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Created March 23, 2020 03:05
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Marvin.cs testnet configuration
using IconSDK;
using IconSDK.Account;
using IconSDK.Blockchain;
using IconSDK.Crypto;
using IconSDK.Helpers;
using IconSDK.RPCs;
using IconSDK.Types;
using Marvin.bots;
using Serilog.Core;
using SharedEntities;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using static IconSDK.RPCs.GetTransactionByHashResponseMessage;
namespace Marvin
public class Marvin
private System.Timers.Timer timer;
private string FilePath;
private AppSettings _appsetting;
private Logger _logger;
private string _password;
public Marvin(AppSettings appSetting, Logger logger, string pass)
_appsetting = appSetting;
_logger = logger;
_password = pass;
public Marvin(AppSettings appSetting, Logger logger)
_appsetting = appSetting;
_logger = logger;
public void Run(bool testNet = false)
_logger.Information("Starting Marvin...");
_logger.Information("Getting current price...");
var meanPrices = GetMeanPrices();
_logger.Information($"ICXUSD current price: {meanPrices}");
var tx = CreateTransaction(meanPrices);
_logger.Information($"Updating Daedric...");
var result = UpdateDaedric(tx);
_logger.Information($"Deadric updated tx hash: {result}");
ExceptionHelper.TryNoException(() =>
var getTransactionByHash = new GetTransactionByHash(_appsetting.Network_Url);
TransactionInfo postResult = getTransactionByHash.Invoke(result).Result;
_logger.Information($"Transaction info : {postResult.ToString()}");
}, _logger);
private double GetMeanPrices()
List<double> price = new List<double> { PriceFrom.Binance("ICXUSDT"),
PriceFrom.Velic()}.Where(x => x != 0).ToList();
return Math.Round(price.Select(d => d / price.Count).Sum());
private Transaction CreateTransaction(double price, bool testNet = false)
var builder = new CallTransactionBuilder
NID = 3, //Pass 3 for testNet
PrivateKey = GetPrivateKey(),
To = _appsetting.Daedric_Address,
StepLimit = NumericsHelper.ICX2Loop("0.000000001"),
Method = "post"
//For a general purpose solution to remove scientific notation on a double to string value you need to preserve 339 places
builder.Params["value"] = price.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339));
var tax = builder.Build();
return builder.Build();
private Hash32 UpdateDaedric(Transaction tx)
var transactionRequest = SendTransaction.Create(_appsetting.Network_Url);
var sendResponse = transactionRequest.Invoke(tx).Result;
return sendResponse;
private string GetPrivateKey()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_appsetting.Keystore))
var keyStore = KeyStore.Load(_password, _appsetting.Keystore);
return keyStore.PrivateKey.ToString();
catch (Exception e)
_logger.Error($"Marvin was unable to open the KeyStore, did you enter the correct password? \n {e}");
throw new Exception(e.ToString());
return _appsetting.PrivateKey;
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