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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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  • Save FilipDominec/eae584ca5ab3476c4160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FilipDominec/eae584ca5ab3476c4160 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- or, how eˣ can be approximated by fractions having small degrees of numerator/denominator
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## Import common moduli
from __future__ import division
import matplotlib, sys, os, time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, hbar, pi
## Use LaTeX
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
matplotlib.rc('font', size=8)
matplotlib.rc('text.latex', preamble = '\usepackage{amsmath}, \usepackage{yfonts}, \usepackage{txfonts}, \usepackage{lmodern},')
x=np.linspace(-1,3, 100)
plt.plot(x,np.exp(x), c='k')
# m = 0
plt.plot(x,(1)/(np.ones_like(x)) , c='r', alpha=1)
plt.plot(x,(1)/(1 - x) , c='r', alpha=.7)
plt.plot(x,(1)/(1 - x + (1/2)*x**2) , c='r', alpha=.4)
plt.plot(x,(1)/(1 - x + (1/2)*x**2 - (1/6)*x**3), c='r', alpha=.2)
# m = 1
plt.plot(x,(1 + x)/(1) , c='g', alpha=1)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (1/2)*x)/(1 - (1/2)*x) , c='g', alpha=.7)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (1/3)*x)/(1 - (2)/(3)*x + (1)/(6)*x**2) , c='g', alpha=.5)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (1/4)*x)/(1 - (3/4)*x + (1)/(4)*x**2 - (1/24)*x**3), c='g', alpha=.4)
# m = 3
plt.plot(x,(1 + x + (1/2)*x**2 + (1)/(6)*x**3)/(1) , c='b', alpha=1)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (3/4)*x + (1)/(4)*x**2 + (1/24)*x**3)/(1 - (1/4)*x) , c='b', alpha=.7)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (3/5)*x + (3)/(20)*x**2 + (1)/(60)*x**3)/(1 - (2/5)*x + (1/20)*x**2) , c='b', alpha=.5)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (1/2)*x + (1)/(10)*x**2 + (1)/(120)*x**3)/(1 - (3/7)*x + (1)/(10)*x**2 - (1)/(120)*x**3), c='b', alpha=.4)
# m = 4
plt.plot(x,(1 + x + (1/2)*x**2 + (1)/(6)*x**3+ (1/24)*x**4)/(1) , c='c', alpha=1)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (4/5)*x + (3/10)*x**2 + (1)/(15)*x**3+ (1)/(120)*x**4)/(1 - (1/5)*x) , c='c', alpha=.7)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (2/3)*x + (1/5)*x**2 + (1)/(30)*x**3+ (1)/(360)*x**4)/(1 - (1/3)*x + (1)/(30)*x**2) , c='c', alpha=.5)
plt.plot(x,(1 + (4/7)*x + (1/7)*x**2 + (2)/(105)*x**3+ (1)/(840)*x**4)/(1 - (3/7)*x + (1)/(14)*x**2 - (1/210)*x**3), c='c', alpha=.4)
## Simple axes
plt.ylim((-1,5)); plt.yscale('linear')
#plt.xlim((-0.1,1.1)); plt.xscale('linear')
## ==== Outputting ====
## Finish the plot + save
plt.legend(prop={'size':10}, loc='upper right')
plt.savefig("output.png", bbox_inches='tight')
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