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Last active March 30, 2017 10:17
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Nadieh Bremer's Scatterplot with Voronoi - ported to d3.v4, and no SVG overlay
height: 550

This is a D3.v4 port by Philippe Rivière of Nadieh Bremer's block: Step 6 - Final - Voronoi (Distance Limited Tooltip) Scatterplot.

In addition, we use d3.voronoi.find(x,y,radius) to locate the point, instead of relying on a SVG overlay of clipped circles.

This gives:

  1. lazy computation of the Voronoi
  2. other objects are allowed capture the mouse before svg.

------ 8X --------


This scatterplot is part of the extension of my blog on Using a D3 Voronoi grid to improve a chart's interactive experience. After writing that blog Franck Lebeau came with another version which uses large circles to define the tooltip region. I thought this was a great idea! But I made this variation on his code, because I felt that the extra code used in this example (versus the previous version 4) is more in line with the rest of the code.

The tooltip now reacts when you hover over an invisible large circular region around each circle.

You can find all of the steps here

forked from Fil's block: Step 6 - d3.v4 [UNLISTED]

// Version 1.0.2. Copyright 2016 Mike Bostock.
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t(e.d3=e.d3||{})}(this,function(e){"use strict";function t(e){return function(){return e}}function n(e){return e[0]}function i(e){return e[1]}function r(){this._=null}function f(e){e.U=e.C=e.L=e.R=e.P=e.N=null}function u(e,t){var n=t,i=t.R,r=n.U;r?r.L===n?r.L=i:r.R=i:e._=i,i.U=r,n.U=i,n.R=i.L,n.R&&(n.R.U=n),i.L=n}function s(e,t){var n=t,i=t.L,r=n.U;r?r.L===n?r.L=i:r.R=i:e._=i,i.U=r,n.U=i,n.L=i.R,n.L&&(n.L.U=n),i.R=n}function l(e){for(;e.L;)e=e.L;return e}function a(e,t,n,i){var r=[null,null],f=F.push(r)-1;return r.left=e,r.right=t,n&&h(r,e,t,n),i&&h(r,t,e,i),B[e.index].halfedges.push(f),B[t.index].halfedges.push(f),r}function o(e,t,n){var i=[t,n];return i.left=e,i}function h(e,t,n,i){e[0]||e[1]?e.left===n?e[1]=i:e[0]=i:(e[0]=i,e.left=t,e.right=n)}function c(e,t,n,i,r){var f,u=e[0],s=e[1],l=u[0],a=u[1],o=s[0],h=s[1],c=0,d=1,v=o-l,g=h-a;if(f=t-l,v||!(f>0)){if(f/=v,v<0){if(f<c)return;f<d&&(d=f)}else if(v>0){if(f>d)return;f>c&&(c=f)}if(f=i-l,v||!(f<0)){if(f/=v,v<0){if(f>d)return;f>c&&(c=f)}else if(v>0){if(f<c)return;f<d&&(d=f)}if(f=n-a,g||!(f>0)){if(f/=g,g<0){if(f<c)return;f<d&&(d=f)}else if(g>0){if(f>d)return;f>c&&(c=f)}if(f=r-a,g||!(f<0)){if(f/=g,g<0){if(f>d)return;f>c&&(c=f)}else if(g>0){if(f<c)return;f<d&&(d=f)}return!(c>0||d<1)||(c>0&&(e[0]=[l+c*v,a+c*g]),d<1&&(e[1]=[l+d*v,a+d*g]),!0)}}}}}function d(e,t,n,i,r){var f=e[1];if(f)return!0;var u,s,l=e[0],a=e.left,o=e.right,h=a[0],c=a[1],d=o[0],v=o[1],g=(h+d)/2,C=(c+v)/2;if(v===c){if(g<t||g>=i)return;if(h>d){if(l){if(l[1]>=r)return}else l=[g,n];f=[g,r]}else{if(l){if(l[1]<n)return}else l=[g,r];f=[g,n]}}else if(u=(h-d)/(v-c),s=C-u*g,u<-1||u>1)if(h>d){if(l){if(l[1]>=r)return}else l=[(n-s)/u,n];f=[(r-s)/u,r]}else{if(l){if(l[1]<n)return}else l=[(r-s)/u,r];f=[(n-s)/u,n]}else if(c<v){if(l){if(l[0]>=i)return}else l=[t,u*t+s];f=[i,u*i+s]}else{if(l){if(l[0]<t)return}else l=[i,u*i+s];f=[t,u*t+s]}return e[0]=l,e[1]=f,!0}function v(e,t,n,i){for(var r,f=F.length;f--;)d(r=F[f],e,t,n,i)&&c(r,e,t,n,i)&&(Math.abs(r[0][0]-r[1][0])>I||Math.abs(r[0][1]-r[1][1])>I)||delete F[f]}function g(e){return B[e.index]={site:e,halfedges:[]}}function C(e,t){var,i=t.left,r=t.right;return n===r&&(r=i,i=n),r?Math.atan2(r[1]-i[1],r[0]-i[0]):(n===i?(i=t[1],r=t[0]):(i=t[0],r=t[1]),Math.atan2(i[0]-r[0],r[1]-i[1]))}function p(e,t){return t[+(t.left!]}function L(e,t){return t[+(]}function R(){for(var e,t,n,i,r=0,f=B.length;r<f;++r)if((e=B[r])&&(i=(t=e.halfedges).length)){var u=new Array(i),s=new Array(i);for(n=0;n<i;++n)u[n]=n,s[n]=C(e,F[t[n]]);for(u.sort(function(e,t){return s[t]-s[e]}),n=0;n<i;++n)s[n]=t[u[n]];for(n=0;n<i;++n)t[n]=s[n]}}function y(e,t,n,i){var r,f,u,s,l,a,h,c,d,v,g,C,R=B.length,y=!0;for(r=0;r<R;++r)if(f=B[r]){for(,l=f.halfedges,s=l.length;s--;)F[l[s]]||l.splice(s,1);for(s=0,a=l.length;s<a;)v=L(f,F[l[s]]),g=v[0],C=v[1],h=p(f,F[l[++s%a]]),c=h[0],d=h[1],(Math.abs(g-c)>I||Math.abs(C-d)>I)&&(l.splice(s,0,F.push(o(u,v,Math.abs(g-e)<I&&i-C>I?[e,Math.abs(c-e)<I?d:i]:Math.abs(C-i)<I&&n-g>I?[Math.abs(d-i)<I?c:n,i]:Math.abs(g-n)<I&&C-t>I?[n,Math.abs(c-n)<I?d:t]:Math.abs(C-t)<I&&g-e>I?[Math.abs(d-t)<I?c:e,t]:null))-1),++a);a&&(y=!1)}if(y){var b,M,U,x=1/0;for(r=0,y=null;r<R;++r)(f=B[r])&&(,b=u[0]-e,M=u[1]-t,U=b*b+M*M,U<x&&(x=U,y=f));if(y){var N=[e,t],P=[e,i],_=[n,i],k=[n,t];y.halfedges.push(F.push(o(,N,P))-1,F.push(o(u,P,_))-1,F.push(o(u,_,k))-1,F.push(o(u,k,N))-1)}}for(r=0;r<R;++r)(f=B[r])&&(f.halfedges.length||delete B[r])}function b(){f(this),}function M(e){var t=e.P,n=e.N;if(t&&n){var,,;if(i!==f){var u=r[0],s=r[1],l=i[0]-u,a=i[1]-s,o=f[0]-u,h=f[1]-s,c=2*(l*h-a*o);if(!(c>=-J)){var d=l*l+a*a,v=o*o+h*h,g=(h*d-a*v)/c,C=(l*v-o*d)/c,p=G.pop()||new b;p.arc=e,,p.x=g+u,p.y=(*g+C*C),;for(var L=null,R=D._;R;)if(p.y<R.y||p.y===R.y&&p.x<=R.x){if(!R.L){L=R.P;break}R=R.L}else{if(!R.R){L=R;break}R=R.R}D.insert(L,p),L||(z=p)}}}}function U(e){var;t&&(t.P||(z=t.N),D.remove(t),G.push(t),f(t),}function x(){f(this),}function N(e){var t=H.pop()||new x;return,t}function P(e){U(e),O.remove(e),H.push(e),f(e)}function _(e){var,n=t.x,,r=[n,i],f=e.P,u=e.N,s=[e];P(e);for(var l=f;<I&&Math.abs(<I;)f=l.P,s.unshift(l),P(l),l=f;s.unshift(l),U(l);for(var o=u;<I&&Math.abs(<I;)u=o.N,s.push(o),P(o),o=u;s.push(o),U(o);var c,d=s.length;for(c=1;c<d;++c)o=s[c],l=s[c-1],h(o.edge,,,r);l=s[0],o=s[d-1],o.edge=a(,,null,r),M(l),M(o)}function k(e){for(var t,n,i,r,f=e[0],u=e[1],s=O._;s;)if(i=w(s,u)-f,i>I)s=s.L;else{if(r=f-m(s,u),!(r>I)){i>-I?(t=s.P,n=s):r>-I?(t=s,n=s.N):t=n=s;break}if(!s.R){t=s;break}s=s.R}g(e);var l=N(e);if(O.insert(t,l),t||n){if(t===n)return U(t),n=N(,O.insert(l,n),l.edge=n.edge=a(,,M(t),void M(n);if(!n)return void(l.edge=a(,;U(t),U(n);var,c=o[0],d=o[1],v=e[0]-c,C=e[1]-d,,L=p[0]-c,R=p[1]-d,y=2*(v*R-C*L),b=v*v+C*C,x=L*L+R*R,P=[(R*b-C*x)/y+c,(v*x-L*b)/y+d];h(n.edge,o,p,P),l.edge=a(o,e,null,P),n.edge=a(e,p,null,P),M(t),M(n)}}function w(e,t){var,i=n[0],r=n[1],f=r-t;if(!f)return i;var u=e.P;if(!u)return-(1/0);;var s=n[0],l=n[1],a=l-t;if(!a)return s;var o=s-i,h=1/f-1/a,c=o/a;return h?(-c+Math.sqrt(c*c-2*h*(o*o/(-2*a)-l+a/2+r-f/2)))/h+i:(i+s)/2}function m(e,t){var n=e.N;if(n)return w(n,t);var;return i[1]===t?i[0]:1/0}function A(e,t,n){return(e[0]-n[0])*(t[1]-e[1])-(e[0]-t[0])*(n[1]-e[1])}function j(e,t){return t[1]-e[1]||t[0]-e[0]}function q(e,t){var n,i,f,u=e.sort(j).pop();for(F=[],B=new Array(e.length),O=new r,D=new r;;)if(f=z,u&&(!f||u[1]<f.y||u[1]===f.y&&u[0]<f.x))u[0]===n&&u[1]===i||(k(u),n=u[0],i=u[1]),u=e.pop();else{if(!f)break;_(f.arc)}if(R(),t){var s=+t[0][0],l=+t[0][1],a=+t[1][0],o=+t[1][1];v(s,l,a,o),y(s,l,a,o)}this.edges=F,this.cells=B,O=D=F=B=null}function E(){function e(e){return new q(,n){var i=[Math.round(r(t,n,e)/I)*I,Math.round(f(t,n,e)/I)*I];return i.index=n,,i}),u)}var r=n,f=i,u=null;return e.polygons=function(t){return e(t).polygons()},e.links=function(t){return e(t).links()},e.triangles=function(t){return e(t).triangles()},e.x=function(n){return arguments.length?(r="function"==typeof n?n:t(+n),e):r},e.y=function(n){return arguments.length?(f="function"==typeof n?n:t(+n),e):f},e.extent=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=null==t?null:[[+t[0][0],+t[0][1]],[+t[1][0],+t[1][1]]],e):u&&[[u[0][0],u[0][1]],[u[1][0],u[1][1]]]},e.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=null==t?null:[[0,0],[+t[0],+t[1]]],e):u&&[u[1][0]-u[0][0],u[1][1]-u[0][1]]},e}r.prototype={constructor:r,insert:function(e,t){var n,i,r;if(e){if(t.P=e,t.N=e.N,e.N&&(e.N.P=t),e.N=t,e.R){for(e=e.R;e.L;)e=e.L;e.L=t}else e.R=t;n=e}else this._?(e=l(this._),t.P=null,t.N=e,e.P=e.L=t,n=e):(t.P=t.N=null,this._=t,n=null);for(t.L=t.R=null,t.U=n,t.C=!0,e=t;n&&n.C;)i=n.U,n===i.L?(r=i.R,r&&r.C?(n.C=r.C=!1,i.C=!0,e=i):(e===n.R&&(u(this,n),e=n,n=e.U),n.C=!1,i.C=!0,s(this,i))):(r=i.L,r&&r.C?(n.C=r.C=!1,i.C=!0,e=i):(e===n.L&&(s(this,n),e=n,n=e.U),n.C=!1,i.C=!0,u(this,i))),n=e.U;this._.C=!1},remove:function(e){e.N&&(e.N.P=e.P),e.P&&(e.P.N=e.N),e.N=e.P=null;var t,n,i,r=e.U,f=e.L,a=e.R;if(n=f?a?l(a):f:a,r?r.L===e?r.L=n:r.R=n:this._=n,f&&a?(i=n.C,n.C=e.C,n.L=f,f.U=n,n!==a?(r=n.U,n.U=e.U,e=n.R,r.L=e,n.R=a,a.U=n):(n.U=r,r=n,e=n.R)):(i=e.C,e=n),e&&(e.U=r),!i){if(e&&e.C)return void(e.C=!1);do{if(e===this._)break;if(e===r.L){if(t=r.R,t.C&&(t.C=!1,r.C=!0,u(this,r),t=r.R),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.R&&t.R.C||(t.L.C=!1,t.C=!0,s(this,t),t=r.R),t.C=r.C,r.C=t.R.C=!1,u(this,r),e=this._;break}}else if(t=r.L,t.C&&(t.C=!1,r.C=!0,s(this,r),t=r.L),t.L&&t.L.C||t.R&&t.R.C){t.L&&t.L.C||(t.R.C=!1,t.C=!0,u(this,t),t=r.L),t.C=r.C,r.C=t.L.C=!1,s(this,r),e=this._;break}t.C=!0,e=r,r=r.U}while(!e.C);e&&(e.C=!1)}}};var z,O,B,D,F,G=[],H=[],I=1e-6,J=1e-12;q.prototype={constructor:q,polygons:function(){var e=this.edges;return{var{return p(t,e[n])});return,n})},triangles:function(){var e=[],t=this.edges;return this.cells.forEach(function(n,i){for(var r,,u=n.halfedges,s=-1,l=u.length,a=t[u[l-1]],o=a.left===f?a.right:a.left;++s<l;)r=o,a=t[u[s]],o=a.left===f?a.right:a.left,i<r.index&&i<o.index&&A(f,r,o)<0&&e.push([,,])}),e},links:function(){return this.edges.filter(function(e){return e.right}).map(function(e){return{,}})},_found:0,find:function(e,t,n){var i,r=this,f=r._found,u=r.cells[f]||r.cells[f=0],[0],[1],a=s*s+l*l;do u=r.cells[i=f],f=null,u.halfedges.forEach(function(n){var i=r.edges[n],s=i.left;if(s!||(s=i.right),s){var l=e-s[0],o=t-s[1],h=l*l+o*o;if(h<a)return a=h,void(f=s.index)}});while(null!==f);return r._found=i,!n||a<n*n?}},e.voronoi=E,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/>
<title>Scatterplot with Voronoi</title>
<!-- D3.js -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- D3-voronoi with .find(x,y) -->
<script src="d3-voronoi.min.js"></script>
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<script src="//"></script>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
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<script src="//"></script>
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body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #525252;
text-align: center;
.axis path,
.axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #B3B3B3;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.axis text {
font-size: 10px;
fill: #6B6B6B;
.countries {
pointer-events: none;
.guide {
pointer-events: none;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 600;
.popover {
pointer-events: none;
.legendCircle {
stroke-dasharray:2 2;
.legendLine {
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stroke: #D1D1D1;
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.col-sm-9 {
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.col-sm-3 {
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<div id="cont" class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row scatter">
<h5 style="color: #3B3B3B;">Life expectancy versus GDP per Capita</h5>
<h6 style="color: #A6A6A6;">Look ma! No SVG overlay!</h6>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id = "legend" class="col-sm-3" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px;">
<div class="legendTitle" style="font-size: 12px;">REGION</div>
<div id="legend"></div>
<script src="worldbank.js"></script>
<script src="script.js"></script>
//////////////////////// Set-up ////////////////////////////
//Quick fix for resizing some things for mobile-ish viewers
var mobileScreen = ($( window ).innerWidth() < 500 ? true : false);
var margin = {left: 60, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 60},
width = Math.min($("#chart").width(), 840) - margin.left - margin.right,
height = width*2/3;
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", (width + margin.left + margin.right))
.attr("height", (height + + margin.bottom));
var wrapper = svg.append("g").attr("class", "chordWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
///////////// Initialize Axes & Scales ///////////////
var opacityCircles = 0.7,
maxDistanceFromPoint = 50;
//Set the color for each region
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.range(["#EFB605", "#E58903", "#E01A25", "#C20049", "#991C71", "#66489F", "#2074A0", "#10A66E", "#7EB852"])
.domain(["Africa | North & East", "Africa | South & West", "America | North & Central", "America | South",
"Asia | East & Central", "Asia | South & West", "Europe | North & West", "Europe | South & East", "Oceania"]);
//Set the new x axis range
var xScale = d3.scaleLog()
.range([0, width])
.domain([100,2e5]); //I prefer this exact scale over the true range and then using "nice"
//.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP_perCapita; }))
//Set new x-axis
var xAxis = d3.axisBottom()
.tickFormat(function (d) {
return xScale.tickFormat((mobileScreen ? 4 : 8),function(d) {
return d3.format('$.2s')(d);
//Append the x-axis
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + height + ")")
//Set the new y axis range
var yScale = d3.scaleLinear()
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.lifeExpectancy; }))
var yAxis = d3.axisLeft()
.ticks(6) //Set rough # of ticks
//Append the y-axis
.attr("class", "y axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + 0 + "," + 0 + ")")
//Scale for the bubble size
var rScale = d3.scaleSqrt()
.range([mobileScreen ? 1 : 2, mobileScreen ? 10 : 16])
.domain(d3.extent(countries, function(d) { return d.GDP; }));
///////////////// Initialize Labels //////////////////
//Set up X axis label
.attr("class", "x title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width + "," + (height - 10) + ")")
.text("GDP per capita [US $] - Note the logarithmic scale");
//Set up y axis label
.attr("class", "y title")
.attr("text-anchor", "end")
.style("font-size", (mobileScreen ? 8 : 12) + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(18, 0) rotate(-90)")
.text("Life expectancy");
///// Capture mouse events and voronoi.find() the site /////
// Use the same variables of the data in the .x and .y as used in the cx and cy of the circle call
svg._tooltipped = svg._voronoi = null;
svg.on('mousemove', function() {
if (!svg._voronoi) {
console.log('computing the voronoi…');
svg._voronoi = d3.voronoi()
.x(function(d) { return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita); })
.y(function(d) { return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy); })
var p = d3.mouse(this), site;
p[0] -= margin.left;
p[1] -=;
// don't react if the mouse is close to one of the axis
if (p[0] < 5 || p[1] < 5) {
site = null;
} else {
site = svg._voronoi.find(p[0], p[1], maxDistanceFromPoint);
if (site !== svg._tooltipped) {
if (svg._tooltipped) removeTooltip(
if (site) showTooltip(;
svg._tooltipped = site;
/////////////////// Scatterplot Circles ////////////////////
//Initiate a group element for the circles
var circleGroup = wrapper.append("g")
.attr("class", "circleWrapper");
//Place the country circles
.data(countries.sort(function(a,b) { return b.GDP > a.GDP; })) //Sort so the biggest circles are below
.attr("class", function(d,i) { return "countries " + d.CountryCode; })
.attr("cx", function(d) {return xScale(d.GDP_perCapita);})
.attr("cy", function(d) {return yScale(d.lifeExpectancy);})
.attr("r", function(d) {return rScale(d.GDP);})
.style("opacity", opacityCircles)
.style("fill", function(d) {return color(d.Region);});
///////////////////////// Create the Legend////////////////////////////////
if (!mobileScreen) {
var legendMargin = {left: 5, top: 10, right: 5, bottom: 10},
legendWidth = 145,
legendHeight = 270;
var svgLegend ="#legend").append("svg")
.attr("width", (legendWidth + legendMargin.left + legendMargin.right))
.attr("height", (legendHeight + + legendMargin.bottom));
var legendWrapper = svgLegend.append("g").attr("class", "legendWrapper")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + legendMargin.left + "," + +")");
var rectSize = 15, //dimensions of the colored square
rowHeight = 20, //height of a row in the legend
maxWidth = 144; //widht of each row
//Create container per rect/text pair
var legend = legendWrapper.selectAll('.legendSquare')
.attr('class', 'legendSquare')
.attr("transform", function(d,i) { return "translate(" + 0 + "," + (i * rowHeight) + ")"; })
.style("cursor", "pointer")
.on("mouseover", selectLegend(0.02))
.on("mouseout", selectLegend(opacityCircles));
//Non visible white rectangle behind square and text for better hover
.attr('width', maxWidth)
.attr('height', rowHeight)
.style('fill', "white");
//Append small squares to Legend
.attr('width', rectSize)
.attr('height', rectSize)
.style('fill', function(d) {return d;});
//Append text to Legend
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + 22 + ',' + (rectSize/2) + ')')
.attr("class", "legendText")
.style("font-size", "10px")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d,i) { return color.domain()[i]; });
//Create g element for bubble size legend
var bubbleSizeLegend = legendWrapper.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (legendWidth/2 - 30) + "," + (color.domain().length*rowHeight + 20) +")");
//Draw the bubble size legend
bubbleLegend(bubbleSizeLegend, rScale, legendSizes = [1e11,3e12,1e13], legendName = "GDP (Billion $)");
}//if !mobileScreen
else {"#legend").style("display","none");
/////////////////// Bubble Legend ////////////////////
function bubbleLegend(wrapperVar, scale, sizes, titleName) {
var legendSize1 = sizes[0],
legendSize2 = sizes[1],
legendSize3 = sizes[2],
legendCenter = 0,
legendBottom = 50,
legendLineLength = 25,
textPadding = 5,
numFormat = d3.format(",");
.attr("transform", "translate(" + legendCenter + "," + 0 + ")")
.attr("x", 0 + "px")
.attr("y", 0 + "px")
.attr("dy", "1em")
.attr('r', scale(legendSize1))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize2))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('r', scale(legendSize3))
.attr('cx', legendCenter)
.attr('cy', (legendBottom-scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)));
.attr('x1', legendCenter)
.attr('y1', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('x2', (legendCenter + legendLineLength))
.attr('y2', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)));
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize1)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize1/1e9)) + " B");
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize2)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize2/1e9)) + " B");
.attr('x', (legendCenter + legendLineLength + textPadding))
.attr('y', (legendBottom-2*scale(legendSize3)))
.attr('dy', '0.25em')
.text("$ " + numFormat(Math.round(legendSize3/1e9)) + " B");
//////////////////// Hover function for the legend ////////////////////////
//Decrease opacity of non selected circles when hovering in the legend
function selectLegend(opacity) {
return function(d, i) {
var chosen = color.domain()[i];
.filter(function(d) { return d.Region != chosen; })
.style("opacity", opacity);
}//function selectLegend
/////////////////// Hover functions of the circles ////////////////////////
//Hide the tooltip when the mouse moves away
function removeTooltip (d, i) {
//Save the chosen circle (so not the voronoi)
var element = d3.selectAll(".countries."+d.CountryCode);
//Fade out the bubble again"opacity", opacityCircles);
//Hide tooltip
$('.popover').each(function() {
//Fade out guide lines, then remove them
.style("opacity", 0)
}//function removeTooltip
//Show the tooltip on the hovered over slice
function showTooltip (d, i) {
//Save the chosen circle (so not the voronoi)
var element =".countries."+d.CountryCode),
el = element._groups[0];
//Define and show the tooltip
placement: 'auto top',
container: '#chart',
trigger: 'manual',
html : true,
content: function() {
return "<span style='font-size: 11px; text-align: center;'>" + d.Country + "</span>"; }
//Make chosen circle more visible"opacity", 1);
//Place and show tooltip
var x = +element.attr("cx"),
y = +element.attr("cy"),
color ="fill");
//Append lines to bubbles that will be used to show the precise data points
//vertical line
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x1", x)
.attr("x2", x)
.attr("y1", y)
.attr("y2", height + 20)
.style("stroke", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the axis
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x", x)
.attr("y", height + 38)
.style("fill", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("text-anchor", "middle")
.text( "$ " + d3.format(".2s")(d.GDP_perCapita) )
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//horizontal line
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x1", x)
.attr("x2", -20)
.attr("y1", y)
.attr("y2", y)
.style("stroke", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("opacity", 0.5);
//Value on the axis
.attr("class", "guide")
.attr("x", -25)
.attr("y", y)
.attr("dy", "0.35em")
.style("fill", color)
.style("opacity", 0)
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.text( d3.format(".1f")(d.lifeExpectancy) )
.style("opacity", 0.5);
}//function showTooltip
var countries = [
"Country": "Afghanistan",
"CountryCode": "AFG",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15936784437.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 561.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.60009756
"Country": "Albania",
"CountryCode": "ALB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 11926957254.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 4094.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.9785122
"Country": "Algeria",
"CountryCode": "DZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 161207304960.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 4349.57,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.61660976
"Country": "Angola",
"CountryCode": "AGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 82470894868.33,
"GDP_perCapita": 4218.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 50.65417073
"Country": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"CountryCode": "ATG",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1135539037.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 13017.31,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.33390244
"Country": "Argentina",
"CountryCode": "ARG",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 462703793707.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 11460.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.66356098
"Country": "Armenia",
"CountryCode": "ARM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 9260287416.06,
"GDP_perCapita": 3124.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21965854
"Country": "Aruba",
"CountryCode": "ABW",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2467703910.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 24289.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.95202439
"Country": "Australia",
"CountryCode": "AUS",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 1141267760188.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 51800.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.69512195
"Country": "Austria",
"CountryCode": "AUT",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 389656071767.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 46590.61,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.5804878
"Country": "Azerbaijan",
"CountryCode": "AZE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 52902703376.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 5842.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45029268
"Country": "Bahamas, The",
"CountryCode": "BHS",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 7.91e+09,
"GDP_perCapita": 21941.87,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.59239024
"Country": "Bahrain",
"CountryCode": "BHR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 25713544824.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 20545.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.26485366
"Country": "Bangladesh",
"CountryCode": "BGD",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115279077465.23,
"GDP_perCapita": 762.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.48580488
"Country": "Barbados",
"CountryCode": "BRB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4433700000,
"GDP_perCapita": 15812.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.80178049
"Country": "Belarus",
"CountryCode": "BLR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 55220932613.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 5818.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.40487805
"Country": "Belgium",
"CountryCode": "BEL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 484404271608.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 44358.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.23414634
"Country": "Belize",
"CountryCode": "BLZ",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1397113450,
"GDP_perCapita": 4527.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.2704878
"Country": "Benin",
"CountryCode": "BEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 6561782312.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 690,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.74668293
"Country": "Bermuda",
"CountryCode": "BMU",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 5744414000,
"GDP_perCapita": 88207.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.28853659
"Country": "Bhutan",
"CountryCode": "BTN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1585396256.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 2211.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.00468293
"Country": "Bolivia",
"CountryCode": "BOL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 19649631308.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1934.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.31970732
"Country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"CountryCode": "BIH",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 16847493058.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 4380.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.80668293
"Country": "Botswana",
"CountryCode": "BWA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 13746712711.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 6980.36,
"lifeExpectancy": 46.44029268
"Country": "Brazil",
"CountryCode": "BRA",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2143067871759.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 10978.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.07531707
"Country": "Brunei Darussalam",
"CountryCode": "BRN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 12369708858.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 30880.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.98865854
"Country": "Bulgaria",
"CountryCode": "BGR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 48669060511.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 6580.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.51219512
"Country": "Burkina Faso",
"CountryCode": "BFA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8992678844.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 578.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.0067561
"Country": "Burundi",
"CountryCode": "BDI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2026864414.47,
"GDP_perCapita": 219.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 52.62402439
"Country": "Cabo Verde",
"CountryCode": "CPV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1664310632.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 3413.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.85697561
"Country": "Cambodia",
"CountryCode": "KHM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11242266333.93,
"GDP_perCapita": 782.62,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.64336585
"Country": "Cameroon",
"CountryCode": "CMR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 23622482954.8,
"GDP_perCapita": 1145.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.69482927
"Country": "Canada",
"CountryCode": "CAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1614072093764.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 47465.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.8934878
"Country": "Central African Republic",
"CountryCode": "CAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1986014759.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 456.56,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.09873171
"Country": "Chad",
"CountryCode": "TCD",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10657705536.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 909.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.76985366
"Country": "Chile",
"CountryCode": "CHL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 217501911333.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 12681.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.05046341
"Country": "China",
"CountryCode": "CHN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5930502270312.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 4433.34,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.88502439
"Country": "Colombia",
"CountryCode": "COL",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 287018184637.53,
"GDP_perCapita": 6179.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.36768293
"Country": "Comoros",
"CountryCode": "COM",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 516962949.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 756.81,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.20341463
"Country": "Congo, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "COG",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12007880067.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 2920.41,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.20402439
"Country": "Costa Rica",
"CountryCode": "CRI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 36298327669.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 7773.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.27970732
"Country": "Cote d'Ivoire",
"CountryCode": "CIV",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 24884503950.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 1311.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.67529268
"Country": "Croatia",
"CountryCode": "HRV",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 59643818181.82,
"GDP_perCapita": 13500.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.47560976
"Country": "Cuba",
"CountryCode": "CUB",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 64328220000,
"GDP_perCapita": 5701.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.71778049
"Country": "Cyprus",
"CountryCode": "CYP",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 23132450331.13,
"GDP_perCapita": 27889.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.30982927
"Country": "Czech Republic",
"CountryCode": "CZE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 207016402026.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 19764.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 77.42439024
"Country": "Denmark",
"CountryCode": "DNK",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 319812413596.9,
"GDP_perCapita": 57647.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.1
"Country": "Djibouti",
"CountryCode": "DJI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1128611700.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 1353.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.29119512
"Country": "Dominican Republic",
"CountryCode": "DOM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 53042943731.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 5295.4,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.79214634
"Country": "Ecuador",
"CountryCode": "ECU",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 69555367000,
"GDP_perCapita": 4636.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.64770732
"Country": "Egypt, Arab Rep.",
"CountryCode": "EGY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 218887812549.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 2803.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.45082927
"Country": "El Salvador",
"CountryCode": "SLV",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 21418300000,
"GDP_perCapita": 3444.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 71.63441463
"Country": "Equatorial Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GNQ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11582917790.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16638.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.53307317
"Country": "Eritrea",
"CountryCode": "ERI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2117039510.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 368.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.18509756
"Country": "Estonia",
"CountryCode": "EST",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 19479012423.35,
"GDP_perCapita": 14629.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.42926829
"Country": "Ethiopia",
"CountryCode": "ETH",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 29933790334.34,
"GDP_perCapita": 343.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.46795122
"Country": "Fiji",
"CountryCode": "FJI",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 3140508835.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 3649.38,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.38231707
"Country": "Finland",
"CountryCode": "FIN",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 247799815768.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 46202.42,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.87073171
"Country": "France",
"CountryCode": "FRA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2646837111794.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 40706.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.66341463
"Country": "Gabon",
"CountryCode": "GAB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 14569527124.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 9362.11,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.2897561
"Country": "Gambia, The",
"CountryCode": "GMB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 951827284.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 566.35,
"lifeExpectancy": 58.1335122
"Country": "Georgia",
"CountryCode": "GEO",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 11638536834.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 2613.76,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.67473171
"Country": "Germany",
"CountryCode": "DEU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 3412008772736.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 41723.37,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.98780488
"Country": "Ghana",
"CountryCode": "GHA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 32174839712.79,
"GDP_perCapita": 1326.09,
"lifeExpectancy": 60.59956098
"Country": "Greece",
"CountryCode": "GRC",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 299598056253.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 26861.46,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.38780488
"Country": "Grenada",
"CountryCode": "GRD",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 771015875.27,
"GDP_perCapita": 7365.67,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.33687805
"Country": "Guatemala",
"CountryCode": "GTM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 41337958251.63,
"GDP_perCapita": 2882.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.99597561
"Country": "Guinea",
"CountryCode": "GIN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 4735956475.83,
"GDP_perCapita": 435.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.298
"Country": "Guinea-Bissau",
"CountryCode": "GNB",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 847491366.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 534.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.55843902
"Country": "Guyana",
"CountryCode": "GUY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 2259288396.24,
"GDP_perCapita": 2873.95,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.7024878
"Country": "Haiti",
"CountryCode": "HTI",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 6622541528.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 669.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.8667561
"Country": "Honduras",
"CountryCode": "HND",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 15839344591.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 2078.33,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.85031707
"Country": "Hong Kong SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "HKG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 228637697575.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 32550,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.97804878
"Country": "Hungary",
"CountryCode": "HUN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 129585601615.85,
"GDP_perCapita": 12958.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.20731707
"Country": "Iceland",
"CountryCode": "ISL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 13261035516.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 41695.99,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.89756098
"Country": "India",
"CountryCode": "IND",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1708458876829.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 1417.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.6942439
"Country": "Indonesia",
"CountryCode": "IDN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 709190823319.75,
"GDP_perCapita": 2946.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.16785366
"Country": "Iran, Islamic Rep.",
"CountryCode": "IRN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 422567967404.51,
"GDP_perCapita": 5674.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.13014634
"Country": "Iraq",
"CountryCode": "IRQ",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 138516722649.57,
"GDP_perCapita": 4473.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.8297561
"Country": "Ireland",
"CountryCode": "IRL",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 218435251789.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 47900.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.74390244
"Country": "Israel",
"CountryCode": "ISR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 232907996790.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 30550.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.60243902
"Country": "Italy",
"CountryCode": "ITA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2126620402889.09,
"GDP_perCapita": 35875.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.03658537
"Country": "Jamaica",
"CountryCode": "JAM",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 13230844040.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 4917.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.84712195
"Country": "Japan",
"CountryCode": "JPN",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5495387182996.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 42909.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.84268293
"Country": "Jordan",
"CountryCode": "JOR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 26425379436.62,
"GDP_perCapita": 4370.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.43587805
"Country": "Kazakhstan",
"CountryCode": "KAZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 148047348240.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 9070.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.29536585
"Country": "Kenya",
"CountryCode": "KEN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 40000138830.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.54707317
"Country": "Kiribati",
"CountryCode": "KIR",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 150431113.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 1539.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.88382927
"Country": "Korea, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "KOR",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 1094499350178.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 22151.21,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.55121951
"Country": "Kuwait",
"CountryCode": "KWT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115428557470.18,
"GDP_perCapita": 38584.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.16192683
"Country": "Kyrgyz Republic",
"CountryCode": "KGZ",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 4794357795.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 880.04,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.3
"Country": "Lao PDR",
"CountryCode": "LAO",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 7181441151.89,
"GDP_perCapita": 1122.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89843902
"Country": "Latvia",
"CountryCode": "LVA",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 24009680459.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 11446.51,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.48292683
"Country": "Lebanon",
"CountryCode": "LBN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 38009950248.76,
"GDP_perCapita": 8755.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.25278049
"Country": "Lesotho",
"CountryCode": "LSO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2175692207.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 1083.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 47.48341463
"Country": "Liberia",
"CountryCode": "LBR",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 1292696475.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 326.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.43431707
"Country": "Libya",
"CountryCode": "LBY",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 74755288916.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 12375.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.7924878
"Country": "Lithuania",
"CountryCode": "LTU",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 36709511568.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 11852.17,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.26829268
"Country": "Luxembourg",
"CountryCode": "LUX",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 52143650382.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 102856.97,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.63170732
"Country": "Macao SAR, China",
"CountryCode": "MAC",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 28359706123.1,
"GDP_perCapita": 53045.88,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.69295122
"Country": "Macedonia, FYR",
"CountryCode": "MKD",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 9338674078.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 4442.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.72214634
"Country": "Madagascar",
"CountryCode": "MDG",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 8729936135.74,
"GDP_perCapita": 414.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 63.34973171
"Country": "Malawi",
"CountryCode": "MWI",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5398616984.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.46570732
"Country": "Malaysia",
"CountryCode": "MYS",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 247533525517.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 8754.24,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.49558537
"Country": "Maldives",
"CountryCode": "MDV",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 2134104883.7,
"GDP_perCapita": 6552.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.78631707
"Country": "Mali",
"CountryCode": "MLI",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9422267259.99,
"GDP_perCapita": 673.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.77073171
"Country": "Malta",
"CountryCode": "MLT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 8163841059.6,
"GDP_perCapita": 19695.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.39756098
"Country": "Mauritania",
"CountryCode": "MRT",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3526947608.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 977.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.0232439
"Country": "Mauritius",
"CountryCode": "MUS",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9718233910.68,
"GDP_perCapita": 7772.1,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.96731707
"Country": "Mexico",
"CountryCode": "MEX",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1051627949327,
"GDP_perCapita": 8920.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.69029268
"Country": "Micronesia, Fed. Sts.",
"CountryCode": "FSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 294117200,
"GDP_perCapita": 2838.45,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.62173171
"Country": "Moldova",
"CountryCode": "MDA",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 5811604051.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 1631.54,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.45812195
"Country": "Mongolia",
"CountryCode": "MNG",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 6200357070.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 2285.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.89460976
"Country": "Montenegro",
"CountryCode": "MNE",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 4114881346.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 6636.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41673171
"Country": "Morocco",
"CountryCode": "MAR",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 90770671431.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 2822.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.17158537
"Country": "Mozambique",
"CountryCode": "MOZ",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 10165353591.17,
"GDP_perCapita": 424.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 49.13707317
"Country": "Namibia",
"CountryCode": "NAM",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 11281996426.04,
"GDP_perCapita": 5177.68,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.48029268
"Country": "Nepal",
"CountryCode": "NPL",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 15994094606.97,
"GDP_perCapita": 595.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.10492683
"Country": "Netherlands",
"CountryCode": "NLD",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 836389937229.2,
"GDP_perCapita": 50338.25,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "New Zealand",
"CountryCode": "NZL",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 143466743661.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 32975.55,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.70243902
"Country": "Nicaragua",
"CountryCode": "NIC",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 8938209651.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 1535.19,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.79512195
"Country": "Niger",
"CountryCode": "NER",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5718589550.16,
"GDP_perCapita": 359.8,
"lifeExpectancy": 56.98563415
"Country": "Nigeria",
"CountryCode": "NGA",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 369062403181.95,
"GDP_perCapita": 2310.86,
"lifeExpectancy": 51.28941463
"Country": "Norway",
"CountryCode": "NOR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 420945705225.42,
"GDP_perCapita": 86096.14,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.99756098
"Country": "Oman",
"CountryCode": "OMN",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 58641352878.43,
"GDP_perCapita": 20922.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.04580488
"Country": "Pakistan",
"CountryCode": "PAK",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 177165635077.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 1023.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.12634146
"Country": "Panama",
"CountryCode": "PAN",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 28814100000,
"GDP_perCapita": 7833.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.94870732
"Country": "Papua New Guinea",
"CountryCode": "PNG",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 9717175432.14,
"GDP_perCapita": 1416.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.00780488
"Country": "Paraguay",
"CountryCode": "PRY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20030529733.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 3100.84,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.02665854
"Country": "Peru",
"CountryCode": "PER",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 148522810971.5,
"GDP_perCapita": 5075.48,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.90509756
"Country": "Philippines",
"CountryCode": "PHL",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 199589447424.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 2135.92,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.23026829
"Country": "Poland",
"CountryCode": "POL",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 476687891752.07,
"GDP_perCapita": 12484.07,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.24634146
"Country": "Portugal",
"CountryCode": "PRT",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 238303443425.21,
"GDP_perCapita": 22538.65,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.02682927
"Country": "Qatar",
"CountryCode": "QAT",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 125122249141.25,
"GDP_perCapita": 71510.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.14604878
"Country": "Russian Federation",
"CountryCode": "RUS",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1524916112078.87,
"GDP_perCapita": 10709.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 68.85609756
"Country": "Rwanda",
"CountryCode": "RWA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 5698548923.48,
"GDP_perCapita": 525.85,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.21214634
"Country": "Samoa",
"CountryCode": "WSM",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 643059403.01,
"GDP_perCapita": 3456.77,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.40802439
"Country": "Sao Tome and Principe",
"CountryCode": "STP",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 201037916.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 1127.98,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.85368293
"Country": "Saudi Arabia",
"CountryCode": "SAU",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 526811466666.67,
"GDP_perCapita": 19326.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.07560976
"Country": "Senegal",
"CountryCode": "SEN",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 12932427724.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 998.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.84187805
"Country": "Serbia",
"CountryCode": "SRB",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 39368633038.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 5399.3,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.33658537
"Country": "Seychelles",
"CountryCode": "SYC",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 973360306.52,
"GDP_perCapita": 10842.82,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.19756098
"Country": "Sierra Leone",
"CountryCode": "SLE",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 2578159495.56,
"GDP_perCapita": 448.22,
"lifeExpectancy": 44.83895122
"Country": "Singapore",
"CountryCode": "SGP",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 236420337242.78,
"GDP_perCapita": 46569.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.54146341
"Country": "Slovak Republic",
"CountryCode": "SVK",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 89011919205.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 16509.9,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.11219512
"Country": "Slovenia",
"CountryCode": "SVN",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 47972988741.72,
"GDP_perCapita": 23417.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 79.42195122
"Country": "Solomon Islands",
"CountryCode": "SLB",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 681587104.77,
"GDP_perCapita": 1294.69,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.06665854
"Country": "South Africa",
"CountryCode": "ZAF",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 375349442837.19,
"GDP_perCapita": 7389.96,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.3907561
"Country": "Spain",
"CountryCode": "ESP",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 1431587612302.26,
"GDP_perCapita": 30736,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.62682927
"Country": "Sri Lanka",
"CountryCode": "LKA",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 49567521669.91,
"GDP_perCapita": 2400.02,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.75526829
"Country": "St. Lucia",
"CountryCode": "LCA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1244297407.41,
"GDP_perCapita": 7014.2,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.41102439
"Country": "St. Vincent and the Grenadines",
"CountryCode": "VCT",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 681225962.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 6231.71,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18492683
"Country": "Sudan",
"CountryCode": "SDN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 65632081240.3,
"GDP_perCapita": 1439.52,
"lifeExpectancy": 61.47829268
"Country": "Suriname",
"CountryCode": "SUR",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 4368398047.64,
"GDP_perCapita": 8321.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.33582927
"Country": "Swaziland",
"CountryCode": "SWZ",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3891575151.61,
"GDP_perCapita": 3261.6,
"lifeExpectancy": 48.3457561
"Country": "Sweden",
"CountryCode": "SWE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 488377689564.92,
"GDP_perCapita": 52076.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 81.45121951
"Country": "Switzerland",
"CountryCode": "CHE",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 581208562423.37,
"GDP_perCapita": 74276.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 82.24634146
"Country": "Tajikistan",
"CountryCode": "TJK",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 5642178579.58,
"GDP_perCapita": 739.73,
"lifeExpectancy": 66.9955122
"Country": "Tanzania",
"CountryCode": "TZA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 30917376837.12,
"GDP_perCapita": 707.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 59.18170732
"Country": "Thailand",
"CountryCode": "THA",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 318907930075.71,
"GDP_perCapita": 4802.66,
"lifeExpectancy": 73.81378049
"Country": "Togo",
"CountryCode": "TGO",
"Region": "Africa | South & West",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 3172945506.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 503.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 55.46887805
"Country": "Tonga",
"CountryCode": "TON",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 369212477.46,
"GDP_perCapita": 3546.78,
"lifeExpectancy": 72.18263415
"Country": "Trinidad and Tobago",
"CountryCode": "TTO",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 20758191857.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 15630.05,
"lifeExpectancy": 69.59736585
"Country": "Tunisia",
"CountryCode": "TUN",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 44426016487.36,
"GDP_perCapita": 4212.15,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.60243902
"Country": "Turkey",
"CountryCode": "TUR",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 731168051903.11,
"GDP_perCapita": 10135.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.21119512
"Country": "Turkmenistan",
"CountryCode": "TKM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 22148070175.44,
"GDP_perCapita": 4392.72,
"lifeExpectancy": 65.01821951
"Country": "Uganda",
"CountryCode": "UGA",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 18803852465.55,
"GDP_perCapita": 553.26,
"lifeExpectancy": 57.29653659
"Country": "Ukraine",
"CountryCode": "UKR",
"Region": "Europe | South & East",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 136419300367.96,
"GDP_perCapita": 2974,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.26536585
"Country": "United Arab Emirates",
"CountryCode": "ARE",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 286049293398.98,
"GDP_perCapita": 33885.93,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.59860976
"Country": "United Kingdom",
"CountryCode": "GBR",
"Region": "Europe | North & West",
"Continent": "Europe",
"GDP": 2407933767804.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 38363.44,
"lifeExpectancy": 80.40243902
"Country": "United States",
"CountryCode": "USA",
"Region": "America | North & Central",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 1.49644e+13,
"GDP_perCapita": 48377.39,
"lifeExpectancy": 78.54146341
"Country": "Uruguay",
"CountryCode": "URY",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 38881102099.88,
"GDP_perCapita": 11530.64,
"lifeExpectancy": 76.61621951
"Country": "Uzbekistan",
"CountryCode": "UZB",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 39332770928.94,
"GDP_perCapita": 1377.08,
"lifeExpectancy": 67.8587561
"Country": "Vanuatu",
"CountryCode": "VUT",
"Region": "Oceania",
"Continent": "Oceania",
"GDP": 700804286.22,
"GDP_perCapita": 2965.75,
"lifeExpectancy": 70.83890244
"Country": "Venezuela, RB",
"CountryCode": "VEN",
"Region": "America | South",
"Continent": "Americas",
"GDP": 393801556872.31,
"GDP_perCapita": 13559.13,
"lifeExpectancy": 74.17046341
"Country": "Vietnam",
"CountryCode": "VNM",
"Region": "Asia | East & Central",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 115931749904.86,
"GDP_perCapita": 1333.58,
"lifeExpectancy": 75.31173171
"Country": "Yemen, Rep.",
"CountryCode": "YEM",
"Region": "Asia | South & West",
"Continent": "Asia",
"GDP": 31743751169.32,
"GDP_perCapita": 1394.53,
"lifeExpectancy": 62.52765854
"Country": "Zambia",
"CountryCode": "ZMB",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 20265396325.59,
"GDP_perCapita": 1533.28,
"lifeExpectancy": 54.52756098
"Country": "Zimbabwe",
"CountryCode": "ZWE",
"Region": "Africa | North & East",
"Continent": "Africa",
"GDP": 9456808200,
"GDP_perCapita": 723.16,
"lifeExpectancy": 53.59312195
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I like this adaptation of Nadieh Bremer's Scatterplot with Voronoi.

I'm lacking experience with D3, thus my question: how would you add zooming functionality to this chart?

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