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Created October 14, 2012 23:12
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  • Save FiXato/3890124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FiXato/3890124 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Retrieve page title for YouTube video ID.
# If the url is a youtube URL, make sure we query the api instead of the actual page to prevent triggering captcha requests
if 'v=' in url and ('' in url or '' in url):
m ='v=([\w\d_-]+)', url)
if m:
youtube_id =
url = "" + youtube_id + "&max-results=1&fields=entry(title)&prettyprint=false"
weechat.prnt("", url)
curl -A "Title Retriever" --silent "$1&max-results=1&fields=entry(title)&prettyprint=false"|awk -vRS="</title>" '/<title>/{gsub(/.*<title>|\n+/,"");print;exit}'
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