</windchill_c>,$chr(9))
if (<visibility_mi> isin %wu_temp) %wu_visibility_mi = $remove(%wu_temp,<visibility_mi>,</visibility_mi>,$chr(9))
if (<visibility_km> isin %wu_temp) %wu_visibility_km = $remove(%wu_temp,<visibility_km>,</visibility_km>,$chr(9))
if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
if (<period> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_period $remove(%wu_temp,<period>,</period>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<high> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_xtemp 1
if (<low> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_xtemp 2
if (<simpleforecast> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_simpleforecast 1
if (<title> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 1) %wu_f1_title = $remove(%wu_temp,<title>,</title>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<fcttext> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 1) %wu_f1_fcttext = $remove(%wu_temp,<fcttext>,</fcttext>,$chr(9))
if (<title> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 2) %wu_f2_title = $remove(%wu_temp,<title>,</title>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<fcttext> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 2) %wu_f2_fcttext = $remove(%wu_temp,<fcttext>,</fcttext>,$chr(9))
if (%wu_simpleforecast == 1) {
if (<weekday> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_weekday) $remove(%wu_temp,<weekday>,</weekday>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<conditions> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_conditions) $remove(%wu_temp,<conditions>,</conditions>,$chr(9))
if (%wu_xtemp == 1) {
if (<fahrenheit> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_highf) $remove(%wu_temp,<fahrenheit>,</fahrenheit>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<celsius> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_highc) $remove(%wu_temp,<celsius>,</celsius>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (%wu_xtemp == 2) {
if (<fahrenheit> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_lowf) $remove(%wu_temp,<fahrenheit>,</fahrenheit>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (<celsius> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_lowc) $remove(%wu_temp,<celsius>,</celsius>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
if (%wu_command == !alerts) || (%wu_command == !alertinfo) {
;echo -s %wu_temp
set -n %wu_ac <alert count="
if (%wu_ac isin %wu_temp) set -n %wu_a_count $remove(%wu_temp,<termsofservice link="" />,<alert count=",">,$chr(32),$chr(9))
if (<AlertItem> isin %wu_temp) inc %wu_a_i
if (<type> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_type) $remove(%wu_temp,<type>,</type>,$chr(9))
if (<description> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_description) $remove(%wu_temp,<description>,</description>,$chr(9))
if (<date epoch isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_date) $right($remove(%wu_temp,<date epoch=",">,</date>,$chr(9)),-12)
if (<expires epoch isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_expires) $right($remove(%wu_temp,<expires epoch=",">,</expires>,$chr(9)),-10)
if (</message> isin %wu_temp) { set %wu_msg OFF | set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_count) $(%wu_msg_c,2) | set %wu_msg_c 0 }
if (%wu_msg == ON) {
inc %wu_msg_gc
inc %wu_msg_c
set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_message,%wu_msg_c) %wu_temp
if (<message> isin %wu_temp) { set %wu_msg ON }
on *:sockclose:wunderground: {
var %wu_space = $+($chr(45),$chr(124),$chr(45))
var %wu_space2 = $+($chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32))
var %wu_spaceend = $+($chr(45),$chr(124))
set %wu_address $replace(%wu_address,$chr(43),$chr(32))
if (%wu_command == !weather) {
set %wu_present $remove(%wu_full,$chr(9),$chr(32),$chr(44))
if (%wu_present == $null) msg %wu_chan Location not found
if (%wu_present != $null) msg %wu_chan %wu_full $+ : %wu_weather and $+(%wu_temp_f,$chr(176),F,$chr(47),%wu_temp_c,$chr(176),C)
if (%wu_command == !current) {
set %wu_present $remove(%wu_full,$chr(9),$chr(32),$chr(44))
if (%wu_present == $null) msg %wu_chan Location not found
if (%wu_present != $null) msg %wu_chan %wu_full $+ : %wu_weather and $+(%wu_temp_f,$chr(176),F,$chr(47),%wu_temp_c,$chr(176),C) $&
$+ %wu_space2 Heat Index: $+(%wu_heat_index_f,$chr(176),F,$chr(47),%wu_heat_index_c,$chr(176),C)$&
$+ %wu_space2 Winds %wu_wind_string $&
$+ %wu_space2 Windchill: $+(%wu_windchill_f,$chr(176),F,$chr(47),%wu_windchill_c,$chr(176),C) $&
$+ %wu_space2 Pressure: $+(%wu_pressure_in,in,$chr(47),%wu_pressure_mb,mb) $&
$+ %wu_space2 Humidity: %wu_relative_humidity $&
$+ %wu_space2 Dew: $+(%wu_dewpoint_f,$chr(176),F,$chr(47),%wu_dewpoint_c,$chr(176),C) $&
$+ %wu_space2 Visiblity: $+(%wu_visibility_mi,mi,$chr(47),%wu_visibility_km,km)
if (%wu_command == !time) {
msg %wu_chan %wu_full $+ : %wu_local_time
if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
if (%wu_f1_title != $null) {
var %wu_forecast1 $(%wu_f1_title $+ : %wu_f1_fcttext)
var %wu_forecast2 $(%wu_f2_title $+ : %wu_f2_fcttext)
if (%wu_f2_title != %wu_P2_weekday ) var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,$chr(176),F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P2_highc,$chr(176),C) Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,$chr(176),F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P2_lowc,$chr(176),C))
if (%wu_f2_title == %wu_P2_weekday ) var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,$chr(176),F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P3_highc,$chr(176),C) Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,$chr(176),F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P3_lowc,$chr(176),C))
.timer 1 0 msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_forecast1
.timer 1 1 msg %wu_chan %wu_forecast2 %wu_space %wu_forecast3 %wu_spaceend
if (%wu_f1_title == $null) {
var %wu_forecast1 $(%wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)))
var %wu_forecast2 $(%wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)))
var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)))
.timer 1 0 msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_forecast1
.timer 1 1 msg %wu_chan %wu_forecast2 %wu_space %wu_forecast3
if (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
;.timer 1 0 .msg %wu_chan %wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 1 .msg %wu_nick Your forcast for %wu_address
.timer 1 2 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 3 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 4 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 5 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P4_weekday $+ : %wu_P4_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P4_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P4_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P4_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P4_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 6 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P5_weekday $+ : %wu_P5_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P5_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P5_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P5_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P5_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
.timer 1 7 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P6_weekday $+ : %wu_P6_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P6_highf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P6_highc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P6_lowf,$chr(176),F,$chr(40),%wu_P6_lowc,$chr(176),C,$chr(41))
if (%wu_command == !alerts) {
if (%wu_a_count == 0) msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : No Alerts
if (%wu_a_count > 0) {
msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts
var %i 1
while (%i <= %wu_a_count) {
.timer 1 %i msg %wu_chan %wu_a_start $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_description),2) till $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_expires),2) %wu_a_end
inc %i
.timer 1 %i .notice %wu_nick use $chr(2) !alertinfo $chr(2) [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] for alert details
if (%wu_command == !alertinfo) {
if (%wu_a_count == 0) msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : No Alerts
if (%wu_a_count > 0) {
;msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts - See PM for details
.msg %wu_nick %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts
var %i 1 , %i_gc 1
while (%i <= %wu_a_count) {
.timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick $chr(2) $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_description),2) $chr(2) from $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_date),2) till $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_expires),2)
var %i_msg 1
while (%i_msg <= $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_count),2)) {
.timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_message,%i_msg),2)
inc %i_gc
inc %i_msg
inc %i
.timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick --------- End of Alerts -------
;echo -s End-------- of WU $time --------
alias wu_help {
.timer 1 0 .msg %wu_nick $me $+ ' Weather Commands: (16 lines)
.timer 1 1 .msg %wu_nick !weather !current !forecast !forecast5 !alerts !alertinfo !time
.timer 1 2 .msg %wu_nick Use above commands with your desired location.
.timer 1 3 .msg %wu_nick !weather [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport]
.timer 1 4 .msg %wu_nick Examples: !weather 90210 - !weather Beverly Hills, CA - !weather LAX - !weather E2J4C7
.timer 1 5 .msg %wu_nick You can also set a default location for yourself. Just type: !weather REGISTER [location]
.timer 1 6 .msg %wu_nick To remove from the list, simply type !weather REMOVE
.timer 1 7 .msg %wu_nick -----END OF WEATHER HELP -----
alias wu_cleanup {
unset %wu_*
- Original creation
- Added !current command
- Unknown modifications
- Added REGISTER and HELP functions
- Fixed !forecast, !forecast5, !alerts !alertinfo Address still including + sign error.
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