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Last active February 28, 2019 15:26
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Save FilipDominec/c3663987f3a48325f840addfd193994c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loads ASCII-exported spectra from Princeton spectrometer, exports "worm plot" of spectral position and intensity of the peak
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Batch fitting of multiple spectra - evaluation of spectroscopic response of InGaN/GaN quantum-well sensors to the
presence of surface charges induced by gases or liquids.
./ <filename>.dat
filename = ASCII data file to be processed, in the format exported by Princeton monochromator of four columns
corresponding to: 0. wavelength, 1. numbering of spectral acquisition, 2. nothing, 3. rel. intensity
= spectrum as background contours, detected emission energy as black line
= fitting results: n, Ifit, E0fit, FWHMfit, Ip, Ep, Is,Ecom,
n - number of spectrum
Ifit, E0fit, FWHMfit - fitting results, see fitting function in the code below
Ip, Ep - intensity and energy of 'peak point', i.e. absolute maximum
= the worm plot Is, Ecom - summed intensity and center-of-mass position
## Import common moduli
import matplotlib, sys, os, time
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, hbar, pi
## ========== User settings ===========
## Single-Gaussian fitting, similar as above, but no phonon replicas (samples differ by their spectra from the model)
## I - peak integral intensity
## E0 - central energy
## FWHM - full width at half maximum of the major peak
## R - describe the ratio of consecutive LO-phonon replicas in GaN, each red-shifted by 0.092 eV
def fit_func(E, I, E0, FWHM):
return I/FWHM* np.exp(-(E-E0)**2/(FWHM/2)**2 * np.log(2))
fit_bounds = ([0, 1240/490, .001], [1e7, 1240/420, .4])
file_note = ''
## Plotting options
worm_yscale = 'log' # Logarithmic intensity axis for wormplots may better enable to compare sample evolution
ylim = (2.4, 2.95) # Energy limits for plotting (just visual)
## Spectral clipping to the visible region (clips actual data - affects fitting)
clipcenter, clipwidth = (ylim[0]+ylim[1])/2, (ylim[1]-ylim[0]) # note: use high value for clipwidth to disable clipping
## Debugging options:
limit_number_of_spectra = False # set to False to process spectra up to the end
pick_each_nth_spectrum = 1 # use 1 to process each spectrum
debugmode = False # Will also export a diagnostics of the selected spectral fit
## Experimental features for future
flatten_rel_file_path = False
subtract_background = False # experimental!
## Experimental: uncomment for double-peak fitting (may need fine-tuning to converge!)
#def fit_func(E, I, E0, FWHM, I2, DeltaE, FWHM2): ## Experimental
#return I /FWHM* np.exp(-(E -E0)**2/(FWHM /2)**2 * np.log(2)) + \
#I /FWHM * np.exp(-(E -E0)**2/(FWHM /2)**2 * np.log(2))
#fit_bounds = ([0, 2.7, .001, 0, 0.05, .001], [1e6, 2.9, .3, 1e6, 0.25, .2])
#file_note = 'double_gaussian'
## ========== End of user settings ===========
## Three different plotting functions
def plot_diagnostic():
fig = plt.figure(); ax = plt.subplot(111)
plt.plot(energy_eV, intensity, 'b-') # The measured spectrum
if 'file_note' != 'double_gaussian':
plt.plot(energy_eV, fit_func(energy_eV, *popt), 'g--', label='fit: I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
else :
ax.plot(energy_eV, fit_func(energy_eV, *popt), 'k--',
label='fit: I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f, I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
popt2 = popt.copy(); popt2[0]= 0 # First Gaussian separately
ax.plot(energy_eV, fit_func(energy_eV, *popt2), 'r--',
label='fit: I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f, I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
popt2 = popt.copy(); popt2[3]= 0 # Second Gaussian separately
ax.plot(energy_eV, fit_func(energy_eV, *popt2), 'g--',
label='fit: I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f, I=%5.3f, E0=%5.3f, FWHM=%5.3f' % tuple(popt))
#fig.title(popt) # todo
plt.savefig(outfilename + file_note + '_fit_diagnostic{:}.png'.format(num))
def plot_all_spectra_2D():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
ax.contourf(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1], energy_eV, intensities[:num+1,:].T, levels=np.linspace(np.min(intensities), np.max(intensities), 100))
ax.plot(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1:], results_for_file[:,2], ls='-', c='k', label='Gaussian fit centre')
ax.plot(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1], results_for_file[:,2]+results_for_file[:,3]/2, ls='-', c='k', lw=.5, label='Gaussian fit +/- FWHM/2')
ax.plot(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1], results_for_file[:,2]-results_for_file[:,3]/2, ls='-', c='k', lw=.5, label='')
ax.plot(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1], results_for_file[:,5], ls='-.', c='k', label='Maximum position')
ax.plot(np.arange(n_spec)[:num+1], results_for_file[:,7], ls='--', c='k', label='Center-of-Mass position')
if ylim: plt.ylim(ylim) # Force y-limit of plotting
plt.xlabel(u"spectral curve number");
plt.ylabel(u"energy (eV)");
plt.legend(prop={'size':10}, loc='upper right')
## This is an optional ugly hack to get a secondary y-axis for wavelength
def right_tick_function(p): return 1240/p
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.set_ylabel('wavelength (nm)')
## If we wish nice round numbers on the secondary axis ticks...
right_ax_limits = sorted([right_tick_function(lim) for lim in ax.get_ylim()])
yticks2 = matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=20, steps=[1,2,5]).tick_values(*right_ax_limits)
## ... we must give them correct positions. To do so, we need to numerically invert the tick values:
from scipy.optimize import brentq
def right_tick_function_inv(r, target_value=0):
return brentq(lambda r,q: right_tick_function(r) - target_value, ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1], 1e6)
valid_ytick2loc, valid_ytick2val = [], []
for ytick2 in yticks2:
valid_ytick2loc.append(right_tick_function_inv(0, ytick2))
except ValueError: ## (skip tick if the ticker.MaxNLocator gave invalid target_value to brentq optimization)
ax2.set_yticks(valid_ytick2loc) ## Finally, we set the positions and tick values
from matplotlib.ticker import FixedFormatter
ax2.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FixedFormatter(["%g" % righttick for righttick in valid_ytick2val]))
figure_name = outfilename+file_note+'_contours.png'
gprint(" 2D spectral data plotted to " + figure_name + '\n')
fig.savefig(outfilename+file_note+'_contours.png', bbox_inches='tight')
fig.savefig(outfilename+file_note+'_contours.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_worm(results_for_batch, labels):
clip = 0
step = 1
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)); ax = plt.subplot(111)
matplotlib.rc('font', size=12, family='serif')
for results_for_file, label in zip(results_for_batch, labels):
ny = results_for_file[clip::step,1] # intensity
nx = results_for_file[clip::step,2] # spectral position
w = results_for_file[clip::step,3] # spectral width
nw = w-np.min(w)*0.99 # remember spectral width intensity
ll = "%s" % (label.replace('0s','0185ms').replace('FWHM','').split('.dat')[0]) + \
(" (FWHM: {:3.0f}$-${:3.0f} meV)".format(np.min(w[clip:])*1e3,np.max(w[clip:])*1e3))
if 'NOLABEL' in ll:
ll = ''
ll = ll.rsplit('/',1)[-1].replace(' fit.txt','').replace('.txt','')
ax.scatter(nx, ny, label=ll, s=120*nw/np.max(nw), marker='o', alpha=1)
ax.scatter(nx[0], ny[0], label="", color='k', s=80, marker='$s$', alpha=1)
ax.plot(nx, ny, label="", lw=.5, c='k')
if worm_yscale == 'log':
globmin = min(np.min(yy) for yy in ys[::3])
globmax = max(np.max(yy) for yy in ys[::3])
if globmin < 0.5*globmax: ax.set_ylim(ymin=0)
ax.set_xlabel("fitted peak energy (eV)")
ax.set_ylabel("spectral intensity (a.u.)")
#plot_title = sharedlabels[-6:] ## last few labels that are shared among all curves make a perfect title
ax.set_title('', fontsize=10)
ax.legend(loc='best', prop={'size':8})
plt.savefig(outfilename + file_note + '_worms.png', bbox_inches='tight') # todo switch from plt. to fig.
plt.savefig(outfilename + file_note + '_worms.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
## User interaction
if len(sys.argv) == 1: # if no parameters given, enter the interactive GUI mode
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.title(' processing report')
T = Text(root, height=20, width=150)
filenames = filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir = os.getcwd(),
title = "Select spectral data file to be processed, please",
filetypes = (("DAT files","*.dat"),("all files","*.*")))
T = None
filenames = sys.argv[1:]
def gprint(*args, **kwargs): # printing in the stdout and possibly into the window
if T:
T.insert(END, ' '.join(args)+'\n')
print(*args, **kwargs)
## Load and delinearize the spectral data (according to spectrum numbering in the 3rd column of the DAT file)
results_for_batch, names_for_batch = [], []
for filename in filenames:
gprint("Processing", filename)
outfilename = filename.replace('.dat', '').replace('%', 'pct')
if flatten_rel_file_path: ## Experimental: will put all output into the working directory
outfilename = outfilename.replace('./','').replace('/','-')
wl, spec_id, intens = np.genfromtxt(filename, usecols=[0,2,3], unpack=True)
n_spec = int(np.max(spec_id))
energy_eV = 1239.8 / wl[:int(len(wl)/n_spec)] # nm -> eV
intensities = np.reshape(intens, (n_spec,-1))
if subtract_background:
bg = np.mean(intensities[:,:-10],axis=1)
intensities -= np.outer(bg, np.ones_like(intensities[0]))
## If specified, apply data clipping
clipwindow = np.abs(energy_eV-clipcenter) < clipwidth/2
energy_eV, intensities = energy_eV[clipwindow], intensities[:, clipwindow]
## Main cycle
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
results_for_file = []
for num, intensity in enumerate(intensities):
intensity = intensity*energy_eV**2
if num%pick_each_nth_spectrum != 0: continue
## (not used) peak finding
E_ordered_by_I = energy_eV[np.argsort(intensity)]
peak_I = np.max(intensity)
peak_eV = E_ordered_by_I[-1]
percentile10 = E_ordered_by_I[len(E_ordered_by_I)//10]
percentile0 = E_ordered_by_I[0]
## (not used) center of mass computation
sum_intensity = np.sum(intensity)
center_of_mass_eV = np.sum(energy_eV*intensity)/sum_intensity
## fitting
popt, pcov = curve_fit(fit_func, energy_eV, intensity, bounds=(fit_bounds))
if debugmode and num in list_of_explicit_fit_plots:
except Exception as e:
popt = [np.NaN]*3
gprint('line %d: fit failed' % num, e)
## Record results
if np.nan not in popt:
results_for_spectrum = [num] + list(popt) + [peak_I, peak_eV, sum_intensity/len(intensity), center_of_mass_eV]
if limit_number_of_spectra and num > limit_number_of_spectra: break
results_for_file = np.array(results_for_file)
## Outputting results
fit_name = outfilename+file_note+'_fit.txt'
np.savetxt(fit_name, results_for_file, fmt="%.8g", header='#n\tI_fit\tE0_fit\tFWHM_fit\tI_peak\tE0_peak\tI_sum\tE0_center_of_mass')
gprint(" fit successful, results exported to " + fit_name + '\n')
plot_worm(results_for_batch, names_for_batch)
gprint("Worm plot of all data exported to " + outfilename + file_note + '_worms.png' + '\n')
if T:
gprint("Fitting and plotting finished, this window will automatically close after 15 s.")
## Simple axes
#plt.xlim((-0.1,1.1)); plt.xscale('linear')
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Example of worm plot:

Examples of contour plots:

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