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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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~~Big O
Depth First Search (DFS)
Graph of |V| vertices and |E| edges
Average Time Complexity: -
Worst Time Complexity: (Good) O(|E| + |V|)
Worst Space Complexity: O(|V|)
Breadth First Search (BFS)
Graph of |V| vertices and |E| edges
Average Time Complexity: -
Worst Time Complexity: O(|E| + |V|)
Worst Space Complexity: O(|V|)
Binary Search
Sorted array of n elements
Average Time Complexity: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Time Complexity: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Space Complexity: O(1)
Linear (Brute Force)
Average Time Complexity: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Time Complexity: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Space Complexity: O(1)
Shortest Path by Djikstra,
Using Min-Heap as a priority Queue
Graph with |V| vertices and |E| edges
Average Time Complexity: (Fair) O((|V| + |E|) log |V|)
Worst Time Complexity: (Fair) O((|V| + |E|) log |V|)
Worst Space Complexity: (Fair) O(|V|)
Shortest path by Dijkstra,
Using an unsorted array as priority queue
Graph with |V| vertices and |E| edges
Average Time Complexity: (Fair) O(|V|^2)
Worst Time Complexity: (Fair) O(|V|^2)
Worst Space Complexity: (Fair) O(|V|)
Shortest path by Bellman-Ford
Graph with |V| vertices and |E| edges
Average Time Complexity: (Fair) O(|V||E|)
Worst Time Complexity: (Fair) O(|V||E|)
Worst Space Complexity: (Fair) O(|V|)
Quick Sort
Best Time: (Fair) O(n log(n))
Average Time: (Good) O(n log(n))
Worst Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Case Aux.: O(n)
Merge Sort
![alt text]( "Merge Sort")
Best Time: (Fair) O(n log(n))
Average Time: (Good) O(n log(n))
Worst Time: (Good) O(n log(n))
Worst Case Aux.: (Bad) O(n)
Heap Sort
![alt text]( "Heap Sort")
Best Time: (Fair) O(n log(n))
Average Time: (Good) O(n log(n))
Worst Time: (Good) O(n log(n))
Worst Case Aux.: (Good) O(1)
Bubble Sort
![alt text]( "Bubble Sort")
Best Time: (Good) O(n)
Average Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Case Aux.: (Good) O(1)
Insertion Sort
![alt text]( "Insertion Sort")
Best Time: (Good) O(n)
Average Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Case Aux.: (Good) O(1)
Selection Sort
![alt text]( "Selection Sort")
Best Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Average Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Case Aux.: (Good) O(1)
Bucket Sort
1. Set up an array of initially empty "buckets".
2. Scatter: Go over the original array, putting each object in its bucket.
3. Sort each non-empty bucket.
4. Gather: Visit the buckets in order and put all elements back into the original array.
![alt text]( "Bucket Sort")
Best Time: (Good) O(n+k)
Average Time: (Good) O(n+k)
Worst Time: (Bad) O(n^2)
Worst Case Aux.: (Fair) O(nk)
Radix Sort
Best Time: (Good) O(nk)
Average Time: (Good) O(nk)
Worst Time: (Good) O(nk)
Worst Case Aux.: (Fair) O(nk)
![alt text]( "Bucket Sort")
Data Structure: Basic Array
Avg. Case Index: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Insertion: -
Avg. Case Deletion: -
Worst Case Index: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: -
Worst Case Deletion: -
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Dynamic Array
Array resizes
Avg. Case Index: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Index: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Singly-Linked List
Avg. Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(1)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Doubly-Linked List
Avg. Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(1)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Skip List
Avg. Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Space Complexity: (Bad) O(log(n))
Data Structure: Hash Table
Avg. Case Index: -
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(1)
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(1)
Worst Case Index: -
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Binary Search Tree
Avg. Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Cartesian Tree
Avg. Case Index: -
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: -
Worst Case Search: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Insertion: (Bad) O(n)
Worst Case Deletion: (Bad) O(n)
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: B-Tree
Avg. Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Worst Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Red-Black-Tree
Avg. Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: (Fair) O(log(n))
Worst Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: Splay Tree
Avg. Case Index: -
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: -
Worst Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Data Structure: AVL Tree
Avg. Case Index: -
Avg. Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Avg. Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Index: -
Worst Case Search: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Insertion: (Good) O(log(n))
Worst Case Deletion: (Good) O(log(n))
Space Complexity: (Fair) O(n)
Linked List (Sorted) Heap
Heapify: -
Find Max: (Good) O(1)
Extract Max: (Good) O(1)
Increase Key: (Bad) O(n)
Insert: (Bad) O(n)
Delete: (Good) O(1)
Merge: (Bad) O(m+n)
Linked List (Unsorted) Heap
Heapify: -
Find Max: (Bad) O(n)
Extract Max: (Bad) O(n)
Increase Key: (Good) O(1)
Insert: (Good) O(1)
Delete: (Good) O(1)
Merge: (Good) O(1)
Binary Heap
Heapify: (Fair) O(n)
Find Max: (Good) O(1)
Extract Max: (Fair) O(log(n))
Increase Key: (Fair) O(log(n))
Insert: (Fair) O(log(n))
Delete: (Fair) O(log(n))
Merge: (Bad) O(m+n)
Binomial Heap
Heapify: -
Find Max: (Fair) O(log(n))
Extract Max: (Fair) O(log(n))
Increase Key: (Fair) O(log(n))
Insert: (Fair) O(log(n))
Delete: (Fair) O(log(n))
Merge: (Fair) O(log(n))
Fibbonaci Heap
Heapify: -
Find Max: (Good) O(1)
Extract Max: (Fair) O(log(n))*
Increase Key: (Good) O(1)*
Insert: (Good) O(1)
Delete: (Fair) O(log(n))*
Merge: (Good) O(1)
Adjacency List
Storage: (Fair) O(|V|+|E|)
Add Vertex: (Good) O(1)
Add Edge: (Good) O(1)
Remove Vertex: (Fair) O(|V|+|E|)
Remove Edge: (Fair) O(|E|)
Query: (Fair) O(|V|)
Incidence List
Storage: (Fair) O(|V|+|E|)
Add Vertex: (Good) O(1)
Add Edge: (Good) O(1)
Remove Vertex: (Fair) O(|E|)
Remove Edge: (Fair) O(|E|)
Query: (Fair) O(|E|)
Adjacency Matrix
Storage: (Bad) O(|V|^2)
Add Vertex: (Bad) O(|V|^2)
Add Edge: (Good) O(1)
Remove Vertex: (Bad) O(|V|^2)
Remove Edge: (Good) O(1)
Query: (Good) O(1)
Incidence Matrix
Storage: (Bad) O(|V|⋅|E|)
Add Vertex: (Bad) O(|V|⋅|E|)
Add Edge: (Bad) O(|V|⋅|E|)
Remove Vertex: (Bad) O(|V|⋅|E|)
Remove Edge: (Bad) O(|V|⋅|E|)
Query: (Good) O(|E|)
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